Category: Reviews

Review – The Science of Sin

Posted January 19, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 6 Comments

Review – The Science of Sin

The Science of Sin: Why we do the things we know we shouldn't

by Jack Lewis

Genres: Non-fiction, Science
Pages: 304
Rating: two-stars

It can often seem that we are utterly surrounded by temptation, from the ease of online shopping and the stream of targeted advertising encouraging us to greedily acquire yet more stuff, to the coffee, cake and fast-food shops that line our streets, beckoning us in to over-indulge on all the wrong things. It can feel like a constant battle to stay away from the temptations we know we shouldn't give in to. Where exactly do these urges come from? If we know we shouldn't do something, for the sake of our health, our pockets or our reputation, why is it often so very hard to do the right thing? Anyone who has ever wondered why they never seem to be able to stick to their diet, anyone to whom the world seems more vain and self-obsessed than ever, anyone who can't understand why love-cheats pursue their extra-marital affairs, anyone who struggles to resist the lure of the comfy sofa, or anyone who makes themselves bitter through endless comparison with other people - this book is for you.

The Science of Sin brings together the latest findings from neuroscience research to shed light on the universally fascinating subject of temptation - where it comes from, how to resist it and why we all tend to succumb from time to time. With each chapter inspired by one of the seven deadly sins, neurobiologist Jack Lewis illuminates the neural battles between temptation and restraint that take place within our brains, suggesting strategies to help us better manage our most troublesome impulses with the explicit goal of improving our health, our happiness and our productivity - helping us to say `no!' more often, especially when it really counts.

The Science of Sin takes on a lot of religious baggage, for all that Jack Lewis, its author, says that he’s an atheist. To some extent that’s inevitable given his background, and his choice to shape the book around the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, looking for neurological and evolutionary explanations for the origins of each — both their pitfalls and their utility.

The problem is that it inevitably becomes very moralising. He does try to point out when certain neurological things might not be someone’s choice, but he seems to have more sympathy for paedophiles than for fat people, and is very certain that being fat is almost totally a choice people make (when in fact there are many contributing causes, including sheer poverty, where good food choices are not always available), and a moral one that impacts badly on society and on everyone around them. Fatness is also unequivocally bad for you, in Lewis’ view, where the real picture is more mixed (fat people, for instance, have lower 30-day mortality from bacterial pneumonia and have better survival rates and reduced immune depletion when living with HIV) and thinness is no guarantor of health of any kind.

(Important note: this is not something I’m interested in debating in the comments on this blog. I’ve studied some of the science of nutrition in relation to immunity as part of my MSc, but you’re best off heading to the literature with an open mind and a careful eye for bias — your own and that of the papers you find.)

In almost every chapter, he finds a way to reference narcissism, blame fat people, suggest fat people are narcissistic, and so on. And again, he treats these as moral issues, failures that people should rectify.

In some cases, he isn’t wrong, but he’s replacing religious moralising about it with a kind of secular moralising about it that sits badly with any effort to be objective. Combine that with his reliance on scans like fMRI to tell us about what’s going on in someone’s brain, and a lot of his conclusions are questionable: you can get apparently significant results from the brain of a dead salmon, with fMRI, an issue that he very briefly references before waving it away and saying that fMRI is the tool we have, so he’s going to use it.

For me, there was a kind of entertainment value in watching him build up his argument, but I was aware of the one-sided nature of his search for appropriate sources, and not appreciative of his moralising.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – Cold Iron

Posted January 18, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review – Cold Iron

Cold Iron

by Triona Farrell, Tom Muller, Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire

Genres: Fantasy, Graphic Novels
Pages: 140
Rating: three-stars

On the rural Isle of Man, aspiring singer-songwriter Kay Farragher dreams of escaping her humdrum life. But she’s about to get more than she bargained for – and some bargains are not to be trusted.

