Sooo, Amsterdam happened! And so did many books. Also some awesome socks.
Books acquired
Though the last one is, of course, an ARC — Tor are as good to me as ever.
Books read this week:
Reviews posted this week:
–A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula Le Guin. This was mostly just a comfort read so I didn’t actually have much to say. I still love it with all its flaws. 5/5 stars
–The Poisoned Chocolates Case, by Anthony Berkeley. I add to a classic murder mystery in my review… 4/5 stars
–The Atrocities, by Jeremy C. Shipp. Some good atmosphere but ultimately I didn’t love it. 3/5 stars
–The Golden Age of Murder, by Martin Edwards. This book tries to do a lot, but it’s mostly successful and it made me really curious about Golden Age crime fiction I’d never even heard of. 4/5 stars
–A Long Day in Lychford, by Paul Cornell. I don’t love this series like some other people do, but this book did really manage to put its finger on some of the feelings in Britain around Brexit. 4/5 stars
Other posts:
–WWW Wednesday: The weekly update on what I’ve been reading lately.
How’s everyone doing? Delicious book hauls? Dying of the sudden warm weather, Europeans?