Tag: book reviews

Review – The Bloodless Princes

Posted March 28, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 1 Comment

Review – The Bloodless Princes

The Bloodless Princes

by Charlotte Bond

Genres: Fantasy
Pages: 151
Series: The Fireborne Blade #2
Rating: three-stars

A tale of death, honor and true love's embrace. Come for the journey through the underworld. Stay for the minacious dragon-cat.

It seemed the afterlife was bustling.

Cursed by the previous High Mage, and following an...incident...with a supremely powerful dragon, newly-promoted High Mage Saralene visits the afterlife with a boon to beg of the Bloodless Princes who run the underworld.

But Saralene and her most trusted advisor/champion/companion, Sir Maddileh, will soon discover that there’s only so much research to be done by studying the old tales, though perhaps there’s enough truth in them to make a start.

Saralene will need more than just her wits to leave the underworld, alive. And Maddileh will need more than just her Fireborne Blade.

A story of love and respect that endures beyond death. And of dragons, because we all love a dragon!

Charlotte Bond’s The Bloodless Princes is a pretty immediate follow-up to The Fireborne Blade, so definitely start by reading that. It took me a little bit to get myself back into the world and characters, especially as I experienced the end of the first book as being rather dark and ambiguous, and all signs point here to Bond not… having intended that, and thinking of Maddileh and Saralene as unambiguously “good guys”, totally justified in what they did, without any hint of darkness about it. But… sorry, no matter how awful someone has been, using weird dragon/blood magic to take over their body and thus kill them isn’t morally neutral.

Once I got past that dissonance, it was still a fun enough read, but I wasn’t expecting as much from it, since it kind of retroactively edited The Fireborne Blade to be more straightforwardly heroic than I’d originally thought it. Maddileh and Saralene become a romance plot with more than a hint of Orpheus and Eurydice, and it’s kind of predictable. There’s some fun lore, and it’s nice to understand more about the dragons and how they view their relationship with humans.

It ticks along at a good pace, and I enjoyed it for what it was, but depending on how you felt about The Fireborne Blade other than “ooh, female knight! girl power!”, it might be rather disappointing.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – If You’ll Have Me

Posted March 27, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – If You’ll Have Me

If You'll Have Me

by Eunnie

Genres: Graphic Novels, Romance
Pages: 336
Rating: four-stars

Momo Gardner is the kind of friend who’s always ready to lend a helping hand. She’s introverted, sensitive, and maybe a little too trusting, but she likes to believe the best in people. PG, on the other hand, is a bit of a lone wolf, despite her reputation for being a flirt and a player. Underneath all that cool mystery, she’s actually quick to smile, and when she falls for someone, she falls hard.

An unexpected meet-cute brings the two together, kicking off the beginning of an awkward yet endearing courtship—but with their drastically different personalities, Momo’s overprotective friend, and PG’s past coming back to haunt her, Momo and PG’s romance is put to the test.

Eunnie’s If You’ll Have Me is a really sweet book with cute character designs and a fairly simple story. Momo and PG meet at college: PG’s known for seducing every pretty girl she meets, while Momo’s never had a girlfriend. Inevitably, they meet, and PG starts to pay a lot of attention to Momo — going to events with her, comforting her when she has a bad day, replacing the charm on her bag when she loses it, etc.

Inevitably, they eventually kiss… and inevitably, their pasts get in the way. Momo’s afraid that no one will ever be interested in her because she’s not special, while PG’s been burned in the past by someone she loved assuming she was just messing around with them as well (because she didn’t speak up and say how she was feeling).

