Since I’ve run out of reviews to post right now — I know, I don’t know how that happened, I had one day off reading and suddenly it’s a week later and I’m still playing catch up — I’m going to post my #ShelfLove January update today. The January post encourages us to share our TBRs, lists or pictures, whatever works. Well, I already have my TBR shamefully displayed on my site: hit Mount TBRĀ and it’ll show you my acquired/unread lists for the last five years. Gulp.
But here, also have a picture of the new set of shelves my dad hacked together for me. It’s on wheels, the top serves as a desk (with my standing desk on top), and there’s two sides. I got just about all my books out of boxes and onto the shelves with this baby!

It doesn’t look like much extra space, but it’s something. And yes, you can see another set of shelves immediately behind it, the side of a large bookcase to the right of it, and there’s another set out of sight. And that box you can see is full of books. Almost all of those are books I haven’t read yet.
And then… at my parents’ house, I have a set of shelves that double as a coffee table, a shelf above my mirror, five shelves around my desk which is currently alsoĀ piled with books, a small set of shelves by the door and a set of shelves up to the ceiling directly as you enter the room. And boxes. Lots of. Fortunately, most of the books here are books I’ve read, though I think there’s another box worth of Christmas books going back to where I normally live when I go…
From this you can tell that A) I have a lot of books and B) my father is wildly indulgent, though he pretends not to be, and continues pulling ideas for more bookshelves out of his hat.
In terms of sticking to my goals, by the way, I’m doing well:
- 6/51+ already owned books read
- Spent: Ā£6 out of ~Ā£30 budget (budget is 10% of my income)
As for my other resolutions:
- No books impulse-bought
- Read every day
- Bed before midnight… mostly
- Up before ten… mostly
- Only bought one book from a series at a time
- Posted to the blog every day
- Commented on at least one other blog every day
- Tithed 10% already this month (to Stonewall)
- Done two hours volunteering
- Reading/reviewing books from NG/etc… in progress