Category: General

Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted July 20, 2024 by Nicky in General / 10 Comments

Happy weekend! There’s still not a lot going on for me reading-wise, but it always goes in phases for me, and I’m not sweating it. Reading’s not my job, it’s meant to be for fun, after all.

Plus, the fact that I’m not acquiring more books is not so bad: I have a bookshop trip with a friend coming up next week (most likely), and my birthday coming up in August (definitely), so… quiet weeks are good, if only because I’m running out of space.

Books acquired this week

N/a! I did look at requesting some on Netgalley, but I didn’t feel the excitement, so I decided to give it a miss (for now at least).

I should’ve pre-ordered KJ Charles’ new book, but I forgot. Hoping to pick that up next week!

Posts from this week

Here’s the usual roundup of what I’ve been posting!

Other posts:

What I’m reading

I’ve still been mostly re-reading the Narnia books, which I’m not going to review here again, but I did this week finish one new book I’ll review soon:

Cover of Summer's End by Juneau Black

It’s a fun addition to the Shady Hollow series; I enjoyed it a lot.

I did start picking up some other new-to-me books this week as well, though I haven’t finished them yet, including Sue Black’s Written In Bone, which is fascinating (if sometimes gruesome) and Victoria Finlay’s Colour, which is pretty fascinating. Perhaps I’ll finish them in the week ahead!

Hope everyone’s having a good one!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Things I Loved About The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Posted July 16, 2024 by Nicky in General / 5 Comments

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday theme is “Ten Things I Loved About [Insert Book Title Here]”.

The obvious choice for me would be to tell you all about the things I love about Katherine Addison’s The Goblin Emperor — and there’s so much I could tell you about that I love, from the world-building to some of the descriptions, like one character looking at another (whom she has underestimated) “like she’d been bitten by a pillow”.

But it would be terribly obvious for me to pick The Goblin Emperor, and I’ve talked about it plenty before. So instead, here’s my list of things I love about The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System. It’s technically released as a series of four volumes, but it’s really a single story (originally a webnovel), so I’m going to talk about the whole thing.

Cover of The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù Cover of The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System vol 2 Cover of The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System vol 3 by MXTX Cover of The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System vol 4 by MXTX

  1. The illustrations in the English translation! I usually have trouble imagining characters, as I have total aphantasia, but the illustrations in these books are gorgeous and expressive.
  2. Luo Binghe’s curly hair. I know it’s not actually in the text of the books, as far as I can remember, but it looks pretty lush in the illustrations.
  3. Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu’s total lack of self-knowledge. Bless him, he’s an idiot, he has no idea he’s gay, he doesn’t understand his own motivations, he’s just a mess. But he gets there in the end!
  4. Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu is a total nerd. He tries to hide it, but he has so many opinions about the story and the monsters, and he’s unabashedly fascinated by so much of it.
  5. Liu Qingge. He becomes so protective and supportive of Shen Yuan (as Shen Qingqiu), and he doesn’t try to sugarcoat anything. When he thinks Shen Qingqiu is worried about being a burden to the sect, he doesn’t try to say he isn’t — but he says he doesn’t fear that burden. How supportive can you get?!
  6. The fact that Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu canonically get married, and that Shen Qingqiu’s total idiocy doesn’t stop him from trying out calling Luo Binghe his husband one more time, even when they aren’t having sex.
  7. None of Luo Binghe’s love interests from the original story are demonised, and the fact that the story becomes about Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu’s love story allows those characters to grow and shine.
  8. The story doesn’t take itself too seriously. Shen Qingqiu is constantly commenting about the dramatic moments and silly plots, lampshading it all. And it’s so aware of fandom: the story knows what the fans are thinking (indeed, that’s kind of the point).
  9. It’s one of the few stories where the love interests have bad sex, not just once or as a plot point, but continually. It makes sense with their characters and levels of experience, and the constraints of the world — and they are getting a bit better at it in the extras… They’ll get there. It just feels surprisingly realistic, all things considered, that things aren’t magical for them right away.
  10. It has a happy, unambiguous ending. Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu are in love, together, married, and will work things out, whatever life throws at them. I won’t say no tragedy here, because they go through a lot to get there — but despite everything, they get their happy ending.