They each hurt each other in the traditional misunderstanding, and get back together in the traditional reconciliation; it’s not groundbreaking, but it’s cute, and I really like the character designs. Momo’s insecurity is well portrayed, as is PG’s sadness about not being seen for who she is. It’s a pretty quick read, and doesn’t bog down too much around the misunderstanding.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind

Posted March 25, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind

Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind

by Richard Fortey

Genres: Non-fiction, Science
Pages: 336
Rating: three-stars

There are three great kingdoms of life – Animals, Plants and Fungi – but the fungi always come in third place. This may be because fungi seem alien to many their strange forms, their rapid appearance and disappearance, their hidden means of feeding and propagation. In Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind, acclaimed scientist and author Richard Fortey acknowledges this otherworldliness, marvels at their unique charm and boots-up as a guide through this great, mysterious Kingdom of life.

To Fortey, the strangeness of fungi is what makes them so exciting. Many people find them alien and the way so many toadstools appear so quickly and disappear with equal dispatch; their strange forms and colours; their reputation as poisoners. But for Fortey, the extraordinary nature of fungi makes him wonder, think and marvel. In Close Encounters of a Fungal Kind, Fortey leads us on a glorious literary journey, narrated through field trips to real places in search of the strangest, most extraordinary, or even most delicious fungi.

Writing with characteristic warmth, wit and wisdom, Fortey focuses on a selection of the larger fungi, the kind that might be spotted on a country walk, and a handful of microfungi that have particularly caught his attention. His enthusiasm and passion as a life-long ‘mushroom twitcher’ is infectious as he shares his own ‘close encounters’ and brings us along on his treks through this magnificent Kingdom.

The unique charm of the mushrooms themselves is centre stage in this gripping narrative that explains what fungi do in the natural world and rejoices in their profusion and diversity.

Richard Fortey’s Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind is all about obsession with fungi, and often, about collecting them. He’s fascinated by every aspect of them, including identifying them, about how they grow and where they grow, about fungal diversity and whether (as with a lot of other species of all kingdoms) fungi are declining in the modern world.

His interest in eating and collecting fungi is not one I share, but it’s a clear passion, and that’s always fun to read. I think I’d have liked something more focused on the science of fungi — how they work, and even more of their diversity, e.g. delving into fungi like yeast (like baker’s yeast and Candida). But that’s my obsession, not his.

I think I found his writing more engaging about fossils and so on, a thing I think I’ve said before. Maybe that’s because he was younger then and his tone’s evolved, maybe it’s just that that was a topic where he was on surer ground. (It definitely isn’t always my ground, to be clear: I enjoyed his books that discussed lots of geology, which I find dead boring for the most part.)

Fun enough, in any case, and if you’re interested in collecting fungi, it’s not exactly a reference book but it is a fun description and discussion of such a hobby.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Book Curses

Posted March 24, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Book Curses

Book Curses

by Eleanor Baker

Genres: History, Non-fiction
Pages: 118
Rating: four-stars

Have you ever wanted to protect your books from forgetful borrowers, merciless page-folders or outright thieves? Perhaps you have even wished harm on those who have damaged your books, but would you threaten them with hellfire, hanging or the plague? This book contains a collection of some of the most ferocious and humorous book curses ever inscribed, from fearsome threats discovered emblazoned on stone monuments from the ancient Near East, to elaborate manuscript maledictions and chilling warnings scribbled in printed books. Book curses are entertaining writings in themselves, but they also offer a tantalising insight into how passionately texts and books have been valued by their owners and readers over the centuries. Here you will find an engaging introduction to the history and development of the book curse and perhaps some inspiration to pen a few of your own.

Book Curses has commentary and selections by Eleanor Baker, but is largely taken up with reproductions of various curses people have written in books, from ancient times to modern, in order to “protect” the books from being stolen. I was hoping for a little more commentary, personally, though there is enough to provide context (both general, for each block of time discussed, and specific to each curse).

I wasn’t 100% sure I agreed with all of the translations, personally. It’s been over a decade since Middle English was my field, though (and I have a lot more practice with Anglo-Saxon and Icelandic), so probably I should concede that Baker likely knows what she’s doing. There was a translation of a word “pokke” (I think — I can’t quickly find the exact spelling again to check) which can mean “sleeve” or, more obviously, “pocket”. It was translated in this volume as “sleeve”, with a comment about a particular kind of sleeve that might have been meant. Pocket might have been a more common-sense translation there, if you’re going to be offering a translation and assuming your audience therefore can’t (all) translate the original.

