Posted August 15, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 1 Comment
The Long Arm of the Law, ed. Martin Edwards
Okay, okay, all cops are bastards, but in crime fiction they don’t have to be. Of course these stories are mostly in the idealised mode where police just want to help and a lone girl can pop into the police station for protection — the world I thought I was growing up in, in fact.
It’s not a stand-out for me in terms of the stories or the quality thereof, but I was pretty entertained by Christianna Brand’s story with the Great Detective, and with Inspector Cockrill butting in and dismantling the whole story.
As ever, an interesting survey of the genre on this particular topic. And it includes a short story from E.C.R. Lorac, a rarity (though that one didn’t especially stand out to me).
Rating: 3/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, mystery
Posted July 16, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments
Capital Crimes, ed. Martin Edwards
This is an interesting bunch of stories, loosely connected by location, but somehow mostly hitting the same notes — I guess people felt a certain kind of way about London, and that comes through in this collection with a serious sense of unease about the way you can meet just about anyone in London.
The inclusion of Berkeley’s original short story on which he based The Poisoned Chocolates Case was an interesting one; the details seemed very much the same, and I can’t really remember how the novel turns out differently and which characters exactly get suspected there. It makes me a little tempted to reread it!
The truncation of the story set on the Underground feels a little odd — I guess it was long/rambling, but still, it feels like a key bit gets missed out here, the whole solution of the thing.
Overall, an interesting collection as usual.
Rating: 4/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, mystery
Posted July 4, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments
Suddenly At His Residence, Christianna Brand
There’s something a little same-y about Brand’s writing, particularly between this book and Green for Danger. There are similarities in setup (the small group of suspects), the ingenious plotting to hide the crime, the interactions of the characters as they each blame and suspect the others, and of course the method of detection. Although you couldn’t map the characters one-to-one as being similar, I feel like I’d know this was one of Brand’s books. That makes sense to some degree — after all, it’s the same detective — but it produced such a similar tone and story arc that it felt a little strange to me.
One thing Brand was undeniably good at is ratcheting up the tension for the reader. So many accusations, so many jagged little edges of wounds and half-healed jealousies… and someone in the group is a killer; someone in the group is allowing the others to be suspected.
Like Green for Danger, this isn’t the most comfortable cosy read as a result. I think I liked it more, though — I got a little more interested in the characters and which of them did the crime. The ending of this is pretty harrowing, in a whole different way to Green for Danger. As there, justice is ultimately served, but not through a trial and due process; that is one of the major tropes of Golden Age crime that gives me very iffy feelings.
Rating: 3/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, Christianna Brand, crime, mystery
Posted June 22, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments
Murder at the Manor, ed. Martin Edwards
Another good collection of short stories, this time themed around that most Golden Age of set-ups: the country house mystery. I do have a weakness for those, and there are some fun ones here, though a surprising number that feel more like horror stories!
Individually, none of the stories really shone, but I really enjoy reading these collections. I’m rather enjoying seeing some of the serial detectives that existed in short fiction, after getting fairly familiar with some of the longer-form detectives — Raffles, for instance, who has appeared in at least one other anthology in this series.
A couple of the stories are a bit too histrionic — Ethel Lina White’s, for example — but mostly what you’d expect of classic crime stories (which is exactly what I want when I pick one up).
Rating: 3/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, mystery
Posted June 10, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments
Guilty Creatures, ed. Martin Edwards
Guilty Creatures has an interesting idea for a theme (crime/mystery stories centred around animals in some way, usually where animals are the culprits), and is an entertaining read in the aggregate, but I can’t say that any single story actually really stood out to me, except perhaps the one where a tuberculosis infection was a significant clue, given my interests! In some cases the theme was a little bit stretched, to say the least (I won’t say which, since it kind of spoils the point of the story to understand what happened).
The quality of the stories is variable, as so often in short story collections of any kind, but it overall manages to be a fun experience — in part because of the little windows into the author that Edwards gives at the start of each story, providing a little bit of context. It’s very easy reading, as well: if you don’t like one story or style, the next is coming up very soon.
Rating: 3/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, mystery
Posted June 2, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments
Crimes of Cymru, ed. Martin Edwards
These aren’t strictly all one thing: some are stories written by Welsh writers (and not necessarily set in Wales), while others are by non-Welsh writers (but set in Wales). As a result, it’s a fairly mixed bag, but still a fun collection.
I was pleased by the inclusion of a story by Rhys Davies, whose work I enjoyed when I was doing a Welsh fiction in English course — I do wonder if it might’ve been possible to find more works by Welsh authors, but on the other hand, it did seem that some of those included were already pretty obscure.
As always, I enjoyed this more than I expected to: somewhere in my head I have the idea that I’m not that into short story collections, at least not themed ones that can contain works of varying quality… but the British Library Crime Classic ones have been pretty universally entertaining.