Celtic folklore and modern moxie collide as an ancient pact between worlds is broken. The sinister forces of Faerie have slipped their shackles, and the Black Dog walks abroad this night…

Andy Diggle et al’s Cold Iron is pretty fun: it’s set on the Isle of Man, and draws from fairytales and folktales. It’s perhaps not too surprising that it sees creatures from Faerie intruding upon our world, and that a trip to Faerie is eventually indicated, but it’s a fun ride nonetheless.

I liked the art, and I liked Kay, her practical approach to realising that actually, her grandmother was right after all — and her fierceness in fighting for those she cares about, and those she feels a responsibility to.

It wasn’t too surprising in terms of where the plot went, given the givens, but I had fun, and I also quite appreciated that it included a short story (in prose rather than the same comic format) at the end with a little bit more closure.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The House of Drought

Posted January 17, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – The House of Drought

House of Drought

by Dennis Mombauer

Genres: Fantasy, Horror
Pages: 117
Rating: two-stars

On the island of Sri Lanka, at a colonial mansion between the forest and the paddy fields, a caretaker arrives with four children in tow after pledging to keep them safe. When violent thugs storm the house demanding that Ushu repay his debt, young Jasmit and the other children hide in an upstairs bathroom where a running tap opens a gateway to escape. But the Dry House is not the only force at work in the place where the forest and the estate meet—something else stirs in the trees, something ancient, something that demands retribution.

The Sap Mother bides her time, watching and learning from the house’s inhabitants. She burrows beneath the foundations of the Dry House, hungry for atonement. Pulled between these warring powers, Jasmit must choose between saving those trapped in the mansion’s bulging stomachs and preparing the house for when the Mother emerges again.

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This horror novella didn’t entirely work for me, though I appreciated a number of things about it (the setting, the tension, the fact that it didn’t give the reader too many answers too quickly). The structure kind of annoyed me, with the order of events jerking around. It’s hard to describe, but first you get the frame story, the “present day” if you will. Then you jump back in time to the crisis point of other characters’ story… then forward just a little to how those characters got into that situation. Then forward back to the present day, and then a new set of characters.

It feels like the story tried very hard to come full circle, bring things together and find a way to end the story — but it felt like it missed a step. How did a certain character figure things out? Why is she so eager to save people she doesn’t know?

It’s an interesting novella but I didn’t find it wholly successful.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II

Posted January 16, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II

Encyclopaedia Eorzea volume II

by Square Enix

Genres: Fantasy
Pages: 303
Rating: four-stars

Dedicated to those for whom the pursuit of knowledge is a never-ending journey.

In the mere two years since the release of our first official lore book, the world of FINAL FANTASY XIV has grown to encompass not only the untraversed corners of Eorzea, but the far-reaching lands of an entire new continent to the east. With new horizons come new discoveries, and so it is with great pleasure that we bring you the second volume of Square Enix’s best-selling Encyclopædia Eorzea, containing 300 pages of newly compiled information on the realms we proudly call our second home.

The Encyclopaedia Eorzea books are amazing companions to the game, showing off some of the depth of the background lore, sneaking in some images showing how the designs were developed, showing off the weapons from a given expansion, etc.

Volume II covers up to the end of Stormblood, the third expansion, and includes a plot summary for all of those events — which was pretty handy when I realised I had no idea what had become of a particular character amongst all of that. There are recaps on specific characters linked to various regions, background on the history of the regions, details on the tribes (such as the Namazu), etc. Pretty good resource if you’re really into the lore of the game!

As ever with this kind of thing, it’s probably not of much interest if you don’t play the game, though if you’re curious about it, then you might take a peek to get an idea of the depth of lore and world-building out there to explore.

It also comes with an item code, providing you with a chance to own Matoya’s Hat for your character to wear. NB: it isn’t dyeable; it can be kept in your armoire and doesn’t need to go into your glamour chest. Yes, my code’s been claimed.

Rating: 4/5


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Review – The Dress Diary of Mrs Anne Sykes

Posted January 15, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – The Dress Diary of Mrs Anne Sykes

The Dress Diary of Mrs Anne Sykes

by Kate Strasdin

Genres: History, Non-fiction
Pages: 320
Rating: four-stars

In 1838, a young woman was given a diary on her wedding day. Collecting snippets of fabric from a range of garments - some her own, others donated by family and friends - she carefully annotated each one, creating a unique record of their lives. Her name was Mrs Anne Sykes.

