Tag: books

Review – Murder on the Ballarat Train

Posted November 9, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Murder on the Ballarat Train by Kerry GreenwoodMurder on the Ballarat Train, Kerry Greenwood

Another fun outing with Phryne! This one ends with her adopting a couple of girls and goes through a bunch of stuff — a crime on a train, hypnotism, murder for an inheritance, mad criminals, etc. I’m not a fan of stories where the criminal turns out to be insane, even though it’s a classic: most crime is carried out by sane people, or certainly people whose mental disorders are not central to the deed. In fact, in the real world, it’s more common for a mentally ill person to be a victim of violence than the perpetrator. It doesn’t help that the whole hypnotism thing is a little too convenient — the hypnotist can get away with just about anything using hypnotism, here.

Still, it’s fun, and I love the found-family stuff at the end. I did predict some turns of the plot, but that’s not really what I’m reading this for anyway.

I don’t think Phryne has had the same lover in any of these books so far, either. I love that there seems to be no drive for her to change her ways, in the story: she’s a flapper, she’s Phryne, and people have to accept that. Don’t get attached to any of her young men!

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Cannonbridge

Posted November 8, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Cannonbridge by Jonathan BarnesCannonbridge, Jonathan Barnes

In some ways, I think the ending of this book spoiled the build-up. Unlike a lot of other readers, I found the build-up quite interesting, especially the mounting uncanniness. There were only a few authors I didn’t know mentioned in the story, though it took me a few moments to identify some of them when they appeared as characters. The whole conspiracy, the sense of mystery — it worked well for me, and I found the figure of Cannonbridge interesting, especially in his earlier appearances.

I was less enamoured of what, in the story, gives rise to him: I’d rather he was unexplained than this rather heavy-handed Money Is Bad stuff at the end. And I’m not sure about the way the final chapter goes, either — the revelation about a particular character, the meta-fiction there. It doesn’t feel right. It’s like two elements are sitting awkwardly together in this book, at least for this reader. I can certainly understand why others have found it so disappointing.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Moon-Flash

Posted November 7, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Moon-flash by Patricia McKillipMoon-Flash, Patricia McKillip

Apparently Moon-Flash actually has a sequel, but I’m not that interested in it. It’s interesting — probably a novella in length, and written with McKillip’s usual lyricism and style — but I felt it was whole enough in itself, and I’m not interested enough in the world or characters to keep following it. Their trip down the river leads to an almost inevitable conclusion, but the story manages to say something about myth and belief, about the way different cultures interpret things, about relationships between cultures. It’s a little Ursula Le Guin-ish, in that sense, now that I think about it: I could picture her writing a very similar story.

It’s actually not as fantastical as the other works by McKillip I’ve read before, so that makes it interesting too in comparison to the magic of her other work. At the same time, that’s here too, under the surface, in the myth-making.

Rating: 3/5

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Stacking the Shelves

Posted November 7, 2015 by Nicky in General / 25 Comments

Well! This week has certainly been a busy week for me. I spent the first part of the week in London with my partner, laying waste to Forbidden Planet, Waterstones Piccadilly and Foyles… not to mention the British Museum’s bookshop. (There were some museums, too, yes!) Then I spent the latter half of the week (re)acquainting myself with the libraries local to my parents, since I’m going to be staying here almost all the time I’m not with my partner in Belgium.

Fiction purchased

Cover of Spin State by Chris Moriarty Cover of The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee Cover of Blindsight by Peter Watts

Cover of Conservation of Shadows by Yoon Ha Lee Cover of On Basilisk Station by David Weber Cover of The Honor of the Queen by David Weber

Cover of Radiance by Catherynne M. Valente Cover of Our Lady of the Ice by Cassandra Rose Clarke Cover of Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs

Cover of Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs Cover of Newt's Emerald by Garth Nix Cover of A Legend of the Future by Agustin de Rojas

I’m looking forward to quite a few of these. And thanks to Forbidden Planet, my copy of Newt’s Emerald is signed.