Rating: 4/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, mystery
Posted April 30, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments
Death on the Riviera, John Bude
Death on the Riviera isn’t one of the best of the British Library Crime Classics series, but it’s a solid one. Bude’s plots and writing tend to the workman-like, and his detective is mostly a blank with no real personality (though his subordinate had a bit more of a personality here, with his love affair with someone involved in the case).
All of which is not to say that I didn’t enjoy this, because Bude’s books are absolutely archetypical for a certain period of crime fiction, and thus very relaxing. You know what to expect, and you get it — after a fair amount of puzzling things out, a few red herrings, and a dead end.
I have to admit, I missed a couple of the hints here, and had to flip back to see if I thought they were really telegraphed. Maybe not quite, there was one thing that isn’t really foreshadowed well (and I don’t think it would’ve given the game away to make it a little clearer), but it all comes together in the end.
If you’re looking for the best writing or the best plotting, this won’t be it! But it is solid for what it is, and exactly what I wanted (though E.C.R. Lorac delivers a similar experience with a better sense of place and character).
Rating: 3/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, John Bude, mystery
Posted April 21, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments
Twice Round the Clock, Billie Houston
Twice Round the Clock was pretty much what I expected of this series, which means it was pretty comforting. I knew nothing about the author, though she was somewhat famous in her time (for reasons other than being an author); I wonder how much that impacted the initial reception of the book.
As it goes, it’s a country house mystery with a somewhat closed circle of suspects (not a locked room mystery, and events make it clear that people can make it to the house, but most of the suspects are cooped up in the house due to an impressive thunderstorm). The victim is a rather awful man, and the author does well at making clear that he’s awful without ever doing anything that you can point to as being so very bad.
There’s quite a bit of melodrama, fainting ladies and spurious engagements and the like — not to mention poisons that can be smeared on a person or animal and kill them spontaneously at a pre-determined time later — but that’s pretty par for the course for a crime novel of the period, and enjoyable in its way.
One thing Houston did really well is the pacing: starting off with the discovery of the body, then winding the clock back to show us the preceding hours, and then ratcheting up the tension to the climax. With each chapter having a clock time, that does help to create the tension of the story.
Rating: 4/5
Tags: Billie Houston, book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, mystery
Posted March 31, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments
Green for Danger, Christianna Brand
Green for Danger is one of those classic crime novels that definitely doesn’t feel cosy. That’s not just because it’s set during the Second World War — writers were perfectly capable of writing normality-restoring, comforting crime fiction then; in fact, it was a great time for it. The war setting doesn’t help, though, because the unease creeps around the story: consider the fact that all the doctors have morphine to take in case they should get buried alive during a bombing.
Mostly, though, it’s the mystery itself that’s unsettling. The potential culprits are all an inner circle, a limited group, and you watch their insecurities and their foibles playing out as you suspect each in turn. Could it be this one, or that one? Could it be because of a dark past, a horrible secret? Why is one’s voice recognised by various patients? Was there something suspicious about that previous event? And there’s the detective, putting pressure on them all to make them confess…
It all ends up being very uncomfortable, because it’s a group of friends, and nobody wants to believe anyone else has done it. There’s a web of jealousies and friendships between them that doesn’t stop them wanting the best for each other — but someone is a killer.
Brand’s a good writer, but it isn’t what I typically look for when I pick up a British Library Crime Classic.
Rating: 3/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, Christianna Brand, crime, mystery
Posted March 4, 2023 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments
Crook O’ Lune, E.C.R. Lorac
Crook O’ Lune is very typical of E.C.R. Lorac’s books: maybe slower than some, but using a strong sense of place to give the story atmosphere, and to create a mystery that fits into the setting, the lie of the land, the kind of people. It’s perhaps even better at that because Lorac based it on a real place, and even on her own house: you can feel the love for the house, the land, the way of life, in all the characters.
Of course, it’s a little idealised, and rather anti-urban in sentiment — even people who come from outside are by and large calmed by the land, connected to it all of a sudden, in a way that doesn’t ring so true to me (or maybe it’s just the changing times, and everybody was closer to the land then, and more able to be absorbed back into a rural community).
The mystery in this one takes a long time to get going, but it’s all necessary set-dressing, and it’s all relevant. I didn’t ‘catch’ the killer ahead of time, this time: I suspected someone else, based on details that… I’m not sure whether they were intended as red herrings or just part of the set-dressing. But it all makes sense in execution, and despite some of the sordid deeds and the sense of increasing hurry about figuring out what happened, it was a very relaxing read — you can rely on Lorac for that!
Rating: 4/5
Tags: book reviews, books, British Library Crime Classics, crime, E.C.R. Lorac, mystery