Magic Bites, Ilona Andrews
I read this relatively recently already, but sometimes you just want to turn to familiar books — and I couldn’t get back into the book I was up to in my last read through the series, just starting cold from the first page. So I went back to the beginning, which is a) a very good place to start (sorry, couldn’t resist) and b) has the start of the relationship between Kate and Curran, which is always entertaining.
I didn’t giggle as much at this one as I remember, but there were some great moments (here, kitty, kitty) and Kate’s smart mouth remains a joy to me. I love the way the books build up the hints about who she is and what she’s hiding, and that she and Curran are not obviously star-crossed lovers right from the start — you genuinely don’t know if they’re going to end up hating each other or loving each other, and both feel possible (though the former admittedly feels a little more likely).
One thing that did annoy me a lot on this readthrough was that Kate figures things out, after some healthy hints around her (really, she is slow on this one), and then Curran immediately jumps to a conclusion about who the bad guy must be. He decides she’s wrong altogether when he’s wrong about who he assumed was the problem. Dude, you’re the one who jumped to conclusions, not Kate!
Anyway, it’s a bag of fun and remains so, with lots of hints of what’s to come. Kate is pretty epic, and it’s a fun fast read for me. Maybe it’s not the best book in the world, but… the fascinating setting drew me in and the character arcs have kept me. One day I’ll actually catch up to the most recently published volume.