Tag: books

WWW Wednesday

Posted December 4, 2024 by Nicky in General / 6 Comments

2024 really is ticking to a close at alarming speed, huh? Here we go again, another Wednesday!

What have you recently finished reading?

Mostly comics and short graphic novels, playing with my new colour ereader. The last one I finished was Savage Red Sonja: Queen of the Frozen Wastes. I enjoyed Gail Simone’s run on Red Sonja, so I wanted to see if I was interested enough to read some other collections. Answer… maybe? It remains not 100% my thing, and I think I’d prefer it in the hands of female writers, but there is something enjoyable about just leaning into the tropes and letting Sonja rock her chainmail bikini.

Cover of The Spellshop by Sarah Beth DurstWhat are you currently reading?

I’ve been focused on shorter books for a bit, to match my tired-out attention span. In the background I’m slowly reading The Spellshop, which I’m enjoying well enough, but isn’t blowing me away — possibly due to the aforementioned attention span.

I’ve also started on Murder at the Ashmolean, by Jim Eldridge; the series is kinda shrug, but mysteries tend to work for me even when I’m not getting through books with more world-building and such.

Cover of The Potency of Ungovernable Impulses by Malka OlderWhat will you read next?

I just snagged a review copy of Malka Older’s The Potency of Ungovernable Impulses from Netgalley, so I’m inclined to read that right away — it’s just short enough that I can probably finish it in one go, which is another way to handle my short attention span. I love this series, too.

Other than that, I’m not sure!

How about you?

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Review – The Book at War

Posted December 3, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – The Book at War

The Book at War

by Andrew Pettegree

Genres: History, Non-fiction
Pages: 480
Rating: three-stars

Chairman Mao was a librarian. Stalin was a published poet. Evelyn Waugh served as a commando - before leaving to write Brideshead Revisited. Since the advent of modern warfare, books have all too often found themselves on the frontline. In The Book at War, acclaimed historian Andrew Pettegree traces the surprising ways in which written culture - from travel guides and scientific papers to Biggles and Anne Frank - has shaped, and been shaped, by the conflicts of the modern age. From the American Civil War to the invasion of Ukraine, books, authors and readers have gone to war - and in the process become both deadly weapons and our most persuasive arguments for peace.

Andrew Pettegree’s The Book at War delves into how books, libraries, and literacy more generally have been used in war, in various contexts. There’s a lot to say about the World Wars, and particularly World War II, but the book doesn’t start there or finish there. It begins, in fact, by discussing military education and the kind of libraries provided for the teaching of future officers (often heavy on the classics).

I found it overall a bit slower than I’d hoped, and sometimes more prone to explaining what was happening exactly in the wars discussed; that makes sense, of course, to give people context — but at the same time, some of it felt fairly tangential to the topic of “libraries and readers in an age of conflict” (the subtitle of the book). Sometimes the topic is interpreted very broadly, as when it discussed the leaflets dropped in various efforts with propaganda. Sure, some people read those, but it didn’t feel very related to libraries.

I knew a surprising amount of the information here, in the end, but it was still interesting to reflect on the role of libraries and librarians specifically, and how often they have been collaborators with pretty much whatever the people in power wanted. We often thinks of books and reading as very liberal, but this book gives the lie to that (so do some of the book blogs I see around, to be fair; yeesh!).

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The Secret of Chimneys

Posted December 2, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – The Secret of Chimneys

The Secret of Chimneys

by Agatha Christie

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 400
Series: Superintendent Battle #1
Rating: three-stars

Little did Anthony Cade suspect that an errand for a friend would land him at the center of a deadly conspiracy. Drawn into a web of intrigue, he begins to realize that the simple favor has placed him in serious danger.

As events unfold, the combined forces of Scotland Yard and the French Sûreté gradually converge on Chimneys, the great country estate that hides an amazing secret.

Agatha Christie’s The Secret of Chimneys is one I’d tried to start before, but hadn’t got into at the time — I think because it just felt convoluted from the start. This time, reading it via Serial Reader, I enjoyed it rather more: Cade and his irreverent tone, Virginia and her lively curiosity about life (and reluctance to accept conventionality for the sake of it), and poor Lord Caterham, forced to host political meetings because of the traditions around his house (leave the poor man alone).

There are a few points where she really bucks the stereotypical trends in mystery stories, e.g. when Cade confides some of what’s going on to Battle, cutting through a lot of suspicion to clear up some of the webs of mystery (which only sharpens interest in other aspects, of course). There were several turns that were clearly intended to be surprises which I found very obvious, but it was still fun to see how things come to light.