Now, would I recommend this series to everyone? Mmm, no. I thought I wouldn’t like it myself, reading the first book, and there are things about it which are tricky (a teacher having a relationship with his former student, whom he met when he was a lot younger, for example). But it wormed its way into my heart, and dealt with all of that surprisingly well, and I could use about three books more (especially if they feature Liu Qingge and Luo Binghe having to wear a metaphorical get-along shirt).

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted July 13, 2024 by Nicky in General / 21 Comments

Life’s just about back to normal after my holiday, though I’m due to spend much of my weekend on the new Extreme fights in FFXIV, so I’m not sure how much reading I’ll fit in! And hopefully I’ll be able to do some blog visiting; it’s been quiet around here!

Books acquired this week

This week I got both my British Library Crime Classic book for this month and Juneau Black’s new release, Summer’s End. I’m pretty excited about the latter, though the crime should be fun too!

Cover of Tour de Force by Christianna Brand Cover of Summer's End by Juneau Black

I’ve already started on Summer’s End!

Posts from this week

As usual, here’s a roundup of what I’ve been posting.

And a throwback freebie Top Ten Tuesday post:

What I’m reading

As mentioned, I’ve been digging into Summer’s End, but otherwise this week it’s been mostly rereads (including a reread of the Narnia books, inspired by the Top Ten Tuesday post). I did finish one new-to-me book, though:

Cover of Threading the Labyrinth by Tiffany Angus

I’m sure I’ll post the review soon, but… I was unfortunately pretty underwhelmed by this one.

Hope everyone’s having a great weekend!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Could Reread Forever

Posted July 9, 2024 by Nicky in General / 7 Comments

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie for missed TTT themes. I have no idea if I’ve done this one before, but I love rereading, so I picked #379, “books I could reread forever”.

I know some people feel that there’s just not enough time in the world for rereading, and if that’s you, that’s totally fine! But I love to reread, because I think the books I’ve already read can hit differently in the future. Sometimes you notice different things, sometimes you’re a different person, sometimes your experiences change how you understand things.

And, to be frank, reading is not a job. It’s usually meant to be for pleasure, for most people. If you feel like you have to be reading all the latest books, are you having fun or just kicking yourself in the shins?

Which is not to say that everyone needs to enjoy rereading, but it’s a pretty common response when I talk about rereading, and I don’t have time for that in my own life. I read what I enjoy, for fun, and I’ll happily encourage anybody to say “stuff that” to obligation and doing things because you “have” to.

Without further ado, here are some of my iron-clad rereads.

Cover of The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper Cover of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis Cover of The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison Cover of Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers

  1. The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is a classic and deservedly so. I do love The Lord of the Rings too, but there is something special about the warm tone of The Hobbit. Mind you, I had to take just one book to a desert island, The Lord of the Rings would be in strong contention. I’ve never read it without noticing something new (and I’ve read it quite a few times, since I studied Tolkien’s work during my MA). It’s very rereadable, in my view.
  2. The Dark is Rising, by Susan Cooper. Technically all of this series, and maybe most of all The Grey King. I listened to the BBC radio adaptation as a kid and adored it (though it scared the pants off me too), and it’s remained something I read and reread fondly. Though it’s a children’s book, there are details on many levels.
  3. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis. I think a lot of people felt betrayed to realise it was an allegory, but I don’t think I was ever “fooled”. I knew it was an allegory and still loved it. In fact, some of the sentiments in The Last Battle helped to form some of my thoughts about life and religion, even though I’m not a Christian. I still think these books are a delight and worthy of rereading. In fact, I might be tempted to do just that right now.
  4. The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison. I hope this one will never wear thin for me, because so far each time of reading has been a total delight. I love how intentional and thoughtful Maia is, and how some of the people around him respond to that and start to build a better world.
  5. Strong Poison, by Dorothy L. Sayers. I don’t think any of the choices on this list are a surprise coming from me, and this one certainly isn’t. The radioplay adaptations and the BBC adaptation with Edward Petherbridge are all wonderful.
  6. A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, by Becky Chambers. I recently reread this, in fact. It’s a relatively personal story, focused less on political events in the galaxy (though they happen) and more on the immediate effect on the people of the Wayfarer, and also on the interpersonal stuff between the people on the Wayfarer. It’s a lovely novelised discussion of how we can treat different people with different beliefs and different needs with equity and dignity. There are aspects I’m conflicted about, but even those are good to think over.
  7. Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie. I think I like this book more each time I read it. It’s hard to separate which book of the trilogy is my favourite, but I love Breq and I love to feel conflicted about Seivarden.
  8. A Natural History of Dragons, by Marie Brennan. You can tell this list is in no particular order, because I adore this series. I love Isabella and her deranged practicality, and the serious attempt to imagine what it would be like to be a naturalist studying dragons, and the different cultures and peoples one might encounter. It’s also a rare example of a book I’ve loved more and more with each reread, starting from not rating it very highly.
  9. Feed, by Mira Grant. This one’s pretty uncharacteristic for me in many ways, but the book fascinates me. I found it deeply disquieting at first, but now I find myself hankering to revisit now and again, and discover all of the details again (horrific as some of them are as scenarios). It’s also one of those books I rated low at first, but which grew on me.
  10. Chalice, by Robin McKinley. Also among that number, I didn’t “get” Chalice right away, and I’m still not entirely sure I do. There’s something warm about it, though, and I love to reread it and ponder over again how everything comes together. Also, the magic system is pretty unique and fascinating (based around honey, for the main character).

