Tag: crime

Review – The Secret of Chimneys

Posted December 2, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – The Secret of Chimneys

The Secret of Chimneys

by Agatha Christie

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 400
Series: Superintendent Battle #1
Rating: three-stars

Little did Anthony Cade suspect that an errand for a friend would land him at the center of a deadly conspiracy. Drawn into a web of intrigue, he begins to realize that the simple favor has placed him in serious danger.

As events unfold, the combined forces of Scotland Yard and the French Sûreté gradually converge on Chimneys, the great country estate that hides an amazing secret.

Agatha Christie’s The Secret of Chimneys is one I’d tried to start before, but hadn’t got into at the time — I think because it just felt convoluted from the start. This time, reading it via Serial Reader, I enjoyed it rather more: Cade and his irreverent tone, Virginia and her lively curiosity about life (and reluctance to accept conventionality for the sake of it), and poor Lord Caterham, forced to host political meetings because of the traditions around his house (leave the poor man alone).

There are a few points where she really bucks the stereotypical trends in mystery stories, e.g. when Cade confides some of what’s going on to Battle, cutting through a lot of suspicion to clear up some of the webs of mystery (which only sharpens interest in other aspects, of course). There were several turns that were clearly intended to be surprises which I found very obvious, but it was still fun to see how things come to light.

In a way, the romance isn’t very different to that in The Man in the Brown Suit, but the difference in point of view and a touch less focus on it helps; it still feels abrupt, but I found it significantly less annoying. (I suppose it also helps that they meet under somewhat different circumstances, too.) I’m also reading a biography of Agatha Christie at the moment, and I think it’s right there’s a touch of her first husband in some of her protagonists, Anthony Cade included.

Anyway, an enjoyable mystery.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Murder at the British Museum

Posted November 21, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – Murder at the British Museum

Murder at the British Museum

by Jim Eldridge

Genres: Crime, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Pages: 320
Series: Museum Mysteries #2
Rating: three-stars

1894. A well-respected academic is found dead in a gentlemen's convenience cubicle at the British Museum, the stall locked from the inside. Professor Lance Pickering had been due to give a talk promoting the museum's new 'Age of King Arthur' exhibition when he was stabbed repeatedly in the chest. Having forged a strong reputation working alongside the inimitable Inspector Abberline on the Jack the Ripper case, Daniel Wilson is called in to solve the mystery of the locked cubicle murder, and he brings his expertise and archaeologist Abigail Fenton with him.

But it isn't long before the museum becomes the site of another fatality and the pair face mounting pressure to deliver results. With enquiries compounded by persistent journalists, local vandals and a fanatical society, Wilson and Fenton face a race against time to salvage the reputation of the museum and catch a murderer desperate for revenge.

Murder at the British Museum follows on from the first book in Jim Eldridge’s series of mysteries based in museums, following the characters Daniel Wilson (retired cop, now private investigator) and Abigail Fenton (archaeologist, now also a private investigator) as they tackle another murder in a museum. There’s a lot of tension in this book between the private investigators and the police, since Daniel’s now working alongside people he knew in the force, but it isn’t just one-dimensional: Inspector Feather is friendly and helpful, and unlike in the previous book, the narrative follows the police as well part of the time, which was interesting.

Overall, I found it more engaging than the previous book, with Abigail’s character feeling a touch more consistent. It’s unfortunate that for plot reasons she had to do something pretty stupid a couple of times, but there’s a couple of interesting scenes between her and Daniel (for instance her gently telling him that he mustn’t act like she’s in danger everywhere she goes, and must accept that she’ll gauge this for herself).

It’s not a series I’m going to read for the characters, I think, but it worked better for me on that front this time.

I’ll spare you any quibbles and thoughts on the subject of Arthurian scholarship, particularly as it was all from a historical rather than literary point of view (since I mostly studied it from a literary point of view). It was good enough for fiction, though I’d have expected a bit better of Abigail than to think Malory was the originator of a lot of it (she should have pointed to the Vulgate Cycle). I did think it was an interesting motive and a good use of actual scholarly arguments to set up the reason for murder.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Rope’s End, Rogue’s End

Posted November 14, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review – Rope’s End, Rogue’s End

Rope's End, Rogue's End

by E.C.R. Lorac

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 249
Rating: three-stars

Wulfstane Manor, a rambling old country house with many unused rooms, winding staircases, and a maze of cellars, had been bequeathed to Veronica Mallowood and her brother Martin. The last time the large family of Mallowoods had all foregathered under the ancestral roof was on the occasion of their father's funeral, and there had been one of those unholy rows which not infrequently follow the reading of a will. That was some years ago, and as Veronica found it increasingly difficult to go on paying for the upkeep of Wulfstane, she summoned another family conference -- a conference in which Death took a hand.

