Tag: weekly roundup

Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted November 2, 2024 by Nicky in General / 34 Comments

Good morning folks! It’s been a busy week around here, which has meant very little time for reading — even when I was lazing around in the hotel room, since we had difficulty getting the WiFi password and finding out which of the three bins was meant for what. Lovely venue, badly executed amenities…

Anyway, the trip also means I haven’t been to the library this week, so all-in-all it’s a pretty low-key post. That said, I do have a few things to share!

Books acquired this week

Though I haven’t been to the library, I did get myself a book in order to top up an order for same-day delivery for something I needed for the trip, and I also got an e-ARC via Netgalley, so here they are!

Cover of The Virtues of Underwear by Nina Edwards Cover of The Incandescent by Emily Tesh

Two very different vibes there, I know! I’m quite curious about The Virtues of Underwear, though it was a bit of an impulse-buy… and I’ve loved Emily Tesh’s novellas, so I’m excited for this novel.

Posts from this week

I’m getting enough of a backlog of reviews that I posted some even on days I had another type of post going up, so it’s a bumper crop this week!

Other posts:

What I’m reading

First of all, let’s start with the usual: what books have I finished in the last week and plan to review here soon? Let’s see…

Cover of Saints by Amy Jeffs Cover of Rope's End, Rogue's End by E.C.R. Lorac Cover of Enchanted Creatures: Our Monsters and Their Meanings, by Natalie Lawrence

As you see, not as much reading as usual, but nonetheless, there we go! And for this weekend… I’m really not sure. I want to read some more manga, which I don’t usually review here, but I’m also knee-deep in Lucy Worsley’s biography of Agatha Christie, and The Book-Makers by Adam Smyth is due back at the library on Monday, so there’s plenty to be getting on with!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted October 26, 2024 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

It’s the weekend, and I’m so glad for it. Much-needed from my point of view! And it’ll be slightly extended, as I’ll be off to the wedding of a friend from university this week. It’s exciting to be seeing everyone again!

So let’s try and get me into a good mood with lots of books and me-time, huh?

Books acquired this week

I went to the library twice this week (since I might not get down there at all next week, and I had a hold to pick up), so it’s a bit of a bumper crop. And my library card is now maxed out, oops! First the fiction:

Cover of What Moves The Dead, by T. Kingfisher Cover of What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher Cover of Crypt of the Moon Spider by Nathan Ballingrud

Cover of Murder at the British Museum by Jim Eldridge Cover of Murder at the Ashmolean by Jim Eldridge Cover of The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty Cover of Swordcrossed by Freya Marske

I actually had eARCs of What Feasts at Night and Sword Crossed, but I didn’t get round to them — ebooks can be a bit “out of sight, out of mind” for me, unfortunately. But now I’ve read both already, and either way now the library knows people are interested in these authors!

I did also find some non-fiction, some of it from my wishlist:

Cover of Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind by Richard Fortey Cover of Saints by Amy Jeffs Cover of Eighteen by Alice Loxton Cover of Digging For Richard III by Mike Pitts

So that was a lovely haul.

I did also get a couple of books from my wife. I haven’t been “cashing in” my Valentine’s gift (a book of my choice each month) for a couple of months, so after I finished Wormwood Abbey, I asked for the next two books:

Cover of Drake Hall by Christina Baehr Cover of Castle of the Winds by Christina Baehr

And that’s it, for now. As if that wasn’t enough, ahaha.

Posts from this week

First, the reviews, as usual:

And the non-reviews:

What I’m reading

Well, let’s start first with the books I’ve finished since last week, or at least the ones I’m going to review here:

Cover of Murder at the Fitzwilliam by Jim Eldridge Cover of Wormwood Abbey by Christina Baehr Cover of Rose/House by Arkady Martine Cover of A Man and His God by Janet Morris

Cover of What Moves The Dead, by T. Kingfisher Cover of Crypt of the Moon Spider by Nathan Ballingrud Cover of The Bookshop, the Draper, The Candlestick Maker: A History of the High Street by Annie Gray Cover of Digging For Richard III by Mike Pitts Cover of What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher

As you see, it’s been a pretty good week, with some spooky reads as well (unusual for me). For the weekend, I plan to read some manga/manhua, but also hopefully start on Christina Baehr’s Drake Hall, and possibly finally get started on Sarah Beth Durst’s The Spellshop.

