Review – Murder on Milverton Square

Posted February 9, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Murder on Milverton Square

Murder on Milverton Square

by G.B. Ralph

Genres: Crime, Mystery
Pages: 260
Series: The Milverton Mysteries #1
Rating: two-stars

Addison Harper is abruptly summoned to Milverton at the behest of an abrasive lawyer. He plans to be in and out, back to the city lickety-split. Instead, he finds himself charmed by the small town with its delightful and eccentric residents, not to mention the rather easy-on-the-eye Sergeant Jake Murphy.

Despite the rocky start, Addison admits heā€™s had a pleasant day out. That is, until returning to find the prickly old lawyer on the floor, and very much dead. Worse, it looks like murder, and Addisonā€™s fingerprints are all over the crime scene.

Murder on Milverton Square is the first in a wonderful new cosy mystery series set in an enchanting small town nestled amongst stunning New Zealand scenery. The Milverton Mysteries features a chaotic cast of local busybodies, delicious baked treats, a demanding and disdainful ginger cat, a very slow-burn romance with a rather appealing policeman, and of course, murderā€¦

G.B. Ralph’sĀ Murder on Milverton Square is a fairly short mystery story with a romance subplot. In some ways, the setup is classic: a death, an inheritance, the big city boy coming to a small town and getting enmeshed in trouble there, to the general suspicion of the populace. It’s set in New Zealand, though it’s relatively easy to forget that (though there are some scenes pointing out the wildlife, etc), and tries to give us an idyllic small-town life, etc, etc. Nothing particularly surprising there.

The same goes for the plot, as well, including the romance between Addison and the cop investigating the murder of his deceased relative’s lawyer, the gossipy older lady, the poking about, etc, etc. Nothing too surprising here.

It’s notĀ bad, I just can’t say I got enthusiastic by it or surprised by it, and I don’t feel any particular urge to pick up another book in the series.

Rating: 2/5

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