Tag: weekly roundup

Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted July 20, 2024 by Nicky in General / 5 Comments

Happy weekend! There’s still not a lot going on for me reading-wise, but it always goes in phases for me, and I’m not sweating it. Reading’s not my job, it’s meant to be for fun, after all.

Plus, the fact that I’m not acquiring more books is not so bad: I have a bookshop trip with a friend coming up next week (most likely), and my birthday coming up in August (definitely), so… quiet weeks are good, if only because I’m running out of space.

Books acquired this week

N/a! I did look at requesting some on Netgalley, but I didn’t feel the excitement, so I decided to give it a miss (for now at least).

I should’ve pre-ordered KJ Charles’ new book, but I forgot. Hoping to pick that up next week!

Posts from this week

Here’s the usual roundup of what I’ve been posting!

Other posts:

What I’m reading

I’ve still been mostly re-reading the Narnia books, which I’m not going to review here again, but I did this week finish one new book I’ll review soon:

Cover of Summer's End by Juneau Black

It’s a fun addition to the Shady Hollow series; I enjoyed it a lot.

I did start picking up some other new-to-me books this week as well, though I haven’t finished them yet, including Sue Black’s Written In Bone, which is fascinating (if sometimes gruesome) and Victoria Finlay’s Colour, which is pretty fascinating. Perhaps I’ll finish them in the week ahead!

Hope everyone’s having a good one!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted July 13, 2024 by Nicky in General / 21 Comments

Life’s just about back to normal after my holiday, though I’m due to spend much of my weekend on the new Extreme fights in FFXIV, so I’m not sure how much reading I’ll fit in! And hopefully I’ll be able to do some blog visiting; it’s been quiet around here!

Books acquired this week

This week I got both my British Library Crime Classic book for this month and Juneau Black’s new release, Summer’s End. I’m pretty excited about the latter, though the crime should be fun too!

Cover of Tour de Force by Christianna Brand Cover of Summer's End by Juneau Black

I’ve already started on Summer’s End!

Posts from this week

As usual, here’s a roundup of what I’ve been posting.

And a throwback freebie Top Ten Tuesday post:

What I’m reading

As mentioned, I’ve been digging into Summer’s End, but otherwise this week it’s been mostly rereads (including a reread of the Narnia books, inspired by the Top Ten Tuesday post). I did finish one new-to-me book, though:

Cover of Threading the Labyrinth by Tiffany Angus

I’m sure I’ll post the review soon, but… I was unfortunately pretty underwhelmed by this one.

Hope everyone’s having a great weekend!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted July 6, 2024 by Nicky in General / 0 Comments

Greetings! I’m beginning to surface from the total immersion in the new story in FFXIV, having finished the main plot. There’s loads more to do, of course, but the week off I took was enough to get through the main story.

I still haven’t done much reading this week, but I imagine soon things will tend back toward normal.

Books acquired this week

N/a! Though I’ve added a few to my wishlist (which my wife will probably welcome, since my birthday is in August).

Posts from this week

This week, just the usual review posts, since the Top Ten Tuesday prompt didn’t inspire me!

My backlog of reviews is steadily diminishing! Guess I better get back to my reading groove soon.

What I’m reading

As I mentioned, not very much at the moment. I’m a bit stalled with Threading the Labyrinth, by Tiffani Angus, which I really wanted to like — but I did read a couple of things.

Cover of The Garden Jungle by Dave Goulson Cover of Curiosity Killed the Cat by Joan Cockin

So reviews for those will be coming soon! I’m also in the midst of a reread of Record of a Spaceborn Few… and after that I might get on to pastures new.

Hope everyone’s doing okay!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 30, 2024 by Nicky in General / 0 Comments

Good afternoon! Or possibly evening by the time I actually finish this. In the last couple of days I’ve been more busy playing Final Fantasy XIV’s new expansion, Dawntrail. Here’s my character embarking on the new journey!

Slightly tweaked screenshot of my character from Final Fantasy XIV, a human with short blue hair, pale blue eyes, and a black curling facial tattoo on the left side of their face. They wear an earing of a cute litte critter, and their hair is held back by a black bandanna. You can see the collar of their athletic shirt, which is red.

Books acquired this week

N/a! I’ve been too busy, and also not too concerned with collecting more books right now. Soon there are some books I really want coming out, so I’m saving my pennies for those.

Posts from this week

I’ve mostly kept up with posting, so I do have some posts to highlight!

And also one non-review post:

What I’m reading

Not a lot, thanks to the preoccupation with FFXIV. I did finish up with my reread of Juneau Black’s Shady Hollow books, so now I’m very ready for the new book. Not long now!

After that, I’ve dug into The Garden Jungle, by Dave Goulson — appropriate given that this year we’re letting our wildflower meadow expand a little more.