…Probably. As always, I’ll be going based on whatever my random whim tells me.

Finally, just a reminder for folks in the UK that Bookshop.org’s Golden Bookmark competition is drawing toward the closing date. The competition is a prize draw for £250 of book vouchers per year for life. You can sign up via my referral link to enter! Full disclosure: that gets me a few extra entries, and then you’ll be able to grab your own referral link to share.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted October 19, 2024 by Nicky in General / 24 Comments

Good morning folks! My achievement this week is that I’m finally back on top of my email inbox, and today I’m tackling my tab backlog. That hopefully means more timely comments going forward, now things are a bit more under control. (Hopefully.)

Books acquired this week

As usual now, I made a library trip on Monday, so here are my spoils!

Cover of Overleaf by Susan & Richard Ogilvy Cover of The Book Makers by Adam Smyth

Cover of Cold Snap by Lindy Ryan Cover of Murder at the Fitzwilliam by Jim Eldridge Cover of The Sad Ghost Club by Lize Meddings

I’ve been digging into those already — in fact, I’ve finished three, I’m partway through Murder at the Fitzwilliam, and it’s just The Book Makers left untouched.

I did also get a book via my British Library Crime Classics subscription, as usual, and two books for review via Netgalley.

Cover of Dramatic Murder by Elizabeth Anthony Cover of Rose/House by Arkady Martine Cover of The River has Roots by Amal El-Mohtar

I won’t be reading a Christmas mystery yet, but I had a fun time doing so last year during December, so I’ll look forward to that. As for the ARCs, I’ve been curious about Rose/House for a while, but it wasn’t available in the UK, so glad to pick that up! I wasn’t personally as in love with This Is How You Lose The Time War as others, but I’m curious about The River Has Roots all the same.

Reviews posted this week

As usual, let’s have the review roundup!

And just one non-review post:

What I’m reading

It’s been a good reading week, but quite a few books I won’t review here (like my rereads of Record of a Spaceborn Few and The Galaxy and the Ground Within). As ever, here’s a sneak peak of the books I finished and will be reviewing here — sooner or later, anyway.

Cover of The Hunter by Richard Stark Cover of The Mountain in the Sea by Ray NaylerCover of Overleaf by Susan & Richard Ogilvy

Cover of Cold Snap by Lindy Ryan Cover of The Sad Ghost Club by Lize Meddings Cover of The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie

As for what I’ll be reading this weekend… first I’m going to finish up with Murder at the Fitzwilliam, for sure. After that, I’m probably just going to follow a whim. I’d like to finish up Wormwood Abbey (Christina Baehr), so I can decide if I want to read the rest of the series, and I’m thinking of making a start on Alexis Hall’s Mortal Follies. I’ll probably pick up some non-fiction as well, though, since I like to have some variety. I’m going to keep it fairly chilled out, in any case, as I just got my flu vaccine this morning.

So that’s me for the week! How’s everyone else doing?

ETA: Oh, for those in the UK, here’s an opportunity! Bookshop.org are running a “Golden Bookmark” draw, through which you may win free books for life. Sadly not unlimited free books, but £250 a year for as long as Bookshop.org exists isn’t bad, right? Go on, sign up, you know you want to. (Full disclosure: if you use my referral link, I get some extra entries. You can then get your own referral link… or pass mine on to others, whichever you prefer!)

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted October 12, 2024 by Nicky in General / 34 Comments

Hurrah for the weekend! I’m hoping to spend it mostly chilling out, but I do need to catch up on comments once more. One day I’ll be less terminally behind!

For now, here’s the weekly roundup.

Books acquired this week

This week it’s just library books, nothing new in the mail or on my ereader. I’d hoped a couple of holds would come in, but they hadn’t by the time I got down to the library, but I found myself some interesting alternatives anyway!

Cover of Feeding the Monster by Anna Bogutskaya Cover of The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer Cover of The Curator by Owen King

Cover of The Umbrella Academy vol 1 Cover of Arch-Conspirator by Veronica Roth

I’ve already read three of those, so apparently it was a very inspiring library trip!

Posts from this week

Here’s the reviews I’ve posted this week:

And other posts:

What I’m reading

It’s been quite a busy week for reading, with quite a few books finished that I plan to review on the blog. Here’s a sneak peek!

