Good morning! This has felt like a long week for some reason — maybe because I have no class and not much work to have been worrying about! Fortunately, there’s always books.
Received to review:
Dragons and dragon-slayers? I’m in!
Finished this week:
Five stars to: Ancillary Sword.
Four stars to: The House of Binding Thorns, Whose Body?, Bloodshot, The City of Dreaming Books and A Closed and Common Orbit.
Yep, this has been a good reading week!
Reviews posted this week:
–The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas. I’m definitely not best-placed to comment on the accuracy/authenticity of this book, but I think it’s a powerful and timely one. 5/5 stars
–Spaceman, by Mike Massimino. Basically Massimino’s memoir of his experiences in the space program, and how he got there. Interesting though mostly not about the science. 3/5 stars
–Nature’s Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts, by Philip Ball. A fascinating exploration of patterns in nature, biological, geological and chemical. 4/5 stars
–Newt’s Emerald, by Garth Nix. Basically a classic Georgette Heyer plot with a magical twist, I found this a lot of fun. 4/5 stars
Other posts:
–Top Ten Tuesday: The Stuff I’ve Gotta Know. Things about people and books I always like to find out.
–WWW Wednesday. An update on what I’ve been reading and what I think about it!
What’ve you been reading? Any exciting new books in your stacks?