Cover of The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers Cover of Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie Cover of A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan Cover of Feed by Mira Grant Cover of Chalice by Robin McKinley

Oof, those were difficult choices! I feel like there are others I should surely include (Murderbot comes to mind) — and my choices are likely no surprise to long-time readers — but for now, this is it!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted July 6, 2024 by Nicky in General / 0 Comments

Greetings! I’m beginning to surface from the total immersion in the new story in FFXIV, having finished the main plot. There’s loads more to do, of course, but the week off I took was enough to get through the main story.

I still haven’t done much reading this week, but I imagine soon things will tend back toward normal.

Books acquired this week

N/a! Though I’ve added a few to my wishlist (which my wife will probably welcome, since my birthday is in August).

Posts from this week

This week, just the usual review posts, since the Top Ten Tuesday prompt didn’t inspire me!

My backlog of reviews is steadily diminishing! Guess I better get back to my reading groove soon.

What I’m reading

As I mentioned, not very much at the moment. I’m a bit stalled with Threading the Labyrinth, by Tiffani Angus, which I really wanted to like — but I did read a couple of things.

Cover of The Garden Jungle by Dave Goulson Cover of Curiosity Killed the Cat by Joan Cockin

So reviews for those will be coming soon! I’m also in the midst of a reread of Record of a Spaceborn Few… and after that I might get on to pastures new.

Hope everyone’s doing okay!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 30, 2024 by Nicky in General / 0 Comments

Good afternoon! Or possibly evening by the time I actually finish this. In the last couple of days I’ve been more busy playing Final Fantasy XIV’s new expansion, Dawntrail. Here’s my character embarking on the new journey!

Slightly tweaked screenshot of my character from Final Fantasy XIV, a human with short blue hair, pale blue eyes, and a black curling facial tattoo on the left side of their face. They wear an earing of a cute litte critter, and their hair is held back by a black bandanna. You can see the collar of their athletic shirt, which is red.

Books acquired this week

N/a! I’ve been too busy, and also not too concerned with collecting more books right now. Soon there are some books I really want coming out, so I’m saving my pennies for those.

Posts from this week

I’ve mostly kept up with posting, so I do have some posts to highlight!

And also one non-review post:

What I’m reading

Not a lot, thanks to the preoccupation with FFXIV. I did finish up with my reread of Juneau Black’s Shady Hollow books, so now I’m very ready for the new book. Not long now!

After that, I’ve dug into The Garden Jungle, by Dave Goulson — appropriate given that this year we’re letting our wildflower meadow expand a little more.

Other than that, nothing to report. Hope everyone’s weekend is going well!

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Top Ten Tuesday: 2024 Releases

Posted June 25, 2024 by Nicky in General / 14 Comments

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is about the new book releases coming up in the latter half of 2024! I always feel like I have no idea, and then discover fascinating books upcoming, so let’s dive in a bit…

Cover of The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst Cover of Summer's End by Juneau Black Cover of Tour de Force by Christianna Brand Cover of The Duke at Hazard by KJ Charles Cover of A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher

  1. The Spellshop, by Sarah Beth Durst. This one sounds so cosy, I’m keen to dig in. And will get to do so soon: out 9th July!
  2. Summer’s End, by Juneau Black. No surprises that this one’s top-of-mind: it’s coming 10th July, if memory serves, and I’m very ready to return to Shady Hollow and spend some time with Vera Vixen.
  3. Tour de Force, by Christianna Brand. This one’s a funny inclusion in that I don’t want it so much for itself, but because it’s the British Library Crime Classic for July, and I’d want it no matter what. But I’m just in the perfect mood for mysteries right now, so this month finds me a little impatient!
  4. The Duke at Hazard, by KJ Charles. This one sounds like a romp, and I’m definitely in need of that. Due on 18th July, and you better believe I have it preordered.
  5. A Sorceress Comes to Call, by T. Kingfisher. I love Kingfisher’s fairytale retellings, and her style in general, so I’m looking forward to this one. Due out in August, so maybe it’ll be a birthday present to myself.
  6. Haunt Sweet Home, by Sarah Pinsker. I’ve been meaning to read Sarah’s work forever, but still haven’t got round to it. I’m determined to change that before September, which is when Haunt Sweet Home comes out — I have an eARC.
  7. The City in Glass, by Nghi Vo. I actually know very little about this beyond the title: it’s an insta-buy because it’s Nghi Vo. I haven’t always loved her work (I wasn’t a huge fan of The Chosen and the Beautiful), but she’s written some things I really love. Due out in October!
  8. Swordcrossed, by Freya Marske. The cover and description sound so fun — and a bit of a Swordspoint vibe. Plus a comparison to Legends & Lattes, which I loved. Due out in October, though I should read it sooner as I have an eARC!
  9. The Bloodless Princes, by Charlotte Bond. Very curious where this goes, after the first novella surprised me. Due out in October.
  10. Heavenly Tyrant, by Xiran Jay Zhao. We’ve been waiting for this so long! I’m definitely going to have to read the first book again to remember all the details. Coming out in December, at last.

Cover of Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker Cover of The City in Glass by Nghi Vo Cover of Swordcrossed by Freya Marske Cover of The Bloodless Princess by Charlotte Bond Cover of Heavenly Tyrant by Xiran Jay Zhao

I know, I know, no non-fiction — I usually find that by browsing in shops, so I don’t always know what’s coming down the pipeline. Let me know if there’s anything cool that I’ve missed…

I’m eager to hear what books other people are looking forward to, as well! I definitely need recommendations and absolutely don’t have a massive TBR pile already. Mmmhmm.

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 22, 2024 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

This week I’ve been substantially back to normal, which is great! I had a couple of cranky days, I’ll admit, but definitely life is a bit more fun right now. I haven’t been doing that much reading, admittedly, and it’s mostly been rereading… but perhaps more about that below.

Books acquired this week

Just one book this week, via Unbound on Netgalley:

Cover of The Secret Life of Lego Bricks by Daniel Konstanski

I know, perhaps not my usual fare, but really my usual fare is “whatever grabs my interest”, and this one piqued it today, perhaps because I semi-recently read Adrift: The Curious Tale of the Lego Lost at Sea.

Posts from this week

As usual, it’s time for a bit of a roundup. Here’s what I’ve been posting about this week:

Other posts:

What I’m reading

It’s been a week for rereading, more than reading new stuff to review. I’ve been rereading Juneau Black’s Shady Hollow series; I didn’t read them that long ago, and really what I want to be reading is the new book. Since that’s not out yet, this will do for a start! Over the weekend, I’m hoping to also finish rereading A Coalition of Lions (Elizabeth E. Wein), which I will review since it’s been so long since I read it.

Here are the covers of the books I’ve read in the last week that I’m planning to review sometime soon:

Cover of The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein Cover of Worn, by Sofi Thanhauser

Luckily I have a bit of a backlog of reviews — the blog won’t run short for a while yet, fear not!

How’s everyone else doing this weekend?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Summer Reading List

Posted June 18, 2024 by Nicky in General / 20 Comments

Well, well, well — it’s been a while since I participated in a Top Ten Tuesday! I’ve been super busy with my exams, but I’m starting to get back on track and have a bit more time to chat.

And read! So here’s a glimpse at some of the items on my summer reading list.