Nearly two hundred years later, the diary fell into the hands of Kate Strasdin, a fashion historian and museum curator. Using her expertise, Strasdin spent the next six years unravelling the secrets contained within the album's pages.

Her findings are remarkable. Piece by piece, she charts Anne's journey from the mills of Lancashire to the port of Singapore before tracing her return to England in later years. Fragments of cloth become windows into Victorian life: Pirates in Borneo, the complicated etiquette of mourning, poisonous dyes, the British Empire in full swing, rioting over working conditions and the terrible human cost of Britain's cotton industry.

This is life writing that celebrates ordinary people: not the grandees of traditional written histories, but the hidden figures, the participants in everyday life. Through the evidence of waistcoats, ball gowns and mourning outfits, Strasdin lays bare the whole of human experience in the most intimate of mediums: the clothes we choose to wear.

Kate Strasdin’s The Dress Diary of Mrs Anne Sykes takes a real object as her starting point in order to unravel the life of the original owner of the object, and through that, a picture of the world she lived in, the experiences she was likely to have had, and the things that shaped the lives of the average woman in her position. Strasdin came into the possession of a rare item: a journal in which the owner pasted scraps of cloth, representing the clothes of various of her loved ones and acquaintances, men and women alike (though mostly women).

She did a lot of research to find out who the owner of this book might be, pinning it down to a Mrs Anne Sykes, and discovering her origins and who her family were. Each chapter discusses the clothes both in the context of Anne Sykes’ life, but also the lives of other people at the time — even servants, as one rare item included is a scrap from Anne’s cook’s Sunday best.

I find this kind of thing fascinating, and Anne luckily had a quite interesting life, travelling with her merchant husband and seeing more of the world than many of her period. She lived in Singapore and Shanghai, as well as in the UK, and the scraps of her clothes show us how little she assimilated, though there is the intriguing inclusion of a scrap of a pirate flag.

It’s a little slow at times, but I think worthwhile; there are some full colour plates to give you a better idea of the scraps included, and of Anne’s careful labelling. It works well to give a picture of the life of a young woman married in 1838, whose apparently adoring husband gave her this journal to begin to memorialise their lives together in.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Blood Moon

Posted January 14, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Blood Moon

Blood Moon

by M.J. O'Shea

Genres: Fantasy, Romance
Pages: 184
Rating: one-star

"The summer we turned eighteen, I kissed Noah Harper -- by the light of the moon, sitting on the dock, I kissed him. And he kissed me back. I swear.

But the next morning, he ended our friendship and walked away. I haven't seen him since. Not for three long years.

At least not until last night. Last night he was sitting on our dock like nothing had changed. He was sweet and apologetic and more gorgeous than ever. I wanted to believe everything could go back to how it always was. But something's different about Noah. Something isn't quite right.

I have to know... what secret is Noah Harper hiding?"

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I always (eventually) read my Netgalley ARCs, so here we are: finally, I’m reviewing M.J. O’Shea’s Blood Moon. It’s a fairly young-feeling book, focusing on two teenage main characters and their romance, and the supernatural weirdness that eclipsed it and threatened to break the two of them apart. Obviously, ultimately it doesn’t, and Love Will Prevail, given the genre.

It’s all a bit too easy, though. There are few consequences for anything, and the main characters make choices that seem at odds with initial choices (for instance, Zack’s family seems to be important to him — but then he quickly decides he’ll run away with Noah and hardly ever seems to think of them again). There’s something very immature about the narration, which may be intentional (given the age of the protagonist), but which makes everything feel a little shallow.

The romance in and of itself is cute, but I wasn’t sold on any of it for those reasons.