Cover of Nothing But The Truth by The Secret Barrister Cover of Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker Cover of But Not Too Bold by Hache Pueyo Cover of The Umbrella Academy vol 1

Cover of Arch-Conspirator by Veronica Roth Cover of .self Cover of Feeding the Monster by Anna Bogutskaya Cover of The Book at War by Andrew Pettegree

There are a couple of others I don’t plan to review, so it really has been a good week for it. I’m not sure what my weekend reading will be, to be honest. I want to whittle down the number of books I’m reading at once, so most likely one priority will be finishing my reread of Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers). Other than that… I’ll let my whim guide me.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted October 5, 2024 by Nicky in General / 30 Comments

Yaaay, it’s the weekend! Here we go again with the usual weekly roundup…

Books acquired this week

Once more, I’ve been raiding the library this week, with my usual (perhaps weird) mix of choices…

Cover of Nothing But The Truth by The Secret Barrister Cover of The Other Olympians by Michael Waters

Cover of Buried Deep And Other Stories by Naomi Novik Cover of Out of the Drowning Deep by A.C. Wise Cover of Confounding Oaths by Alexis Hall

I had one hold to pick up, and then I checked the new acquistions. Oops?

I did also get a new book this month, which I preordered on a whim a little while ago. It looks like the kind of non-fiction that I always find really fascinating, so I’m looking forward to it.

Cover of The Bookshop, the Draper, The Candlestick Maker: A History of the High Street by Annie Gray

Of course I’m not reading nearly fast enough to keep up with the library books I’m snagging! But that’s okay. They can always be renewed, or returned and borrowed again later. The nice thing is having so many books to choose from.

Posts from this week

As usual, here’s a quick roundup! Reviews first:

And just one other post, since I skipped Top Ten Tuesday this week:

What I’m reading

It hasn’t been a bad week for reading, though I did most reading over the weekend last week! I’ve finished reading Heaven Official’s Blessing, which leaves me feeling a bit bereft, really.

I have also been reading a bit of poetry, but I haven’t had a lot to say about the collections I’d read, so I’m probably not going to review them here, so this is just a peek of the books I read this week that I’ll be reviewing sometime soon:

Cover of Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 7 by MXTX Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 8 by MXTX Cover of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

Cover of The British Museum by James Hamilton Cover of Out of the Drowning Deep by A.C. Wise Cover of Murder by Memory by Olivia Waite

I juuust finished Murder by Memory before working on this post, and liked it a lot. Here’s hoping the rest of my weekend reading goes so well: mostly I’m working my way through the Secret Barrister’s autobiography, and after that… I’m not sure. I have some other novellas that have been waiting my attention, and after enjoying Out of the Drowning Deep and Murder by Memory, maybe I’m in the mood for smallish, self-contained stories like that.

Important note

I know that people from all walks of life make up the bookish community, and I’d like to get along with everyone regardless of our differences. Every so often, though, there’s inevitably someone who crosses a line, with whom I can’t just “agree to disagree”. Last week, someone visited via a linkup and left a comment (somehow getting through my filter that should bin any future comments from them), after I had previously asked them politely to leave me alone given one of their reviews of a queer book, which used derogatory and degrading language toward trans and non-binary people.

Given that I’m non-binary, as are some of the regulars who comment here, and given how often I review queer stories and books by queer authors, I’m just not comfortable with having that person commenting (and leaving links to their blog) in my space. So this is just a gentle reminder to that person that I did ask you to stop commenting here (twice now), just in case you didn’t get notifications about my replies. It would be much appreciated if we could be adults about this and just agree to leave each other well alone.

I apologise to all my other commenters and visitors here for having to bring this up, but I hope you can all understand how uncomfortable it feels for someone who uses abusive language about people like me to keep commenting on my blog after being politely asked to leave me alone.

Now let’s get back to talking about books!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted September 28, 2024 by Nicky in General / 34 Comments

Greetings folks! It’s definitely getting autumnal here, and though the sun is bright outside the window, it’s chilly. Probably my favourite sort of weather, really — though if it stays this cold, I’m going to need to acquire some gloves before I next cycle down to the library, ahaha.

Books acquired

Once more, it’s been a busy week for library books, since a couple of holds came in and I found where they keep the recent releases. Here’s the library haul!