Rope's End, Rogue's End is, of course, an Inspector MacDonald case, in which that popular detective plays a brilliant part.

Rope’s End, Rogue’s End isn’t one of my favourite E.C.R. Lorac books so far, though when I say that you always need to take into account that I think she was a really great writer. A three-star rating for an E.C.R. Lorac book is always relative (for me) to what I know her best books can be. In this case, she didn’t really exercise her talent for likeable characters, with everyone in the Mallowood family being difficult and argumentative, their relationships always rocky.

What I did think about a lot is that E.C.R. Lorac was careful not to pigeon-hole herself. She doesn’t have a particular character “type” that always turns out to be the villain. There are similarities between the situation in this book and that in Accident by Design — but the similarities are fairly superficial, and not a guide as to whodunnit in this particular story.

As usual, Lorac’s ability to evoke a sense of place does shine through in the portrayal of Wulfstane Manor, though again, it’s not a copy/paste by any means: while several of the characters adore the house, and Macdonald is certainly impressed by it, it doesn’t feel like a happy house, and the sense of wear and dilapidation is what comes through most strongly.

The mystery itself, I worked out the basics of fairly quickly, but figuring out exactly how everything was done was something else.

The main thing marring the experience here is that the Kindle edition is very badly edited. My guess is that OCR was used, but the system didn’t recognise various bits of punctuation (colons and dashes), meaning that sentences don’t always make a whole lot of sense.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The Man in the Brown Suit

Posted November 10, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review – The Man in the Brown Suit

The Man in the Brown Suit

by Agatha Christie

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 381
Series: Colonel Race #1
Rating: three-stars

A young woman investigates an accidental death at a London tube station, and finds herself of a ship bound for South Africa…

Pretty, young Anne came to London looking for adventure. In fact, adventure comes looking for her – and finds her immediately at Hyde Park Corner tube station. Anne is present on the platform when a thin man, reeking of mothballs, loses his balance and is electocuted on the rails.

The Scotland Yard verdict is accidental death. But Anne is not satisfied.

After all, who was the man in the brown suit who examined the body? And why did he race off, leaving a cryptic message behind: ‘17-122 Kilmorden Castle’?

Agatha Christie’s The Man in the Brown Suit is rather different to her Poirot books in style and tone, rather breathlessly narrated by a main female character, Anne Beddingfield. Entangled in a mystery, she falls in love more or less at first sight, and proceeds to have adventures characterised by a fair amount of impulsiveness on her part. If it reminds me of anything, it reminds me most of Mary Stewart’s books, like Madam, Will You Talk?

It didn’t especially stand out to me, I’d say; there are a couple of plot points that are staples of the genre, and it feels like quirks like Sir Eustace Pedler and Suzanne’s enthusiasm are a great part of what carries it. There’s quite a bit of internalised sexism about Anne’s character and the way she, Suzanne, and the love interest all interact.

I’ll admit reading reviews I’m quite surprised it’s so popular. I just thought it was okay.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The Hunter

Posted November 4, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – The Hunter

The Hunter

by Richard Stark

Genres: Crime
Pages: 208
Series: Parker #1
Rating: one-star

Double-crossed, shot, and left for dead — by his wife. The thriller that introduces Parker.

“The funnies call it the syndicate. The goons and hustlers call it the Outfit. You call it the Organization. But I don’t care if you call yourselves the Red Cross, you owe me forty-five thousand dollars and you’ll pay me back whether you like it or not.”

Richard Stark’s The Hunter is the first of a whole series of books about Parker, an awful excuse for a human whose desire for revenge drives this noir classic. Not that there’s a single redeeming male character in the whole thing, given they’re all criminals and cowards — and the narrative simply doesn’t have room for a female perspective, showing everything through Parker or Mal’s perspectives, which is a pretty grubby and brutal place to be. The whole thing is a glorification of violence, particularly against women.

Which is, to be clear, pretty much exactly what I expected. I was curious about this one more because I’m always curious about various aspects of the crime/mystery genre; it shares some DNA with Raymond Chandler’s work, but the writing isn’t nearly as good, and Parker is nothing like Chandler’s “shop-worn Galahad” (though a lot of the misogyny — and racism and homophobia — is the same even so).

Overall, of course, not my thing. It was a quick read, or I wouldn’t have wanted to stay with it any longer, and I won’t be reading more. Curiosity satisfied.