Rating: 1/5

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Review – An Impossible Impostor

Posted January 12, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – An Impossible Impostor

The Impossible Impostor

by Deanna Raybourn

Genres: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Romance
Pages: 336
Series: Veronica Speedwell #7
Rating: two-stars

London, 1889. Veronica Speedwell and her natural historian beau Stoker are summoned by Sir Hugo Montgomerie, head of Special Branch. He has a personal request on behalf of his goddaughter, Euphemia Hathaway. After years of traveling the world, her eldest brother, Jonathan, heir to Hathaway Hall, was believed to have been killed in the catastrophic eruption of Krakatoa a few years before.

But now a man matching Jonathan's description and carrying his possessions has arrived at Hathaway Hall with no memory of his identity or where he has been. Could this man truly be Jonathan, back from the dead? Or is he a devious impostor, determined to gain ownership over the family's most valuable possessions--a legendary parure of priceless Rajasthani jewels? It's a delicate situation, and Veronica is Sir Hugo's only hope.

Veronica and Stoker agree to go to Hathaway Hall to covertly investigate the mysterious amnesiac. Veronica is soon shocked to find herself face-to-face with a ghost from her past. To help Sir Hugo discover the truth, she must open doors to her own history that she long believed to be shut for good.

I normally race through Deanna Raybourn’s Veronica Speedwell books, but The Impossible Impostor threw me for a loop. It makes sense that a means was needed to keep Stoker and Veronica’s relationship off-balance, rather than have them settle into anything too blissful… but I wish it wasn’t done via lack of communication and, well, all of this.

It’s not that it’s too surprising that Veronica’s past includes a guy like Spenlove, or that she might even have ended up in that particular sort of relationship with him (I’m trying to avoid spoilers here). But the total lack of communication with Stoker — knowing the cost if the details come out — just… argh. And I didn’t feel that Stoker’s responses to it were entirely consistent.

Anyway, I ended up half-skimming this one, so I would be aware of plot points and important conversations, without being too invested in it. That way, I can give the next book (which someone else has assured me they like better) a try.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – The Governess Affair

Posted January 11, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – The Governess Affair

The Governess Affair

by Courtney Milan

Genres: Historical Fiction, Romance
Pages: 101
Series: Brothers Sinister #0.5
Rating: five-stars

She will not give up.

Three months ago, governess Serena Barton was let go from her position. Unable to find new work, she’s demanding compensation from the man who got her sacked: a petty, selfish, swinish duke. But it’s not the duke she fears. It’s his merciless man of business—the man known as the Wolf of Clermont. The formidable former pugilist has a black reputation for handling all the duke’s dirty business, and when the duke turns her case over to him, she doesn’t stand a chance. But she can’t stop trying—not with her entire future at stake.

He cannot give in.

Hugo Marshall is a man of ruthless ambition—a characteristic that has served him well, elevating the coal miner’s son to the right hand man of a duke. When his employer orders him to get rid of the pestering governess by fair means or foul, it’s just another day at the office. Unfortunately, fair means don’t work on Serena, and as he comes to know her, he discovers that he can’t bear to use foul ones. But everything he has worked for depends upon seeing her gone. He’ll have to choose between the life that he needs, and the woman he is coming to love…

The Governess Affair is a novella prequel to Courtney Milan’s Brothers Sinister novels, which I haven’t yet read, and I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. We quickly learn that the main character, Serena, has been gravely wronged by the Duke of Clermont, and his right hand man, Hugo Marshall, is told to do something about her and get her out of the way — before his duchess comes home and realises that he has once again been sleeping around.

What really matters in this novella, though, is Hugo’s interactions with Serena, and the tenderness he feels for her almost against his will. This is one of those times where a sex scene is absolutely necessary to the plot and characters, and reveals so much about them: it shouldn’t be skipped, because it’s a scene of healing and caretaking. I worry that it verges a little on the trope of (pardon the vulgarity) “magical healing cock”, but I think it’s less that Serena’s problems and fears are all gone than that she has found one person to trust, as a handhold to move toward fuller healing.

