It’s that time again! Check out Taking On A World Of Words to chat with everyone else who has posted what they’re reading right now!
What are you currently reading?
Too much at once, in far too scatterbrained a fashion. Let me think…
Fiction: I have both Network Effect and Goldilocks on the go, and am really excited about both, but also a ball of anxiety. It’s making reading books where I care about what happens (and am not assured of a happy ending) quite the ride. The anxiety’s fading off a bit again, but I’m still in more of a non-fic or romance mood. I am very slowly working my way through The Priory of the Orange Tree with the other Beeminder workerbees; it’s actually quite nice reading it in little sips like this, though it’s not my usual style. I am enjoying how Sabran is being slowly developed and we’re seeing little glimpses of more. I wish there was more of Tané.
Non-fiction: Digging Up Armageddon is still around on a backburner, but I’ve also started How Language Works by Daniel Everett on the go, because it’s for a reading challenge. How To Invent Everything by Ryan North as well, as a matter of fact, also for a reading challenge; it’s interesting in parts but I am bogged down in a list of useful plants going “uhhh this is just a list with slightly amusing commentary”.
What have you recently finished reading?
84 Charing Cross Road, by Helene Hanff, which is rather sweet and often funny. I just love Helene’s funny letters to Frank and how she huffed at him for being slow with her new books. It seems so weird that these were real people; it really does feel like something you’d read in a book that’s trying very hard to be quirky and cute.
What will you be reading next?
Well, on the one hand I just got Invasive Aliens by Dan Eatherley, which I’m intrigued by, particularly as it annoyed someone on Amazon by containing opinions on Brexit and Nazis with which it sounds like I may agree (though the detail was sparse). But no, in all honesty, I’m curious about the topic as well.
I did however also get in an order from Portal Bookshop, which means I now have Sarah Gailey’s When We Were Magic…
What about you?