Rating: 1/5

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Review – Murder at the Fitzwilliam

Posted October 29, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Murder at the Fitzwilliam

Murder at the Fitzwilliam

by Jim Eldridge

Genres: Crime, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Pages: 320
Series: Museum Mysteries #1
Rating: two-stars

After rising to prominence for his role investigating the case of Jack the Ripper, former Detective Inspector Daniel Wilson is now retired. Known for his intelligence, investigative skills, and most of all his discretion, he's often consulted when a case must be solved quickly and quietly. So when a body is found in the Egyptian Collection of the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, Wilson is called in.

As he tries to uncover the identity of the dead man and the circumstances surrounding his demise, Wilson must contend with an unhelpful police Inspector, and more alarmingly, Abigail McKenzie, the archaeologist who discovered the body and is determined to protect the Egyptian collection. Can they find a way to work together to solve the mystery?

I picked up Jim Eldridge’s Murder at the Fitzwilliam mostly because I love the idea of mysteries set in museums, and this is the first of the series. It’s been rare that a mystery used the full coolness of the museum setting… and alas, this was the case again here. It was an easy read, it’s not that I didn’t have fun, but it felt more like the setting was “Cambridge in general” rather than specifically a museum.

The detectives are Daniel Wilson (a former copper turned private inquiry agent) and Abigail McKenzie, an archaeologist and blatantly obvious love interest. Daniel’s a bit nondescript, just a fairly standard male detective, while Abigail’s a bit highly strung in some ways — a bit prone to the dramatic, as the final scene where she bursts into tears at him after yelling at him because he’s supposed to have magically understood from her cold behaviour that she wants to date him. One minute she’s touting how practical she is (and boasting about having seen XYZ in Egypt), and the next there’s a mood swing and she’s angry at Daniel for even suggesting something. There are some reasons for her behaviour, but overall it just felt weird.

The concept is still tempting enough to me that I’m going to try the second book, and I don’t regret giving the first one a shot, but I hope for a bit more use of the museum setting, and a bit more consistency in the portrayal of Abigail.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – Murder By Memory

Posted October 14, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 6 Comments

Review – Murder By Memory

Murder By Memory

by Olivia Waite

Genres: Crime, Mystery, Science Fiction
Pages: 112
Rating: four-stars

A Memory Called Empire meets Miss Marple in this cozy, spaceborne mystery, helmed by a no-nonsense formidable auntie of a detective

Welcome to the HMS Fairweather, Her Majesty’s most luxurious interstellar passenger liner! Room and board are included, new bodies are graciously provided upon request, and should you desire a rest between lifetimes, your mind shall be most carefully preserved in glass in the Library, shielded from every danger.

Near the topmost deck of an interstellar generation ship, Dorothy Gentleman wakes up in a body that isn’t hers—just as someone else is found murdered. As one of the ship’s detectives, Dorothy usually delights in unraveling the schemes on board the Fairweather, but when she finds that someone is not only killing bodies but purposefully deleting minds from the Library, she realizes something even more sinister is afoot.

Dorothy suspects her misfortune is partly the fault of her feckless nephew Ruthie who, despite his brilliance as a programmer, leaves chaos in his cheerful wake. Or perhaps the sultry yarn store proprietor—and ex-girlfriend of the body Dorothy is currently inhabiting—knows more than she’s letting on. Whatever it is, Dorothy intends to solve this case. Because someone has done the impossible and found a way to make murder on the Fairweather a very permanent state indeed. A mastermind may be at work—and if so, they’ve had three hundred years to perfect their schemes…

Told through Dorothy’s delightfully shrewd POV, Murder by Memory is an ode to the cozy mystery taken to the stars with a fresh new sci-fi take. Perfect for fans of the plot-twisty narratives of Dorothy Sayers and Ann Leckie, this well-paced story will leave readers captivated and hungry for the series’ next installment.

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Olivia Waite’s Murder By Memory compared itself to Dorothy L. Sayers and Ann Leckie, which was a huge ask — and I don’t think it worked. Which is not to say that I didn’t enjoy it, but I didn’t get Sayers from it (more Agatha Christie) and there wasn’t enough focus on the culture or enough gender fuckery to feel like a Leckie title. The comparison to A Memory Called Empire didn’t ring particularly true for me, either, but Miss Marple is an apt comparison.

It was a fun mystery, nonetheless, shaped by its setting rather than just pasted on, and I enjoyed Dorothy’s voice and the concept of the generation ship, the “books” that hold people’s memories, and the ingenious crime that makes use of that. Plus, it’s nice to have a detective fascinated by knitting, and shaped by a long life.

