Category: Reviews

Review – Witchmark

Posted May 9, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Witchmark by C.L. PolkWitchmark, C.L. Polk

I liked Witchmark more on a reread than I did originally, I think, though at the time of writing this review I can’t access my previous review. At the time, I definitely wasn’t super eager to continue the series… though that might be partly the same reason as I’m reluctant now, that I know the second book focuses on Grace, and I think she’s despicable. Perhaps it’ll be a good redemption arc, given the start she makes at the end of the book, but her multiple betrayals of Miles — and her pathetic excuses for doing so — I’ll find it pretty difficult to forgive her.

Tristan and Miles’ relationship is cute, but for me it suffered for me reading A Marvellous Light at the same time: Edwin and Robin from that book have a more difficult bond which is built up a bit more. It felt like Witchmark has three plots: Tristan and Miles’ relationship, Miles’ investigation into what’s wrong with the returning soldiers, and Miles’ relationship with his family… and the latter two are the best handled, leaving Tristan and Miles a little short-changed. I don’t think it’d have taken much more for me to be all on board, but it felt like there was a crucial scene or two missing — but there weren’t any gaps when such a thing could’ve even happened.

There are some cool side characters like Robin, and I understand that the third book features her as a main character… so that should be interesting, assuming I can stomach Stormsong. Either way, I did enjoy revisiting this and giving it another chance.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Sugared Game

Posted May 8, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of The Sugared Game by K.J. CharlesThe Sugared Game, K.J. Charles

The problem I have with Will and Kim is that I want to scream at them to communicate properly, but the fact that they have difficulty with that is relevant to the plot, and thus you can’t be too mad at them because it totally makes sense… but also, stop hurting each other for stupid reasons (mostly looking at you, Kim) and figure yourselves out.

It seems like the end of this book puts them in a place where that’s somewhat more possible, which I’m glad about — and the ride to get there is one hell of a thing. I can’t talk about it too much: just as Kim can’t tell Will much at all without revealing way too much, I think to say too much here would spoil the plot a little.

The climax of the book is pretty hair-raising and dramatic (in a way that works perfectly). It leaves me wondering where they’ll go next… and eager to find out. I wonder what fresh complications they’ll manage to throw in each others’ way, how they’ll cope with Zodiac now, and whether Phoebe and Maisie will be part of it (and what part they’ll play, exactly).

I didn’t spot the cameo until I saw a review mentioning it, which just proves it’s been too long since I read some of Charles’ books. Clearly I’ll have to fix that with some rereading.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – A Marvellous Light

Posted May 1, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of A Marvellous Light by Freya MarskeA Marvellous Light, Freya Marske

A Marvellous Light is really enjoyable, both the characters and their slow journey to trust and being willing to depend on each other, and the magic and worldbuilding. Sometimes in romantic fantasy the world seems sketched in to provide the backdrop for the relationship, but both are important here, and I’m just as fascinated to see more of the world and how magic works as I am to see Edwin and Robin deepen their relationship. (A sudden thought — I hope we do keep following them and don’t switch to another character’s related journey, as sometimes happens.)

Edwin is not trusting, too burned by his family and his status and his past relationships to really open himself up. Robin is perhaps a little too good to be true: loyal and loving and cheerful despite everything that’s happening to him and his own scars from his parents. It’s not hard to see how they’ll get together for a while, very early on, but it takes time to make it seem like they’re building something that will last. I thought it was beautifully done.

There are lots of fascinating glimpses of side characters, too, and I’d love to see more of Maud and especially more of Adelaide and Kitty.

But mostly I really want to get on with it and find out more about the contract, and the fae, and all that stuff that we barely understand in this book (because Edwin and Robin know nothing about it, except that they must figure out what the heck’s going on).

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Maelstrom

Posted March 22, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Maelstrom by Jordan L. HawkMaelstrom, Jordan L. Hawk

Maelstrom cranks things up another notch for Whyborne and Griffin. It’s difficult to review without spoilering either this book or at least its predecessors, but let’s see what I can do. First, I’d highly recommend against trying to start here if you haven’t read the others. Details from the other books are important here, particularly the first book and Bloodline, and a bunch of things come together.

What’s nice is that, if nothing else, at this point Whyborne and Griffin rely on each other instead of letting tension crack them apart (and we’re starting to see Christine and Iskander have the same kind of bond). I also really liked the careful tightrope-walking of Niles Whyborne’s increased part in the story: he was still an asshole and a terrible father, but in losing almost all his family, he’s begun to see that he was wrong and that he misjudged Whyborne completely.

