This week’s prompt from The Broke and the Bookish is “10 Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me”.
- Auto-approval on Netgalley for everything. Especially Tor.
- Budget and unlimited space at local community library. Please?
- Free publicity for the above. We need more readers.
- A TARDIS for personal book storage. This one’s obvious if you know me at all… and hey, I could use it to travel to my partner’s and take all my stuff!
- Digital and print copies in the same purchase. Wouldn’t bundles like this make life so much easier?
- Time spent reading pauses “real life”. Then I could get soooo much more done.
- More library cards. And more libraries, come to that.
- A conversation with Mori from Among Others, when she’s 26. Seems like it might, you know, be relevant to me.
- Ability to slap some characters and say no don’t do that. FitzChivalry Farseer, I’m looking at you.
- The ability to read some books for the first time… again. ’nuff said, right? Some books, you just wish you could come to them fresh again.
I could probably keep going for a while on this topic…