Last week I didn’t get round to visiting any blogs, and I’m behind on comments again. That’s because I realised my exam is on Monday, and not a week on Monday! And our shower broke, too, so I tried to clean and tidy a lot for the Royal Visit, AKA my dad coming over to see if it was some kind of simple problem he could remedy. Sooo I’ve been a little busy, and I haven’t been doing much reading (or blogging).
Still, I thought I’d check in!
Books acquired this week
That’d be a big fat zero this time! My wife’s been offering to buy me some more E.C.R. Lorac books on Kindle, since they’re cheap, but I keep forgetting to look through the Kindle store to see which ones are actually available vs which ones I have.
So, for now, nothing added to my shelves.
Posts from this week
As usual, here’s a recap of the reviews I posted this week!
- Crime/mystery: Eight Detectives, by Alex Pavesi (3/5 stars)
- Non-fiction: The Doctor Who Fooled the World, by Brian Deer (4/5 stars)
- Fantasy: The Warden, by Daniel M. Ford (4/5 stars)
- Non-fiction: A Short History of Tomb-Raiding, by Maria Golia (3/5 stars)
- Historical romance: The Ruin of a Rake, by Cat Sebastian (4/5 stars)
- Graphic novel: We Only Kill Each Other, by Stephanie Phillips et al (2/5 stars)
And that was it for the week — I haven’t had the energy (or time) for linkups, alas.
What I’m reading
This weekend I’m trying to chill and just do fun stuff, since I don’t really believe I’ll make much progress on studying in the last day or so before an exam. Better to show up well-rested and a bit more supple in the brain department. So I’ve spent my afternoon reading Murder on the Titania, by Alex Acks, and starting on Martha Wells’ System Collapse. Just for variety, I’m also planning on picking up one of E.C.R. Lorac’s mysteries: I try to save those for when I need ’em, but I think this qualifies.
As for what I’ve been reading that’s coming up for review on the blog, here we go:
Wish me luck with the exam…!
(Probably) Linking up with Reading Realityâs Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewerâs The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!