That said, I thought people were a little unfair in pushing Whyborne toward that insight, because they’re basically asking him to reconcile with an abuser. Griffin’s wistfulness about his own family is getting in the way of him seeing that clearly, of course — but others don’t have the excuse.

Anyway, all in all an exciting book, and a pretty awesome development. I’m guessing a gathering together of allies must come next…

Rating: 4/5

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Review – These Lifeless Things

Posted March 14, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of These Lifeless Things by Premee MohamedThese Lifeless Things, Premee Mohamed

Wow, this was unsettling. There’s so little concrete detail, either about Eva’s side of the story or about Emerson’s present — there’s very little that’s concrete beyond the constant fear and horror. Even when there are clear images of the statues, there’s no explanation, no reason for what’s happening. The monsters you can’t quite see, and all the more terrifying for it.

There are little hints in Emerson’s end of the story that something’s still wrong: her paranoia, the ringing in her ears, the nightmares… And we just don’t get to know how Eva’s story ends, what happens between her attempted escape and Emerson’s work trying to find out what happened to her. We just don’t know.

It’s beautifully written, and there’s plenty to keep holding onto even while you don’t know what’s happening — Eva’s feelings for Valentin, and their search through the city for the children, their careful work to survive — so I’m not actually saying that it doesn’t work. But it’s hard to describe and I feel like I’m trying to explain the tatters of a nightmare to someone: it sounds so ordinary, repeating it back, but quite different when you’re in the grips of it.

It was perhaps especially unsettling now, given the setting is Ukraine. The haunted, war-torn streets and the desperation.

I think it’s a worthwhile read; I think others might find it unsatisfying, but I think this feeling is exactly what you’re meant to be left with.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Heartstoppe: Volume 4

Posted March 6, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Heartstopper Volume 4 by Alice OsemanHeartstopper: Volume 4, Alice Oseman

I should be clear that my star rating here is less about whether the book is good and more about my enjoyment of it… which, after three pretty light-hearted volumes, sank a bit when this book went rather darker and upsetting than the others. Volume 3 introduces Charlie’s eating disorder, but volume 4 shows that he has an eating disorder and OCD — both of which are painful topics for different personal reasons.

There’s still a lot of sweetness in it, as Nick and Charlie grow into their relationship a bit and grow up a bit. There’s also the support of their friends, and particularly of Victoria, Charlie’s older sister (who is completely awesome).

There’s also a very cute bonus comic about the two teachers who get together in volume three, which made me smile a lot. Actually, all the side characters and their relationships are lovely — not always perfect, but lovely all the same.

It’s definitely not bad, and if you’re prepared for it, I can see it being a very satisfying volume of the series. I just wasn’t expecting to feel so sad.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The Annual Migration of Clouds

Posted March 6, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of The Annual Migration of Clouds by Premee MohamedThe Annual Migration of Clouds, Premee Mohamed

Premee Mohamed’s writing is beautiful, as I found when reading The Apple-Tree Throne, and I think this novella punches above its weight in terms of the page count. She builds up a whole post-apocalyptic world — a world ruined by climate change, epidemics, and one particular pandemic, a nerve-invading, mind-controlling fungus which can affect its host in a bunch of different ways (from screaming in pain as it invades every organ, to preventing them from taking risks by causing all their muscles to lock, and all sorts of things in between).

It’s very much a book of the last year or two, one that takes a lot of our current worries and preoccupations and reactions and makes a world that reflects them back and elaborates them. The anger at the people who lived so decadently, so freely; the fear of a disease that is not fully understood, cannot be fought; but also the way that some people do manage to live together, work together, make the New Normal work.

It’s both a sad and a hopeful story, and Reid is a pretty ordinary messed up human who loves her mother and says awful things to her, loves her best friend and also gets really mad about his flaws and then immediately turns to him when she’s in trouble. She’s also in the grips of a disease that limits her, which she rages against, and sometimes (sometimes) manages to overcome.

I loved the relationships between Henryk and Reid, and between Reid and her mother, and the delicate web of relationships you see around them — everyone relying on everyone else, because the world’s against them now. And I really liked the ending, which felt hard-won.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Astonishing Adventure of Jane Smith

Posted March 4, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of The Astonishing Adventure of Jane Smith by Patricia WentworthThe Astonishing Adventure of Jane Smith, Patricia Wentworth

The Astonishing Adventure of Jane Smith is a fun little one-shot mystery with some of the staples: two girls who are so nearly identical in appearance that one can impersonate the other and briefly fool even her own father, a plucky girl getting into deadly danger for the sake of the realm (even though she has no training and very little knowledge of the situation), a love story (or two) featuring jilted lovers reunited through circumstance, secret underground passages, etc.