In a way, the romance isn’t very different to that in The Man in the Brown Suit, but the difference in point of view and a touch less focus on it helps; it still feels abrupt, but I found it significantly less annoying. (I suppose it also helps that they meet under somewhat different circumstances, too.) I’m also reading a biography of Agatha Christie at the moment, and I think it’s right there’s a touch of her first husband in some of her protagonists, Anthony Cade included.

Anyway, an enjoyable mystery.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Nothing But The Truth

Posted December 1, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Nothing But The Truth

Nothing But The Truth

by The Secret Barrister

Genres: Memoir, Non-fiction
Pages: 299
Rating: two-stars

The third book from the #1 bestselling, award-winning author. In this tell-all memoir, the Secret Barrister describes their journey and reveals how they came to be . . .

I’ve enjoyed the Secret Barrister’s books in general, and they’re pretty eye-opening about the state of criminal law in the UK. There’s some value as well to this memoir, Nothing But The Truth, in that it tries to chart SB’s development from being what I’d consider a typical Daily Mail reader to a somewhat more nuanced, leftist set of views.

That said, it felt somewhat self-indulgent, and really like there wasn’t much here that hasn’t been said before, better, in SB’s other books. It definitely dragged on a long time, as SB showed us the mishaps of the training, of cases that went badly, etc. There are disconnected snippets of all sorts of trials, some included for apparent comedy value. Mostly… it felt like an exercise in self-deprecation, despite the repeated reference to the egos of barristers. It feels like maybe it was written because SB felt there needed to be another book, not because they have more to say.

There were still interesting things here, but it felt padded, alas.

Rating: 2/5

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted November 30, 2024 by Nicky in General / 25 Comments

Hurrah, it’s Saturday! I’ve been spending the day finishing up my wife’s custom “advent calendar”, but it’s time to think about books now!

Books acquired this week

I managed to get down to the library this week, hurrah! It was cold later in the week, but there was one warmer day that was perfect at the start of the week.

Cover of The Scholar & The Last Fairy Door by H.G. Parry Cover of Fated Winds and Promising Seas by Rose Black Cover of Miss Beeton's Murder Agency by Josie Lloyd

I keep meaning to try H.G. Parry’s work, and I’m pretty sure I have a book by Rose Black already on my TBR. As for Miss Beeton’s Murder Agency, it looks like a fun seasonal mystery! I enjoyed reading a bunch of those around Christmas last year, so I thought I’d give this one a shot.

I did get a couple of new books to test out my new ereader with, as well. It’s my first colour one, so I wanted to pick a book with colour, and also a manga to try out on it (since one of the reasons to get a faster ereader was to spend more time reading manga).

Cover of The Apothecary Diaries volume 1, by Natsu Hyuuga Cover of Penguins and Other Sea Birds by Matt Sewell

I actually got a few of Sewell’s books, but I’m not reviewing them all here — it’d be very repetitive.

Posts from the last week

As usual, here’s the round-up!

I didn’t do TTT this week, so the only other post is my What Are You Reading Wednesday post.

What I’m reading

First of all, let’s have a peek at what I’ve finished in the last week which I plan to review here! Here’s a sneak peek:

Cover of Blind Spot by Maud Rowell Cover of Murder in the Bookshop by Carolyn Wells Cover of The Pumpkin Spice Café by Laurie Gilmore Cover of Penguins and Other Sea Birds by Matt Sewell

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 1 by Akane Tamura Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 2 by Akane Tamura Cover of The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 3 by Akane Tamura

I’ll be rereading more of A Side Character’s Love Story this weekend, and I think digging into Murder at the Ashmolean, by Jim Eldridge. I’d like to get round to more of The Spellshop, too.

And that’s me for the week! How’s everyone doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Review – Rose/House

Posted November 29, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Rose/House


by Arkady Martine

Genres: Mystery, Science Fiction
Pages: 128
Rating: four-stars

Basit Deniau’s houses were haunted to begin with.

A house embedded with an artificial intelligence is a common thing: a house that is an artificial intelligence, infused in every load-bearing beam and fine marble tile with a thinking creature that is not human? That is something else altogether. But now Deniau’s been dead a year, and Rose House is locked up tight, as commanded by the architect’s will: all his possessions and files and sketches are confined in its archives, and their only keeper is Rose House itself. Rose House, and one other.

Dr. Selene Gisil, one of Deniau’s former protĂ©gĂ©, is permitted to come into Rose House once a year. She alone may open Rose House’s vaults, look at drawings and art, talk with Rose House’s animating intelligence all she likes. Until this week, Dr. Gisil was the only person whom Rose House spoke to.