Cover of Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang Cover of The Stardust Grail, by Yume Kitasei Cover of The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Cover of Agatha Christie, by Lucy Worsley Cover of Enchanted Creatures: Our Monsters and Their Meanings, by Natalie Lawrence Cover of The Roads to Rome by Catherine Fletcher

I also got some poetry collections, but I’m not sure whether I’ll end up reviewing those here; so far there’s some I’ve wanted to review, and some where I feel I have nothing useful to say. At least, not enough to fill up a review. So I’ll leave those out of the haul for now.

I did also get an e-ARC for review from Tor, which looks fascinating and promises me a twisty plot like Dorothy L. Sayers. We’ll see!

Cover of Murder by Memory by Olivia Waite

Posts from this week

As usual, let’s start with the reviews!

And the other posts:

What I’m reading

This week I spent a lot of time with library books, since I keep overdoing it and getting loads at once (it’s like my brain refuses to accept that they’ll be there next time). I suspect my weekend will be much the same, as I have a hold waiting for me at the library. Here’s the usual peek at the books I’ve finished this week (at least the ones I plan to review on the blog):

Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 6 by MXTX Cover of Plants: From Roots to Riches by Kathy Willis and Carolyn Fry Cover of Pharos by Alice Thompson

Cover of the Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy by Dr Arik Kershenbaum Cover of The Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris Cover of Sorcery & Cecilia by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer

For right now, I’m reading Yellowface, The Book at War, and of course, volume 7 of Heaven Official’s Blessing. I’ll probably also pick up The Mountain in the Sea in the course of the weekend… or maybe another non-fiction, since The Book at War is rather slow.

Either way, I hope to spend plenty of time reading.

Hope you all have a good weekend too!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted September 21, 2024 by Nicky in General / 28 Comments

Oof, feels like it’s been a long week. I’ve been productive and got some important stuff done, at least!

Books acquired this week

I wasn’t really planning a library trip this week as well, but I was in town anyway to sort something out, and I ended up with some free time. So I went to the library again…

Cover of the Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy by Dr Arik Kershenbaum Cover of The Book at War by Andrew Pettegree Cover of Plants: From Roots to Riches by Kathy Willis and Carolyn Fry

Cover of The Lost Spells, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris Cover of Undying: A Love Story, by Michel Faber

I picked up some poetry on a whim; I haven’t read much poetry in ages, but I did start reading some again quite recently, and it seemed like a fun idea to dip into whatever the library has to try some poets I haven’t read before. Though I already love the song project based on The Lost Spells; give “The Snow Hare” and “Selkie Boy” a try, if you’re curious.

And checked out a local indie bookshop, The Book Vault. I have a couple more books I want to pick up later, but I settled for just two for now.

Cover of We Could Be Heroes by P.J. Ellis Cover of Rocket to the Morgue by Anthony Boucher

Posts from this week

As usual, time for a bit of a roundup. Here are the reviews first:

And the non-review posts:

What I’m reading

This week I did get back into the groove and start reading a bit more again, though it was mostly short stuff until today, when I tucked into a non-fiction book grabbed from the library and finally got back to reading Heaven Official’s Blessing (vol 6, which I’ve been struggling with due to the flashback interrupting the plot). Here’s a sneak peek of the books I’ve finished since last week (the ones I plan to review, at least):

Cover of Burning Books for Pleasure and Profit by KJ Parker Cover of Poirot Investigates, by Agatha Christie Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 19 by Akane Tamura Cover of Undying: A Love Story, by Michel Faber Cover of The Lost Spells, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris

Hopefully today I’ll finish this volume of Heaven Official’s Blessing, and maybe get a bit more into the swing of reading again.

How’s everyone else doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted September 14, 2024 by Nicky in General / 20 Comments

Happy Saturday! It’s been a quiet week around here, and I haven’t been feeling much like reading — but I did finally sort out my library card, and I got some tempting books out, so there’s hope.

Books acquired this week

First up, my haul from the library:

Cover of The Hunter by Richard Stark Cover of The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler Cover of Sir Hereward and Mister Fritz, by Garth Nix Cover of Pharos by Alice Thompson

Cover of The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young Cover of Burning Books for Pleasure and Profit by KJ Parker Cover of Sorcery & Cecilia by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer Cover of Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

As you see, I got quite enthusiastic! The first five are the ones I picked up from a bike trip down to the main library, while the latter three I grabbed on Libby.

