This week’s theme for Top Ten Tuesday is picking authors you would like to see write together. I’ve taken a somewhat random approach, just throwing favourite authors together in some cases. Also, I’ve kept dead authors in the equation, because you never know. If anyone could find a way to talk to a dead author, it’d probably be another living author.
- N.K. Jemisin and Kameron Hurley. I can only imagine what evils they would create… it’d be amazing.
- Gail Simone and Kelly Sue DeConnick. A sudden thought: imagine Batgirl vs Captain Marvel. Or Captain Marvel vs Red Sonja.
- Jo Walton and Steven Brust. I like their work, Jo admires Brust’s books, and I know Brust at least has collaborated before…
- Scott Lynch and Joe Abercrombie. Mind you, it’d end with all the characters dead.
- Cherie Priest and Kelley Sue DeConnick. Maybe they could adapt Bloodshot and Hellbent into a comic, using Kelly Sue’s knowledge of how to script?
- Jo Walton and Dorothy L. Sayers. Farthing is a pastiche of Golden Age crime fiction. I’d love to see what Wimsey would do in Walton’s alternate Britain… or what Carmichael would do, face to face with Wimsey. I feel like he’d probably get along better with Parker.
- J.R.R. Tolkien and Guy Gavriel Kay. The Fionavar books were influenced by Tolkien, undoubtedly, and Kay worked with Tolkien’s son on preparing The Silmarillion. The two together would surely do some fascinating things with mythology.
- Ursula Le Guin and Jo Walton. Because what better way to short out my fannish circuits?
- Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Because Good Omens was genius.
- Robin McKinley and Neil Gaiman. Might be a bit of a mismatch, but they both deal in fairytales…
This was actually a really hard one to come up with. I’ll be interesting to see what other people have thought up!