Jane is pretty much what you’d expect here: practical, plucky, determined, and a bit pig-headed about being asked to be careful (even though it all turns out okay in the end, and of course that’s because she disobeys and goes off-script). Most of the other characters are bit-parts, even the love interest, though Lady Heritage is surprisingly vibrant — if anything she has more life than Jane through her depth of feeling, which is fairly apparent on several occasions. (By contrast Jane rather suddenly decides Henry is her darling, after previously having turned him down for what we presume are good reasons, given her usual practicality.)

It’s a bit of fun, and being written by a woman, it isn’t quite so bad as a lot of classic mysteries in the way it handles female characters. Jane’s a bit scathing about other girls for not having the same interests or bravery, but she and Lady Heritage aren’t a bit like the rather silly, inconstant girls of some of the mystery fiction written by men. (Hello, John Dickson Carr is calling!)

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The Gilded Wolves

Posted March 2, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of The Gilded Wolves by Roshani ChokshiThe Gilded Wolves, Roshani Chokshi

When I finished this, I felt kind of positive about it, but then I read some other reviews and thought about it more and kind of lost it? Like, it was fun as long as I didn’t think too much about it and let the quippy quirky banter carry me along, but a lot of the details are fading from my mind and I find I don’t really know what to say — which is not really a good sign. If it only works when I’m speeding through it, then that’s not great, and I’d already thought that I wasn’t planning to get the next book unless it’s at the library.

There are definitely fun characters here, particularly Hypnos, and I got rather a soft spot for poor, damaged Tristan. Other readers mentioned not following the world-building, which I found okay actually: nothing astonishing, but okay.

What is disappointing is the amateur nature of the heists, for me. That moment in a fictional heist where it looks like it’s all going wrong… but the mark has actually played into the gang’s hands. I kept waiting for it, because when that works out and feels clever (doesn’t have to be super believable, in my opinion; we can buy that a fantasy heist is super ridiculously clever) then it’s super, super satisfying. But instead, Séverin and his expert gang seem to bungle every single thing they touch. We know they have done successful heists, because we’re told so, but… we don’t get to see it. Why should I believe Séverin is a mastermind when we literally never see him succeed?

I also felt that we lacked a feeling of how the group functions together, why there’s such affection there. It’s not like the cracks started to show under pressure — they were always there. So what makes them an effective team in the first place? Séverin is not, in fact, a genius… so what keeps the group together?

So yeah, fun enough, but felt surprisingly shallow once I thought about it.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – Hench

Posted February 16, 2022 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of Hench by Natalie Zina WalschotsHench, Natalie Zina Walschots

Hench is set in a world where heroes and villains exist; where groups of heroes team up, while younger heroes are sidekicks, and where villains hire help from temp agencies. Anna does data entry, strictly not fieldwork, but as she begins to take a few risks and agree to do a little more, she has the misfortune to cross paths with Supercollider, a hero who leaves more than a little collateral damage in his wake. As she recovers, her leg shattered, she begins to run the numbers: how many people do the heroes kill or seriously wound? How much property damage do they do? What, exactly, do they cost the world?

And of course, her work draws more than a few eyes. Including those of Leviathan, a supervillain with a pretty epic set of resources. Under his tutelage, she becomes the Auditor, and begins to find ways to pick the heroes apart…

It’s strange spending a book rooting for the villains when they are still villainous. Not that Supercollider’s great, either — the things Anna finds out about his cost to the world are true, and he’s a ball of rage in the shape of a man, no hero but a man who hungers for the conflict, the violence, and the adulation he received in response. A man who eats up those around him. If this were an AITA post on Reddit, the answer would be firmly ESH.

Nonetheless, I found myself rooting for Anna, while hating it and criticising her. I think part of the problem is the fairly simplistic world that’s set up here — nuance struggles to find a place in the black and white, and we end up with a book where the heroine does absolutely awful things (the last 50 pages are full of extreme body horror), while we’re still kinda meant to be rooting for her.

I did enjoy the bond that grows between Anna and Leviathan, without ever resorting to being simplistically about romantic love. There’s a very queerplatonic vibe about it at times. There are some great relationships between other characters here too, and lots of snappy dialogue and quippy banter.

I’m torn on how to rate this, in the end: I liked it a lot, for the most part, but on reflection, I felt the last 50 pages went too far.

Rating: 3/5

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