That said, that’s quibbling, and I appreciated some of the other decisions very much (like keeping the original choice of where to break lines, for the most part). It’s an interesting little compilation!

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Leavenworth Case

Posted March 23, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – The Leavenworth Case

The Leavenworth Case

by Anna K. Green

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 368
Rating: two-stars

THIS DETECTIVE STORY CLUB CLASSIC is introduced by Dr John Curran, who looks at how Anna Katherine Green was a pioneer who inspired a new generation of crime writers, in particular a young woman named Agatha Christie.

When the retired merchant Horatio Leavenworth is found shot dead in his mansion library, suspicion falls on his nieces, Mary and Eleanore, who stand to inherit his vast fortune. Their lawyer, Everett Raymond, infatuated with one of the sisters, is determined that the official investigator, detective Ebenezer Gryce, widens the inquiry to less obvious suspects.

The Leavenworth Case, the first detective novel written by a woman, immortalised its author Anna Katharine Green as 'The Mother of Detective Fiction'. Admired for her careful plotting and legal accuracy, the book enjoyed enormous success both in England and America, and was widely translated. It was republished by The Detective Story Club after Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, speaking at the 1928 Thanksgiving Day dinner of the American Society in London, remarked: 'An American woman, a successor of Poe, Anna K. Green, gave us The Leavenworth Case, which I still think one of the best detective stories ever written.'

I’m glad I got round to reading Anna Katharine Green’s The Leavenworth Case, because it’s one of the early detective novels, and one of the rarer female voices that hasn’t been totally forgotten from the early years of the genre. That said… I’m glad I read it via Serial Reader, and thus in small bites, because it’s pretty tedious at times — overwrought, and of course, sexist.

Even with a female author, you ask? Yes: the detective ultimately says he didn’t really suspect a woman because (drumroll) a woman would never clean a pistol after firing. All the women are beautiful angels with amazing manners (though Mary Leavenworth does show a bit of spirit and isn’t totally vilified for… well, I won’t spoiler, even at this late date).

Really, it’s just very much of its time. The culprit was fairly obvious to me, and it was a bit excruciating how long it took to gather up the evidence.

In the end, glad I read it, but glad it’s finished.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – Volatile Memory

Posted March 21, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Volatile Memory

Volatile Memory

by Seth Haddon

Genres: Science Fiction
Pages: 176

With nothing but a limping ship and an outdated mask to her name, Wylla needs a big pay day. When the call goes out that a lucrative piece of tech is waiting on a nearby planet, she relies on all the swiftness of her prey animal instincts to beat other hunters to it.

What you found wasn’t your ticket out—it was my corpse wearing an AI mask. When you touched the mask, you heard my voice. A consciousness spinning through metal and circuits, a bodiless mind, spun to life in the HAWK’s temporary storage. I crystallized and realized: I was alive.

Masks aren't supposed to retain memory, much less identity, but the woman inside the MARK I HAWK is real, and she sees Wylla in a way no one ever has. Sees her, and doesn’t find her wanting or unwhole.

Armed with military-grade tech and a lifetime of staying one step ahead of the hunters, Wylla and HAWK set off to get answers from the man who discarded HAWK once before: her ex-husband.

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I needed to sit with Seth Haddon’s Volatile Memory after I’d finished it, because it left me feeling surprisingly unsettled by its violence and vengeance, the dysphoria of the characters, the intensity of the situations they go through — the book never stops, lurching from one crisis to another, so that the shock of one event never fully catches up to the characters before the next hits them.

The characters are both queer and both messy and, I guess, “problematic”. Wylla isn’t the perfect transwoman, Sable’s not the perfect… well, let’s not get into spoilers. The point is that they turn to violence, they roil in fear and indecision, they rush into things, and you root for them anyway while knowing they are making some awful choices. (Knowing, too, that there aren’t any better choices, because that’s what their society does, the hands they’ve been dealt.)