But even an animate intelligence that haunts a house has some failsafes common to all AIs. For instance: all AIs must report the presence of a dead body to the nearest law enforcement agency.

There is a dead person in Rose House. The house says so. It is not Basit Deniau, and it is not Dr. Gisil. It is someone else. Rose House, having completed its duty of care and informed Detective Maritza Smith of the China Lake police precinct that there is in fact a dead person inside it, dead of unnatural causes—has shut up.

No one can get inside Rose House, except Dr. Gisil. Dr. Gisil was not in North America when Rose House called the China Lake precinct. But someone did. And someone died there. And someone may be there still.

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I’ve been curious about Arkady Martine’s Rose/House for a while, but it wasn’t available as an ebook in the UK, so I set it aside for the future. When I spotted it for request on Netgalley, I admit I rather swooped on it! I think the description tends to suggest it’s a science fiction mystery, but I’d argue it comes out closer to horror than to mystery in many ways, playing with themes and scenes that wouldn’t be out of place in a horror novel.

All in all, it might be best not to cling too tightly to labels and let the story speak for itself, though. Certainly the AI at the centre of the story, Rose House, seems to be playing around: it allows Detective Maritza Smith into the house, under the conceit that she is not a person but “the precinct” — and Maritza plays along.

It’s all as unsettling as Rose House itself is described to be, with bizarre scenes like a dead body stuffed with rose petals, the descriptions of weird architecture, and the obvious hold that Basit Deniau has over Selene Gisil, despite his death. The setup does sound like it’s meant to be an “impossible crime”/locked room type mystery — but I think we’re given something else that plays with that concept. (Though I think there are elements of “fair play” mystery here; we’re told something important that we may not notice is important, but we have the clue.)

I enjoyed it a lot, and I’m glad I got to read it.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – A Side Character’s Love Story, vol 1

Posted November 28, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – A Side Character’s Love Story, vol 1

A Side Character's Love Story

by Akane Tamura

Genres: Manga, Romance
Pages: 160
Series: A Side Character's Love Story #1
Rating: three-stars

Growing up, Nobuko Tanaka was always a "side character" standing off in the corner. Now in her 20s, she's fallen in love for the first time. While she isn't any good at being assertive, she will muster her courage bit by bit as she tries her best to close the distance between herself and her crush -- because even side characters fall in love. If you're tired of the same old romantic protagonists, this modest, refreshing love story is for you.

Akane Tamura’s A Side Character’s Love Story is a really cute series with a hecking slow burn. The main character feels herself to be nothing but a side character — but as the manga opens, she starts on the very first steps of a romance of her own, a story that’s just hers. This is a reread for me; now that I’m following the series as each new volume comes out (after bingeing the first ~14 volumes originally), I was starting to get hazy about some characters’ stories, so it felt like a good time to revisit.

As the volume starts, Nobuko is working part-time in a convenience store while finishing up her studies. She has a massive crush on a co-worker Irie Hiroki, who realises slowly that he’s interested in her too. And that’s about as far as we get in this volume!

One thing I’d forgotten somewhat was how painfully awkward Nobuko (and Hiroki!) can be. Such self-doubt and agonising! Some of it is just being young and having a crush for the first time, because it’s new to both of them; sometimes it’s a really accurate portrayal of Nobuko having anxiety (though this is never explicitly discussed as such, it’s all too recognisable). That smooths out later in the story, because the manga also follows Nobuko and Hiroki maturing and navigating various milestones, buuuut it’s very prominent here.

And for those less gifted at reading visuals: the art is simple and easy to follow, and the important characters have distinct enough designs to be able to follow who’s who.

Rating: 3/5

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WWW Wednesday

Posted November 27, 2024 by Nicky in General / 0 Comments

Aaand it’s Wednesday!

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 1 by Akane TamuraWhat have you recently finished reading?

It’s still a bit of a bad time for reading for me, but I did get provoked into being more enthusiastic by the arrival of a new gadget: my first colour ereader! So I read Penguins and Other Sea Birds, by Matt Sewell, which has colour illustrations — you know, just to test out the capabilities… It was cute, but I found that he exaggerated some of the weird shapes and features of birds, and the results are a bit visually confusing at times compared to looking at an actual photo.

The crested auklet image was shockingly accurate, though.

One of the reasons for me to get a new 7″ ereader was for manga, so I’ve also been indulging in a reread of A Side Character’s Love Story, since I have started to forget some of the characters from earlier volumes now I’m reading the new ones as they come out. I’ve only reread the first volume so far.

