It’s the weekend again already?! Oof, how time flies. It’s been a good week for reading, and I have added two ARCs I’m excited about to my TBR.
Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!
Books acquired this week:
I haven’t been out buying books for the last few weeks, but I’m planning a spree tomorrow. For now, there’s just these two ARCs:
I’ve really loved a lot of Nghi Vo’s work (aside from The Chosen and the Beautiful), so I snagged this one right away. As for Haunt Sweet Home, I’m ashamed to say that I still haven’t read any of Sarah Pinkser’s work, despite the fact that we were once both part of the same small-ish Goodreads group, The Alternative World. I’ve been meaning to read her books forever, but I’m a terrible, flighty mood reader.
(I still haven’t read some of the books we had discussions about in the group, like Eifelheim…)
Posts from this week:
Time for the usual roundup! First the reviews…
- Fantasy audiobook: Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones, narrated by Kristin Atherton (5/5 stars)
- Graphic novel: Oddball, by Sarah Andersen (3/5 stars)
- Classic mystery: The Religious Body, by Catherine Aird (3/5 stars)
- Popular science: Mountains of Fire: The Secret Lives of Volcanoes, by Clive Oppenheimer (3/5 stars)
- Memoir/winemaking: Wine, by Meg Bernhard (3/5 stars)
And now the other posts!
What I’m reading:
By the time Bookly’s Odyssey Readathon ended, I’d read for 48 hours, which was nice and seems to have kickstarted my reading in general. Here’s a little glimpse at the books I’ve been reading which should come up for review soon on the blog:
It feels like I surely read more than that, but of course I made progress with a number of other books, including some that had been on the backburner for a while. Given I’m going out tomorrow, I’m not sure what else I’ll finish this weekend, but I’d like to finish up with A Short History of Tomb-Raiding (Maria Golia), at the very least.
And how about you, dear readers? Anything good jump into your hands off the shelves this week?