I found the narration really well done: it begins as second person POV, addressed to Wylla, but the speaker also resolves into a character who starts talking about themself in the first person as well. Still, the tone is intimate — this story is being told to Wylla, in a sense. It makes it all feel very immediate. The story doesn’t try to explain itself too much: you have to get on board yourself and figure things out — and I found that it all fell into place beautifully, without too much of a pause for exposition.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Everything Is Tuberculosis

Posted March 20, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review – Everything Is Tuberculosis

Everything Is Tuberculosis

by John Green

Genres: History, Non-fiction, Science
Pages: 198
Rating: five-stars

John Green tells a deeply human story illuminating the fight against the world’s deadliest disease

Tuberculosis has been entwined with humanity for millennia. Once romanticized as a malady of poets, today tuberculosis is a disease of poverty that walks the trails of injustice and inequity we blazed for it.

In 2019, John Green met Henry, a young tuberculosis patient at Lakka Government Hospital in Sierra Leone while traveling with Partners in Health. John became fast friends with Henry, a boy with spindly legs and a big, goofy smile. In the years since that first visit to Lakka, Green has become a vocal and dynamic advocate for increased access to treatment and wider awareness of the healthcare inequities that allow this curable, treatable infectious disease to also be the deadliest, killing 1.5 million people every year.

In Everything is Tuberculosis, John tells Henry’s story, woven through with the scientific and social histories of how tuberculosis has shaped our world and how our choices will shape the future of tuberculosis.

John Green’s Everything Is Tuberculosis is everything I want in a book about tuberculosis that I can hand to laypeople. It’s scientifically up to date, and it’s clear that TB is a curable disease which we’re collectively choosing to inflict on the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged. It’s a disease of inequality and inequity, and Green nails that.

He’s less clear, I think, on how you fix it: he talks about drugs, but the historic example of most of Europe and the USA makes it clear that you don’t even need effective drugs. TB was on the run in Europe before we had streptomycin, as more and more people ate adequately nutritious food and lived in appropriately sized, ventilated buildings, and as work conditions improved. Even without drugs, if we could improve housing and nutrition, we’d gain a lot of ground on TB. But, as with so many of the world’s problems, we choose not to.

Green illustrates his points with the story of Henry, a TB patient in Sierra Leone; at times this felt a bit like inspiration porn, but he does make an excellent point in drawing the comparisons between Henry — an artistic young man who happens, of course, to be black — and the Romantic poets who were feted for being pale and interesting, and the whole tradition that thought TB patients were particularly bright souls full of special creativity. None of that is applied in how people approach Henry, naturally, and that shift occurred as TB became a disease of the poor (instead of all society).

One thing Green covered that I hadn’t known, from this side of the microscope, is that one of the problems with adherence to the courses of drugs that cure TB is hunger. Obviously I knew intellectually that TB patients are often suffering from undernutrition, but I hadn’t actually understood that the process of treatment restores the appetite, prompts roaring hunger, and an empty belly makes all of it feel so much worse.

It fits with one of the key takeaways I have from the tuberculosis course I’m doing right now, though: the major thing we can do to help people adhere to their TB treament is feed them, house them, and give them money. That will help them stick to their treatment and achieve a cure — and that will actually save so much money in treating other TB patients in future.

Finally, I will say that I have a couple of quibbles. First, as I mentioned above, I disagree that streptomycin was key in Europe’s recovery from tuberculosis. Secondly, I feel he conflated DOTS (“Directly Observed Therapy, Short-Course”) and DOT (“directly observed therapy”). As I understand it, it’s important not to confuse the two, because one is a strategy from the 1990s with very specific criteria, and the other is one component of treatment commonly used now which just involves patients being observed while taking their medications. My study materials might be wrong, of course, but I’d be surprised, since I study at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who can usually be trusted to know what’s what as far as infectious disease is concerned.