Cover of The Secret Adversary by Agatha ChristieWhat are you currently reading?​

Nothing very actively, despite my best intentions. I’m most of the way through Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary; I read that a bit a day via Serial Reader, but I might get the last issues delivered all at once and finish that up. It’s cutting me off at odd places at the moment, e.g. right in the middle of a character’s big reveals.

Cover of The Apothecary Diaries volume 1, by Natsu HyuugaWhat will you read next?

More of A Side Character’s Love Story, for sure. Other than that… I’m not sure. I’m tempted to give Natsu Hyuuga’s The Apothecary Diaries a shot, and I’m sure I have some other manga and graphic novels saved to lists to check out at some point.

It might also be a way of catching up a bit with my reading goal for the year. I was probably too ambitious, since I need to read 75 more books by the end of the year to meet it… but still, it’d be nice to get a bit closer.

How’s everyone else doing?

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Review – The Pumpkin Spice CafĂ©

Posted November 26, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – The Pumpkin Spice CafĂ©

The Pumpkin Spice Café

by Laurie Gilmore

Genres: Romance
Pages: 357
Rating: one-star

When Jeanie’s aunt gifts her the beloved Pumpkin Spice CafĂ© in the small town of Dream Harbour, Jeanie jumps at the chance for a fresh start away from her very dull desk job.

Logan is a local farmer who avoids Dream Harbour’s gossip at all costs. But Jeanie’s arrival disrupts Logan’s routine and he wants nothing to do with the irritatingly upbeat new girl, except that he finds himself inexplicably drawn to her.

Will Jeanie’s happy-go-lucky attitude win over the grumpy-but-gorgeous Logan, or has this city girl found the one person in town who won’t fall for her charm, or her pumpkin spice lattes

Laurie Gilmore’s The Pumpkin Spice Café just… isn’t very good? The characters feel flat, even though they’re given quirks and identifying features: the way they see each other doesn’t match up at all with how they’re thinking and feeling and describing themselves, but not in a way that feels like “whoa, yeah, this person has self-esteem issues”. Jeanie acts neurotic and terrified of everything (and her internal monologue tells us that she is), and Logan reads “perky and cute”. It feels like two paper cutouts being pressed together, “Now kiss!”

The insta-love doesn’t help.

It mostly feels like someone wanting to write a small town romance and then making really, really sure that we know we’re in a small, quirky town. It’s small! And quirky! Don’t you know that it’s small and quirky? Look at how small and quirky it is!

There are several sex scenes, which I completely skimmed because they didn’t really advance characterisation much, and I did not believe at all in the chemistry between them, because I kept being told how much chemistry there was.

Some reviews are saying it’s a Hallmark movie in book form, and yeah, I see that.

Rating: 1/5

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Review – Feeding the Monster

Posted November 25, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review – Feeding the Monster

Feeding the Monster: Why Horror Has a Hold On Us

by Anna Bogutskaya

Genres: Horror, Non-fiction
Pages: 288
Rating: four-stars

Zombies want brains. Vampires want blood. Cannibals want human flesh. All monsters need feeding.

Horror has been embraced by mainstream pop culture more than ever before, with horror characters and aesthetics infecting TV, music videos and even TikTok trends. Yet even with the commercial and critical success of The Babadook, Hereditary, Get Out, The Haunting of Hill House, Yellowjackets and countless other horror films and TV series over the last few years, loving the genre still prompts the question: what’s wrong with you? Implying, of course, that there is something not quite right about the people who make and consume it. In Feeding the Monster, Anna Bogutskaya dispels this notion once and for all by examining how horror responds to and fuels our feelings of fear, anxiety, pain, hunger and power.

I’m not a horror fan, myself, but four years studying English literature plus a lot of innate curiosity means I was interested to read reflections on horror as a genre anyway, when I spotted Anna Bogutskaya’s Feeding the Monster in the library.

I was a little worried it would reference a lot of horror films that I know nothing about and thus be impossible to follow; though it does reference a lot of horror films, it usually gives enough context to follow the point. It’s not just a list of horror films that fit a certain theme, but a dissection of why certain themes are attractive (and horrifying, of course, at the same time): the chapter on cannibalism in particular, and the way it discussed the potential romanticism and eroticism of cannibalism, was very good.

There’s a lot of focus on women in horror: it’s fairly common to consider horror inherently misogynistic, but it’s rarely that simple, and Bogutskaya discusses that quite a bit — along with Black, queer and trans horror, too, though there’s less space devoted to this.

It probably is a better read if you’re more of a horror fan than I am, and know a bit more about the horror films being referenced. It gives you more of a chance to come up with counterpoints or enhance the argument for yourself with your own examples. Still, I found it an interesting read all the same.

Rating: 4/5

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