Non-fiction purchased

Cover of Britain BC by Francis Pryor Cover of Britain AD by Francis Pryor Cover of Britain After Rome

Cover of A History of Ancient Egypt by John Romer Cover of The Undivided Past by David Cannadine

A fairly random selection, all from the British Museum’s bookshop. I love getting my hands on new non-fiction.


Cover of Railhead by Philip Reeve Cover of The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle Cover of the Book of the Damned by Tanith Lee

Cover of the Book of the Beast by Tanith Lee Cover of The Book of the Dead by Tanith Lee Cover of Book of the Mad by Tanith Lee

Cover of Catastrophes and Other Lesser Calamities by Tony Hallam Cover of Freaks of Nature by Mark Blumberg Cover of The New Wild by Fred Pearce

Another interesting mix, of course! I have no idea when I think I’m going to get round to all this, but it’s fun anyway.

How’s everyone else doing?

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Review – The Night Circus

Posted November 6, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 10 Comments

Cover of The Night Circus by Erin MorgensternThe Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
Originally reviewed 16th September, 2012

This book is an enchantment. From the very start it slowly catches you up in the circus itself. You can never imagine every inch of it, never know it, but you feel like a rêveur yourself, as if you’ve walked through the tents and tried the food and smelt the popcorn and chocolate mice and fire and all the strange perfumes of the circus. I think it’s that, more than anything, that made me love this book so much: I was interested in the fate of Celia and Marco, but mostly because it impacted the circus, and I couldn’t stand the idea of anything bad happening to the circus.

I did get caught up in the other parts of the plot too, don’t get me wrong: I loved the references to Merlin, which sort of clued me in on where certain things were going; I liked a lot of the characters, especially the ones with secrets; I loved all the details, and how they all came together.

Possibly this is not quite a five star book, compared to some of the other books I’ve rated five stars, but it swept me off my feet, so I’m giving it five stars anyway. I found it magical — and I’m keeping a copy around, because I think I’ll reread it someday.

Rating: 5/5

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November TBR

Posted November 5, 2015 by Nicky in General / 2 Comments

What do you mean it’s already November? Gaaah!

So I’m not going to be too proscriptive about what I read in November, because it’s still a pretty high stress time for me. So here’s a bunch of books I want to get read, in moderately disorganised categories!


  • Of Sorrow and Such, Angela Slatter.
  • Armada, Ernest Cline.
  • The Palace Job, Patrick Weekes.
  • The Seventh Bride, T. Kingfisher.
  • Of Bone and Thunder, Chris Evans.

Phryne Fisher

  • Blood and Circuses, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Ruddy Gore, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Urn Burial, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Raisins and Almonds, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Death Before Wicket, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Away With the Fairies, Kerry Greenwood.

Other in-progress series

  • Siege and Storm, Leigh Bardugo.
  • Ruin and Rising, Leigh Bardugo.
  • Ancillary Mercy, Ann Leckie.
  • The Dark Arts of Blood, Freda Warrington.
  • The Boy Who Lost Fairyland, Catherynne M. Valente.
  • Dragon Coast, Greg van Eekhout.


  • A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula Le Guin.
  • The Tombs of Atuan, Ursula Le Guin.
  • The Furthest Shore, Ursula Le Guin.
  • Tehanu, Ursula Le Guin.
  • The Other Wind, Ursula Le Guin.
  • Tales from Earthsea, Ursula Le Guin.


  • The Better Angels of Our Nature, Steven Pinker.
  • Newt’s Emerald, Garth Nix.
  • London Falling, Paul Cornell.
  • Badgerlands, Patrick Barkham.
  • Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities, Tony Hallam.
  • The Mirror World of Melody Black, Gavin Extence.
  • At the Edge of Uncertainty, Michael Brooks.
  • The Accident Season, Moira Fowley-Doyle.

There may well be other stuff, which I will probably add under ‘random’ once I’ve consumed it!