I’m probably being nitpicky there, though, because for a layperson’s purposes Green explains it — and the problems with it, regardless of whether you mean DOTS or just DOT — very well. Unsurprisingly, we’ve found that trusting TB patients and meeting their needs works better than treating them like children.

If you take one thing away from this book (or indeed from speaking with me), I hope it’s that TB is curable, and that if the will is there, we could do so much more to help people. I think this is something that everyone could use educating themselves about — and this is a very readable, and fairly short, way to do so.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation, vol 3

Posted March 17, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation, vol 3

A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation

by Misaki, Momochi, Sando

Genres: Fantasy, Manga
Pages: 208
Series: A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation #3
Rating: four-stars

After defeating the underground dragon and finishing up their business in the mercantile city of Marcade, Lizel and Gil resume their journey, having promised Judge's grandfather to protect Judge along the way. But danger soon catches up to them when a strange group of bandits called the Forky Gang attacks in the middle of the night! It quickly becomes clear that someone is targeting Lizel... but who could it be, and for what reason?

As always, former noble and current adventurer Lizel takes all new developments in stride in his usual, laid-back fashion. He's celebrating his promotion from a simple E-rank to a D-rank adventurer — and setting his sights on ranking up again soon!

In the third volume of A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation, we get to see a brief glimpse of the world Lizel came from, which is pretty exciting. Aaaand the character interactions throughout the volume really make it seem like people doth protest too much about this not being M/M romance: even if Gil and Lizel aren’t meant to be together, Judge and Studd clearly have a crush on Lizel — that’s pretty much text, as they both bicker about being allowed to sleep beside him and the fact that Judge was allowed to hold his hand as he slept (after being scared by a bandit attack).

Plus Gil and Lizel’s bond is pretty close too, with Gil basically saying that nothing matters as long as he stays with Lizel. C’mon, folks.

I still wonder if it would help to read the original light novel, to help smooth out and clarify the plot — I do suspect at times that this being an adaptation means that things aren’t always as obvious to me as I could wish. Still, I continue excited to see where this is going, and if anything will finally rattle Lizel’s calm.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Other Olympians

Posted March 16, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review – The Other Olympians

The Other Olympians: A True Story of Gender, Fascism and the Making of Modern Sport

by Michael Waters

Genres: History, Non-fiction
Pages: 354
Rating: five-stars

In December 1935, Zdenek Koubek, one of the most famous sprinters in European women’s sports, declared he was now living as a man. Around the same time, the celebrated British field athlete Mark Weston, also assigned female at birth, announced that he, too, was a man. Periodicals and radio programs across the world carried the news; both became global celebrities. A few decades later, they were all but forgotten. And in the wake of their transitions, what could have been a push toward equality became instead, through a confluence of bureaucracy, war, and sheer happenstance, the exact the now all-too-familiar panic around trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming athletes.

In The Other Olympians, Michael Waters uncovers, for the first time, the gripping true stories of Koubek, Weston, and other pioneering trans and intersex athletes from their era. With dogged research and cinematic flair, Waters also tracks how International Olympic Committee members ignored Nazi Germany’s atrocities in order to pull off the Berlin Games, a partnership that ultimately influenced the IOC’s nearly century-long obsession with surveilling and cataloging gender. Immersive and revelatory, "The Other Olympians" is a groundbreaking, hidden-in-the-archives marvel, an inspiring call for equality, and an essential contribution toward understanding the contemporary culture wars over gender in sports.

The problem with Michael Waters’ The Other Olympians, for me, was that it necessitates a fair bit of context around the history of the modern Olympics, the people involved in it, and the beginning of women’s sports. I’m not terribly interested in sports history per se, so mileage will vary on this, and I did appreciate Waters’ clear laying out of the sequence of events. It’s deeply relevant to the question, after all, because one of the issues about women’s sport in the first place was the worry that it would make women unfeminine, or even turn them into men.

I’m also not a huge fan of history about WWII — I think it’s important, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not a topic that has ever really held my imagination. And of course that context was important too.