Cover of Summer's End by Juneau Black Cover of The Duke at Hazard by KJ Charles Cover of You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian Cover of Necrobane by Daniel M. Ford Cover of A Breviary of Fire by Marie Brennan

  1. Summer’s End, by Juneau Black. No question, this is the first thought on my mind. It’s out on 11th July (in the UK at least), and I’m going to grab it on release day. I had a lot of fun reading the series so far (check out my enthusiastic reviews!), and it’s going to be perfect light reading.
  2. The Duke at Hazard, by KJ Charles. KJ’s work is an auto-buy for me, so when this comes out on 18th July, I’ll grab it straight away. I did actually request the ARC on Netgalley, but no luck so far. It sounds like a fun romp, and I’m eager to get started.
  3. You Should Be So Lucky, by Cat Sebastian. This one I already have, and it should be a fun romance read. Cat Sebastian’s work is always a good time.
  4. Necrobane, by Daniel M. Ford. This is, uh, less light reading, since it involves necromancy and all. I’m keen to start on it soon, since I enjoyed The Warden so much. It’s queued up ready on my ereader — I just want to finish one or two more of the stalled books on my “currently reading” list before I return to Aelis’ problems.
  5. A Breviary of Fire, by Marie Brennan. I love pretty much everything by Marie Brennan, and this new short story collection is pretty short, so it should be a nice pick while I’m still steadily recovering brain function after the epic marathon that was my exam period.
  6. The Bloodless Princes, by Charlotte Bond. I quite liked the first book, and I’m curious where this one will go. It should be a relatively short read, as well, which works well with my current attention span, though it won’t be light reading as such — I found the first book surprisingly grim in some ways.
  7. The Undetectables, by Courtney Smyth. With the tagline “be gay, solve crimes, take naps”, this certainly sounds like a fun romp, and I could do with that. Definitely on my shortlist for the summer.
  8. The Spellshop, by Sarah Beth Durst. It had me at the comparison to Legends & Lattes, let’s be honest, and I’ve seen it described as a “fluffy blanket” of a book. Sounds lovely, and just what the doctor ordered right now.
  9. The Hands of the Emperor, by Victoria Goddard. This would actually be a reread, but I’m holding a place for it anyway because it’s a chonker, and summer’s the perfect time to read those, before the academic year starts again. I’d like to refresh my memory for the other books in this world, and also just spend some more time with Tor and Cliopher. I loved this book. I’ve realised that inexplicably I never posted my review here, so I’ve put that in my queue to post (good thing I have a copy on StoryGraph) — though I might just wait and post a whole new review after a reread.
  10. A Coalition of Lions, by Elizabeth E. Wein. This is also a reread, albeit of a book I read longer ago. I just reread The Winter Prince, and now I’m revisiting the whole series. I feel like I remembered The Winter Prince quite well, but I don’t remember anything of the following books except that I enjoyed them (perhaps because only the first is solidly Arthurian).

Cover of The Bloodless Princess by Charlotte Bond Cover of The Undetectables by Courtney Smyth Cover of The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst Cover of The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard Cover of A Coalition of Lions by Elizabeth E. Wein

It’s a bit of a mixed bag, and I haven’t even touched on any of the non-fiction I might read, because what catches my attention can change so rapidly. I’m looking forward to all of it, though!

How about you? Any plans for the summer, readers?

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 15, 2024 by Nicky in General / 14 Comments

I’m freeeeeeee! Yes, my exams are over, and the academic year too. I’ll start up again fairly soon, trying to get ahead on studying for the next year, especially since I’ll be sitting one of the hardest modules. But for now I’m taking some well-deserved time off!

Reading-wise I’m not entirely back in the swing of it yet, and I need to do some catchup with comments and saying hi to folks, but I’m back.

Books acquired this week

I haven’t got much new, but I did get this month’s British Crime Classic book from my subscription, the theme of which (academic stories) seems… a little on the nose for me right now.

Cover of Lessons in Crime: Academic Mysteries, edited by Martin Edwards

I’m looking forward to digging into it, though I admit I haven’t read last week’s book yet.

Posts from this week

I didn’t do great at posting this week, missing two days, but here’s the roundup of the reviews that did go live!

What I’m reading

I haven’t been reading a ton this week, since I’ve been busy, and at least one of the books I did read I won’t be reviewing on the blog again (since it was a reread). But here’s a glimpse at the books I’ve read that I do plan to review on the blog sometime soon:

Cover of In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens Cover of The Brutish Museums by Dan Hicks Cover of Foreign Bodies, edited by Martin Edwards

I’m not sure what I’ll be reading this weekend, to be honest. I think I’ll probably read more of Worn: A People’s History of Clothing (Sofi Thanhauser), reread Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers), and… otherwise completely follow my whims.

How’s everyone else doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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