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Review – Flying Too High

Posted November 5, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Flying Too High by Kerry GreenwoodFlying Too High, Kerry Greenwood

Pretty much binging on this series at the moment, I have to admit. As I write up this review, I’m already two books ahead. I find the books so readable, and since each one has clocked in under 200 pages so far, they’re not a huge time investment. Phryne is a lovely character: independent, smart, fearless, honest and true to her own principles — and non-judgemental of others.

I don’t really have much to say about the plots: these books remind me of Sayers’ mysteries, where what I care about is more the characters and how they deal with the situation. Phryne is a little too good to be true, but I want to see what she does anyway. She has a spark and a love of life that animates the novels for me. I hear Essie Davis does a great job with the character in the series, so I’m quite excited to get round to it on Netflix. Just… you know… me being me, excitement still might mean it takes me another year to get to. (Sorry, Charlie Cox-as-Daredevil.)

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Dark Entries

Posted November 4, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Dark Entries by Robert AickmanDark Entries, Robert Aickman

This collection of stories mostly did not creep me out, despite the accolades of being a great horror writer. But they were certainly strange stories, as Aickman himself preferred to call them. There’s a great atmosphere in some of them, and his writing is careful and precise. Somebody else described the atmosphere in some of the stories as “reality out of joint”, and that’s definitely true — for these characters, ostensibly belonging to our normal world, something jolts out of place and everything is made strange by it. Even some quite mundane details can become more threatening in that atmosphere.

I’m not in a wild hurry to read more of Aickman’s work, but I wouldn’t say no, either — maybe I’ll pick up more of it from the library, and give his novels a try.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – The Hollow City

Posted November 3, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 6 Comments

Cover of The Hollow City by Ransom RiggsThe Hollow City, Ransom Riggs

I don’t think I have much to add with this book that I didn’t already say when it came to the first book. The juxtaposition of the vintage photography and the story works pretty well, even if the story rather demystifies the photographs by giving them explanations. The pacing is rather less glacial here, because the waiting’s over — a plot is in motion and the children have to keep moving, no matter what.

A little annoyingly, the books lead straight on, one from the other. You ideally need the next one on hand right away. My library doesn’t have the next book yet, so I can’t do that. There’s very little closure to make it feel like a natural ending — just, bam, another crisis, another problem, and… what now?

Well, I do want to find out, but if I have to wait, I’ll probably start forgetting details and get confused when I try to read the next one.

Rating: 4/5

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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted November 3, 2015 by Nicky in General / 8 Comments

Of the options for this week, the theme is “Top Ten Debut Authors Who Have Me Looking Forward To Their Sophomore Novel” or “Top Ten Sophomore Novels That I Loved Just As Much If Not More As The Author’s Debut”. Because I’m fickle, I’m going to do this one somewhat randomly based on both prompts.

  1. Pacific Fire, Greg van Eekhout. I wasn’t sure about California Bones, but Pacific Fire won me over and I just had to get Dragon Coast.
  2. The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien. I mean, The Hobbit was okay, but I think it’s The Lord of the Rings that really cemented Tolkien’s reputation.
  3. Moon Over Soho, Ben Aaronovitch. Every subsequent book has made me more of a fan of the series.
  4. Crown of Midnight, Sarah J. Maas. I wasn’t sure if I was into the series until I read Crown of Midnight.
  5. Red Seas Under Red Skies, Scott Lynch. I loved The Lies of Locke Lamora, and I wasn’t sure if Lynch could keep it up. He could.
  6. The Wrong Goodbye, Chris F. Holm. I was worried the second book would be too much like the first, that the fun wouldn’t hold out. It did!
  7. Huntress, Malinda Lo. I liked this waaaay more than Ash.
  8. The Blasted Lands, James A. Moore. This is a second book that I’m looking forward to. I know it’s out and has been a while. Shush. I’m behind.
  9. Jacqueline Koyanagi. There’s gonna be more after Ascension, right? Right??
  10. Seth Dickinson. Gimme more Baru!

I’m really bad at keeping track of debut authors and so on, so I’m gonna be interested to see what other people have come up with this week. Maybe I’d better keep some paper at the ready for taking notes…

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