I also got a review copy this week, of a book I’ve been very eagerly anticipating. Thanks, Tor!

Cover of The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine Addison

And finally, two that I bought. The latest volume of A Side Character’s Love Story is out, and my British Library Crime Classic book from my subscription arrived for this month.

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 19 by Akane Tamura Cover of Metropolitan Mysteries, ed. Martin Edwards

As you see, there’s a lot to tempt me!

Posts from this week

As usual, let’s do a bit of a roundup. First the reviews:

And other posts:

What I’m reading

As I mentioned above, I haven’t been reading a lot this week. I’m onto a flashback arc again in Heaven Official’s Blessing, and I know it’s also pretty dark, so I’ve not been super drawn to that… and in general, I haven’t been in the mood very much. I think it’s picking up today, though: I finally got back to my long-neglected reread of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and I’m quite tempted to pick up one or two of my library books.

Here are the books I’ve finished this week that I plan to review on the blog:

Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 5 by MXTX Cover of Book Lovers by Emily Henry

I did read some poetry collections as well, but I don’t plan to review those on the blog.

So that’s been my week! How’s everyone else doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted September 7, 2024 by Nicky in General / 10 Comments

It’s been a quiet week around here — at least in terms of books! But I did get a bicycle, after several years of not cycling, so that was exciting. I’m looking forward to getting out and about a bit more; normally I go for walks, but you can’t get very far that way, at least not in a limited time like a lunch break. I already did some exploring of the local villages, which was a fun ride!

Books acquired this week

N/a! Yep, absolutely nothing new this week. I did start a new serial on Serial Reader, so perhaps we can count that just to add some colour to this entry…

Cover of Poirot Investigates, by Agatha Christie

Posts from this week

Here’s the usual roundup of the posts I’ve been making. Reviews first!

And the other posts:

What I’m reading

Today I’ve been focusing on volume 5 of Heaven Official’s Blessing, where I keep thinking that “Yakety Sax” would be the perfect background music… At times it’s a bit sillier and more slapstick than I typically enjoy, but I do love the characters.

It’s been a slow week for reading, but here’s a sneak preview of the books I read which will be reviewed on the blog in due course:

Cover of Around the Ocean in 80 Fish & Other Sea Life by Helen Scales Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 4 by MXTX Cover of Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore Cover of All That Remains, by Sue Black Cover of The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie

And that’s it for now! Hope everyone’s been having a good week.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted August 31, 2024 by Nicky in General / 17 Comments

It’s been a pretty normal week, as things go, which is nice after feeling pretty busy and frazzled of late! It’s been a quieter week reading-wise, but that’s fine.

Books acquired this week

Without further ado, let’s finish off looking at my birthday haul (part one was last week, if folks are curious). As usual, it’s a mixture. Here’s the rest of the fiction…

Cover of Hot Earl Summer by Erica Ridley Cover of The Paper Boys by D.P. Clarence Cover of The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

Cover of Villainy at Vespers by Joan Cockin Cover of Deadly Earnest by Joan Cockin

A bit of romance, a bit of murder — as you do (at least around here).

And here’s the rest of the non-fic:

Cover of The British Museum by James Hamilton Cover of Around the Ocean in 80 Fish & Other Sea Life by Helen Scales Cover of Space Rover by Stewart Lawrence Sinclair Cover of Valkyrie: The Women of the Viking World by Jóhanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir

As ever, quite the mix. 🙂

Posts from this week

Aaand here’s the roundup of reviews posted:

Other posts:

What I’m reading

As I mentioned, it’s been a quieter week reading-wise, but it’s been nice. I’m deep into Heaven Official’s Blessing, of course, and not taking long between volumes as it’s really designed as one continuous story (it was a webnovel). I also started using an app called Serial Reader again, which means I’ve been reading some Agatha Christie, small segments at a time. I’ve read a lot less Christie than you’d imagine, given my love for Golden Age crime. I’m now onto The Murder on the Links.

In any case, here are the books I’ve read this week which I’ll be reviewing on the blog sooner or later…

Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 2 by MXTX Cover of Universal Basic Income by Karl Widerquist Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 3 by MXTX Cover of The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie

And th-th-that’s all folks! I hope everyone’s had a good week.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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