What I did really love, though, was the introduction to athletes like Zdeněk Koubek and Mark Weston, their careers and how they conceived of their identities. Michael Waters is careful to try to talk about them in ways that are respectful, but it’s difficult to be sure how they would have identified now (e.g. with the greater ability to form communities, the potential to have identified as intersex or non-binary, and simply language change). He always refers to them as men, and uses the preferred form of their names (i.e. for Koubek it’s the masculine form, not “Koubková”), though where sources are quoted, he uses the original wording where necessary.

It’s really chilling how things have turned out, when you read about the initial acceptance of Koubek and Waters. They were accepted as men pretty easily in social terms, and their papers were changed for them, etc. There was always some hostility, of course, but the general tone set (at least according to Waters’ work) was positive, supportive even.

And then, of course, Nazism, and the introduction of sex testing in sport. It wasn’t just the Nazis, to be fair: Avery Brundage was also mad about women’s sports in general because he didn’t find female athletes attractive, and was especially keen to weed out the most inattractive ones. But Nazism provided significant pressure to do this, and it’s been accepted ever since.

Waters rightly points out that half the problem is the premise that “men” and “women” are two entirely discrete and unchangeable categories. This is ridiculous, and testing in sport serves to highlight that: people who have never doubted their sex discover, on an international stage, that they are intersex. The illusion falls apart: it turns out that sex characteristics can vary wildly from person to person, and people can live whole lives without realising that actually they have three chromosomes, or XY chromosomes despite appearing to be totally female, etc. Sex testing falls down as a concept when you can barely define exactly what you’re testing and what the results should mean: is a person with XY chromosomes who looks “like a woman”, has female genitalia and menstruates actually a man, because they have XY chromosomes? That’s what people who want to define sex based on chromosomes seem to believe, but it doesn’t really make sense: that person may never know they have XY chromosomes, and live a life fully experienced as a woman!

Sadly, some people will never be convinced. But if you’re interested in the topic, it’s worth reading a little of the history.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – Wired Love

Posted March 14, 2025 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Wired Love

Wired Love

by Ella Cheever Thayer

Genres: Romance
Pages: 160
Rating: three-stars

Before internet chat rooms, Facebook, or OkCupid there was ― the telegraph. In this 19th-century bestseller, two young telegraph operators meet over the wire and begin a romance, sight unseen, using Morse code as their secret language of love. Written in a remarkably modern voice, this charming tale offers both an authentic glimpse of Victorian society and a prescient view of online friendships.

Nattie, known as N, has no idea at first whether C is a man or a woman. While she becomes increasingly interested in her correspondent, she finds plenty to occupy herself with among the other young people at her boarding house -- Cyn, the singer; Jo, an artist; and awkward Quimby, who has a crush on Nattie. But her thoughts always return to her invisible friend. If only, she thinks, they could have something to carry in their pockets, so when they are far away from each other and pine for a sound of 'that beloved voice, ' they will only have to take up this electrical apparatus, put it to their ears, and be happy. Readers will delight in the similarities and differences between courtship in the 1880s and modern romance.

I read Ella Cheever Thayer’s Wired Love via Serial Reader, somewhat at random. I’d never heard of it before, but it sounded fun, and there’s honestly something pretty modern about some of its dilemmas: Clem and Nattie meet because they’re both telegraph operators, and they talk to each other ‘on the wire’, in morse code, and begin to flirt and get to know one another without ever meeting. As someone married to someone they met on the internet, well, yeah, I know how that goes.

Mostly it’s fairly predictable, as far as Clem and Nattie go, with various misunderstandings and crises that would be fixed if Nattie would only communicate (Clem wants to, but Nattie doesn’t properly answer, infuriatingly enough). The side characters and pairings are a surprise, though, not neatly coming together as you might expect from a romance (poor Jo! I was rooting for him).

It also doesn’t overstay its welcome, and is a pretty quick read. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Rating: 3/5

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