I’d be curious about more stories in the same world, and a few more peeks at things like the Antikythera Club, Crimes Committed, and of course, Dorothy and her interest in Violet. And knitting.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

Posted October 10, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 1 Comment

Review – The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

by Agatha Christie

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 308
Series: Poirot #4
Rating: four-stars

Roger Ackroyd knew too much. He knew that the woman he loved had poisoned her brutal first husband. He suspected also that someone had been blackmailing her. Then, tragically, came the news that she had taken her own life with an apparent drug overdose.

However the evening post brought Roger one last fatal scrap of information, but before he could finish reading the letter, he was stabbed to death. Luckily one of Roger’s friends and the newest resident to retire to this normally quiet village takes over—none other than Monsieur Hercule Poirot.

If you can read Agatha Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd fresh, without knowing anything about it, I recommend you do! It’s a very clever story, and the reveal often surprises people.

That said, don’t let knowing the solution spoil it. For me, this time was a reread, but with enough time in between that I’d forgotten the significance of the clues, so that was a lot of fun too, trying to piece together the puzzle and remember the meaning/significance of the clues, while knowing the end result.

It’s a merciful break from my pet hate, Poirot’s friend Hastings. The book is narrated rather by a local man, James Sheppard, and though he also indulges himself sometimes in thinking that Poirot’s ridiculous, it’s less prominent. (I know some people feel fondly that Hastings is a himbo, and I can see that, but… he’s not my cup of tea.)

I don’t want to say too much about it, but it’s definitely my favourite of Christie’s work so far, even now I’ve read more of them (it was also the first of her books I read, back when I studied the development of crime fiction for a course at university).

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Poirot Investigates

Posted September 30, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 6 Comments

Review – Poirot Investigates

Poirot Investigates

by Agatha Christie

Genres: Crime, Mystery, Short Stories
Pages: 265
Series: Hercule Poirot #3
Rating: three-stars

The very first collection of superb short stories featuring Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings…

First there was the mystery of the film star and the diamond… then came the ‘suicide’ that was murder… the mystery of the absurdly cheap flat… a suspicious death in a locked gun-room… a million dollar bond robbery… the curse of a pharaoh’s tomb… a jewel robbery by the sea… the abduction of a Prime Minister… the disappearance of a banker… a phone call from a dying man… and, finally, the mystery of the missing will.

What links these fascinating cases? Only the brilliant deductive powers of Hercule Poirot!

The unfortunate thing about this collection of short stories (from my perspective at least) is that unfortunately, Poirot’s fairly dense sidekick Hastings is a major player in each. Poirot himself is not so bad in the short stories of Agatha Christie’s Poirot Investigates, and even Hastings doesn’t have much room to make an ass of himself, but I still don’t like the character.

There are some interesting mysteries here, but I can’t say any of them really jumped out at me and stuck in my memory. The one where Poirot recounts a case where he fails and Hastings gently tries to pierce his ego afterwards made me laugh, though.

Another thing to be wary of with Agatha Christie is the casual racism that gets sprinkled around. I noticed it quite a bit in these short stories.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The Murder on the Links

Posted September 12, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review – The Murder on the Links

The Murder on the Links

by Agatha Christie

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 273
Series: Poirot #2
Rating: two-stars

On a French golf course, a millionaire is found stabbed in the back…

An urgent cry for help brings Poirot to France. But he arrives too late to save his client, whose brutally stabbed body now lies face downwards in a shallow grave on a golf course.

But why is the dead man wearing his son’s overcoat? And who was the impassioned love-letter in the pocket for? Before Poirot can answer these questions, the case is turned upside down by the discovery of a second, identically murdered corpse…

The Murder on the Links is the second Poirot book, and mercifully gets rid of Hastings by marrying him off. He’s just unbearable — one can believe there’s someone so self-absorbed and unable to learn from mistakes, but one would rather not have to. Not that I love Poirot as a character, either, but Hastings’ deficiencies are much more aggravating.

The plot here is a bit over-convoluted, to my mind, and of course relies on characters appearing and disappearing like jack-in-the-boxes. “Cinderella” and Hastings’ relationship is based on less than nothing, and Poirot’s posturing toward Giraud does him no credit in my eyes.

There’s a satisfaction in seeing the plot work out, but it wasn’t enough for me. I wonder if I’ll get along better with Poirot without Hastings — I know I liked The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, back when I read that.

Rating: 2/5

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