This week’s theme from The Broke and the Bookish is ‘Ten Bookish Things I Want to Quit’. Wait, there’s things about books that people might want to quit?!
Kidding, kidding, I totally have a list too.
- Getting caught up in my latest shiny. It’d be so nice if I could manage to keep my attention on one book or series at a time. Or maybe a couple at a time.
- Buying something and then not getting round to it. I’m sorry.
- My ridiculous backlist of ARCs. I’m actually behaving myself better now, so maybe this is an ‘I Have Quit’ one.
- Carrying like fifty books around the country when I travel. I have an ereader! I have no need to do this! Which leads to…
- …Wanting to read every book but the ones I’ve got with me. Just no, brain. Just no. Behave yourself.
- Being cranky about ebooks. I actually love my ereader! It is adorable and it can carry a lot of books. But lately, I don’t know, I’ve been cranky about reading in ebook and I’ve wanted to have something in my hands. (Except with my Kindle Voyage, because new shiny.)
- Skipping bedtime reading. What’s with that? Come on, brain, you know that reading before bed is good for you.
- Feeling guilty about ‘guilty pleasures’. You know what sort of book I’m talking about, probably. If you know me. But my guilty pleasure is another’s favourite book, and it’s silly to feel guilty about something that makes you happy, even if it’s a brief pleasure. (I actually wrote a whole post about this.)
- Rebuying books to reread. Somewhere, I have a copy. Patience, self. You can wait.
- Planning ridiculous reading lists… and consequently getting nothing read. Pressure works, sometimes, but not when I try and plan months ahead. Maybe plan the next book ahead, singular. But be flexible. Reading is meant to be fun, right?
Anyone else resemble these remarks? Heh.