Other than that, nothing to report. Hope everyone’s weekend is going well!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 22, 2024 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

This week I’ve been substantially back to normal, which is great! I had a couple of cranky days, I’ll admit, but definitely life is a bit more fun right now. I haven’t been doing that much reading, admittedly, and it’s mostly been rereading… but perhaps more about that below.

Books acquired this week

Just one book this week, via Unbound on Netgalley:

Cover of The Secret Life of Lego Bricks by Daniel Konstanski

I know, perhaps not my usual fare, but really my usual fare is “whatever grabs my interest”, and this one piqued it today, perhaps because I semi-recently read Adrift: The Curious Tale of the Lego Lost at Sea.

Posts from this week

As usual, it’s time for a bit of a roundup. Here’s what I’ve been posting about this week:

Other posts:

What I’m reading

It’s been a week for rereading, more than reading new stuff to review. I’ve been rereading Juneau Black’s Shady Hollow series; I didn’t read them that long ago, and really what I want to be reading is the new book. Since that’s not out yet, this will do for a start! Over the weekend, I’m hoping to also finish rereading A Coalition of Lions (Elizabeth E. Wein), which I will review since it’s been so long since I read it.

Here are the covers of the books I’ve read in the last week that I’m planning to review sometime soon:

Cover of The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein Cover of Worn, by Sofi Thanhauser

Luckily I have a bit of a backlog of reviews — the blog won’t run short for a while yet, fear not!

How’s everyone else doing this weekend?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 15, 2024 by Nicky in General / 14 Comments

I’m freeeeeeee! Yes, my exams are over, and the academic year too. I’ll start up again fairly soon, trying to get ahead on studying for the next year, especially since I’ll be sitting one of the hardest modules. But for now I’m taking some well-deserved time off!

Reading-wise I’m not entirely back in the swing of it yet, and I need to do some catchup with comments and saying hi to folks, but I’m back.

Books acquired this week

I haven’t got much new, but I did get this month’s British Crime Classic book from my subscription, the theme of which (academic stories) seems… a little on the nose for me right now.

Cover of Lessons in Crime: Academic Mysteries, edited by Martin Edwards

I’m looking forward to digging into it, though I admit I haven’t read last week’s book yet.

Posts from this week

I didn’t do great at posting this week, missing two days, but here’s the roundup of the reviews that did go live!

What I’m reading

I haven’t been reading a ton this week, since I’ve been busy, and at least one of the books I did read I won’t be reviewing on the blog again (since it was a reread). But here’s a glimpse at the books I’ve read that I do plan to review on the blog sometime soon:

Cover of In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens Cover of The Brutish Museums by Dan Hicks Cover of Foreign Bodies, edited by Martin Edwards

I’m not sure what I’ll be reading this weekend, to be honest. I think I’ll probably read more of Worn: A People’s History of Clothing (Sofi Thanhauser), reread Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers), and… otherwise completely follow my whims.

How’s everyone else doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 8, 2024 by Nicky in General / 1 Comment

Yay, it’s the weekend!

Long week here: my first exam was on Monday. I started it at 10am, and didn’t finish up and submit it until 8:30pm — though that time includes breaks for stretching, food and rest, it was a lot of work. Two more to come, on Monday and Tuesday, and then I’m freeee.

So I’m still not caught up with comments on my blog, and might just need to call amnesty on the ones I’ve received so far and do better going forward.

Books acquired this week

…Zero! This isn’t really intentional — actually, I’m still meaning to pick some more of E.C.R. Lorac’s books to get on Kindle — but I keep forgetting.

Posts from this week

Despite everything, I’ve been keeping up with getting my backlog of reviews posted, so here’s a roundup:

And that was it for posts this week!

What I’m reading

I started the week not reading very much, really, but in the past few days I’ve got busy finishing books from the huge stack of books I technically have part-read all at the same time, plus doing a reread of a favourite (Becky Chambers’ The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet). Here’s a glimpse at the books that I finished that I’ll be reviewing on the blog in the next weeks and months…

Cover of System Collapse by Martha Wells Cover of Death Came Softly by E.C.R. Lorac Cover of The Vinyl Frontier by Jonathan Scott Cover of The Book of Looms by Eric Broudy

Now I’m just trying to have a nice chill weekend reading whatever catches my fancy — right now I’m finally getting back into In Deeper Waters, by F.T. Lukens.

How’s everyone doing?

(Probably) Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 1, 2024 by Nicky in General / 2 Comments

Last week I didn’t get round to visiting any blogs, and I’m behind on comments again. That’s because I realised my exam is on Monday, and not a week on Monday! And our shower broke, too, so I tried to clean and tidy a lot for the Royal Visit, AKA my dad coming over to see if it was some kind of simple problem he could remedy. Sooo I’ve been a little busy, and I haven’t been doing much reading (or blogging).

Still, I thought I’d check in!

Books acquired this week

That’d be a big fat zero this time! My wife’s been offering to buy me some more E.C.R. Lorac books on Kindle, since they’re cheap, but I keep forgetting to look through the Kindle store to see which ones are actually available vs which ones I have.