The interactions between Serena and her sister, Frederica, are also worthy of note — I’d have loved a little more depth there, a little more understanding of why they’ve ended up in this particular kind of dynamic, and what happens now that Serena has moved away again and started a life of her own, doing her best to fulfil her dreams.

Either way, I’m definitely eager to try the full novels of the series now, which focus on the next generation, by the look of it.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – Clean Room vol 3: Waiting for the Stars to Fall

Posted January 9, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Clean Room vol 3: Waiting for the Stars to Fall

Clean Room: Waiting For the Stars to Fall

by Gail Simone, Walter Giovani, Sanya Anwar, Quinton Winter

Genres: Graphic Novels, Horror, Science Fiction
Pages: 144
Series: Clean Room #3
Rating: three-stars

In this new installment of Gail Simone's Clean Room, go back to the beginning to learn how Astrid was first affected after her hospitalization...through the eyes of one who cannot see what she sees: her would-be assassin and brother, Peter Mueller.

Then, a young woman devastated by the violent loss of her husband finds comfort in Astrid Mueller's teachings, only to face the woman herself in the most nightmarish reaches of the Clean Room!

The third volume of Gail Simone’s Clean Room cleans everything up — more or less, though one shouldn’t get too strict about the definition of “clean up” here. The world’s definitely a mess at the end, and the book doesn’t chart the recovery, or even really the recovery of the main characters, just the very beginnings of it. Assuming that Chloe ever does recover.

There’s plenty of gore and creepiness, as you’d expect from this series, now including a creepy, creepy baby.

I would say that I didn’t quite understand Astrid’s behaviour throughout the book; part of it seemed inconsistent and left me with definite questions about what was going through her mind, which weren’t really answered. And it felt like things were resolved very quickly, as if the story had to be jammed into this final volume — it made Astrid’s solution feel a little too easy.

Still, a fun series, especially if you’re more into horror than I am!

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Twilight Falls

Posted January 8, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Twilight Falls

Twilight Falls

by Juneau Black

Genres: Crime, Fantasy, Mystery
Pages: 240
Series: Shady Hollow #4
Rating: four-stars

It’s spring in Shady Hollow, and romance is in the air. Even reporter Vera Vixen is caught up in the season as her relationship with new police chief Orville Braun blossoms. But true love is not always smooth sailing, as two of the hollow’s young residents come to find. Jonah Atwater and Stasia von Beaverpelt find themselves battling their families in order to be together. And when Jonah’s father, Shelby, goes over the top of Twilight Falls, all signs point to Stasia being the murderer.

The evidence against Stasia appears overwhelming, and Orville arrests her. It looks like the case is closed, but Vera isn’t so sure. There are almost too many clues indicating Stasia is the killer, leading her to suspect someone is setting Stasia up. Besides, what about the mysterious ghostly creature skulking around town at night? Maybe he or she was involved? As Vera investigates further, her sleuthing puts her in direct opposition to Orville, and soon she’s stirred up a hornet’s nest of trouble.

Twilight Falls is the last of the Shady Hollow books by Juneau Black — for now. I’m sad, because it turned out to be exactly what I needed right now: quick reads that are light and sweet at heart, with characters that come alive just enough to carry the stories. Sometimes the characters or their relationships feel a little shallow, but sometimes it’s just a relief that the differences between Orville and Vera don’t lead to big schisms, and that there’s something gently forming between them, something that might last.

Once more, I found the resolution of the mystery really obvious: the hints come thick and fast, and it’s really the only thing that makes good sense of the evidence. There’s an attempt at a red herring, but it doesn’t work out too well (at least for my tastes).

It’s been nice to follow these books and realise that the characters are slowly changing, rather than it being a cosy little snowglobe where everything settles down a while after being shaken up. Esme and Stasia von Beaverpelt both grow and change in their own time, and even Orville’s learning that the Big Book of Policing may not contain all the answers (even if sometimes he finds it hard to accept Vera’s input).

As with the others, highly enjoyable — and I’ll get the new one when it comes out, like a shot.

Rating: 4/5

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