So, for now, nothing added to my shelves.

Posts from this week

As usual, here’s a recap of the reviews I posted this week!

And that was it for the week — I haven’t had the energy (or time) for linkups, alas.

What I’m reading

This weekend I’m trying to chill and just do fun stuff, since I don’t really believe I’ll make much progress on studying in the last day or so before an exam. Better to show up well-rested and a bit more supple in the brain department. So I’ve spent my afternoon reading Murder on the Titania, by Alex Acks, and starting on Martha Wells’ System Collapse. Just for variety, I’m also planning on picking up one of E.C.R. Lorac’s mysteries: I try to save those for when I need ’em, but I think this qualifies.

As for what I’ve been reading that’s coming up for review on the blog, here we go:

Cover of The History of the World in 100 Animals by Simon Barnes Cover of Out of the Depths by Alan G. Jamieson Cover of Murder on the Titania by Alex Acks

Wish me luck with the exam…!

(Probably) Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted May 25, 2024 by Nicky in General / 3 Comments

It’s been a weird week. I got the rest of my assignment results (I did well on that too), but somehow I haven’t ended up doing much studying even though the exams are coming up very soon. I also got vaccinated on Thursday: it’s finally possible to buy a COVID vaccine in the UK, when you’re not eligible for the free service. I lost eligibility last year when they started excluding people with milder asthma, so I was glad to be able to get vaccinated again now. So I was a bit feverish on Friday, but of course it’s worth it.

Books acquired this week

I thought I hadn’t got anything, but turns out I’d preordered Marie Brennan’s new short story collection, and I got this month’s British Library Crime Classic, so there’s that!

Cover of A Breviary of Fire by Marie Brennan Cover of Before the Fact by Francis Iles

Before the Fact is an interesting one, very different to most classic crime — I’m looking forward to digging into it.

Reviews posted this week

Time for a quick roundup, as usual!

What I’m reading

This weekend I’m hoping to finish a few of the books I’ve had on the go for a while. First on my list is The History of the World in 100 Animals, by Simon Barnes, which I’ve been tucking into today. Maybe I’ll read some more manga as well — I’ve been reading Fairy Tail as a palate cleanser from all the serious stuff, and it’s fun, but I haven’t read much of it lately even though I’m in the middle of a story arc.

As usual, here’s a sneak peek of what I’ve been reading this week and plan to review on the blog soon; not a lot, this time!

Cover of The Doctor Who Fooled the World by Brian Deer Cover of The Ruin of a Rake by Cat Sebastian Cover of Writing on the Wall by Madeleine Pelling Cover of Sleeping Beauties by Andreas Wagner

And that’s it for me! How’s everyone doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted May 18, 2024 by Nicky in General / 8 Comments

Oof, it’s been a busy week. The marks from my assignments have been coming in, though not for the one I care most about, d’oh. I’ve done well so far, though!

Anyway, let’s get to the books.

Books acquired this week

Despite saying I wasn’t going to acquire anything for a while after last week’s spree, this week I was a bit meh and stressed out, so my wife treated me. I love Cat Sebastian’s work, and I’d just read Daniel M. Ford’s The Warden and been rather annoyed that I didn’t have the sequel. Sooo… my wife’s the best.

Cover of Necrobane by Daniel M. Ford Cover of You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian

And I also got a new review copy from Tor — I quite liked the first book, so I’m eager to get to this one.

Cover of The Bloodless Princess by Charlotte Bond

But other than that, I’ve been restrained! Except, oh… a new installment of A Side Character’s Love Story popped up, and I had to have it.

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story, vol 18, by Akane Tamura

I’d promise next week really will be quiet, but I had amazing results from my assignments so far, so most likely there’ll be a celebration. And celebrations ’round here almost always mean books.

Reviews posted this week

As usual, here’s the roundup of reviews posted this week:

And no other posts this week!

What I’m reading

It’s been a slightly quieter reading week, but a good one (as you can see from the sneak peek of the books I’ve finished this week and will be reviewing here soon). I particularly loved The Hands of Time and A Letter to the Luminous Deep, but really I enjoyed all of these very much.

Cover of A Spindle Splintered by Alix E. Harrow Cover of The Warden by Daniel M. Ford Cover of Hands of Time by Rebecca Struthers

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story, vol 18, by Akane Tamura Cover of A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall Cover of A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow

This weekend I’ve been digging into Brian Deer’s account of the Andrew Wakefield scam, which is raising my blood pressure much as I expected it to. At the same time, though, it’s nice to see the evidence all laid out against Wakefield. (As a reminder, I think he’s next thing to a murderer; you’ll waste your breath trying to argue with me here.)

After that… maybe it’s finally time for me to tuck in and read System Collapse, the newest Murderbot book. Or maybe I should first focus on finishing Cat Sebastian’s The Ruin of a Rake.

Either way, there’s no shortage of good books to read around here. How’s everyone else doing?!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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