This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is “how many books do you own the most from”. I’m gonna be totally unscientific here and just take some wild guesses.
- Jo Walton. I own all her books, often in several formats. I think this one’s a safe bet.
- Ngaio Marsh. I have all those omnibuses. Omnibii?
- Robin Hobb. I’ve been reading everything she writes since I was, uh, thirteen ish?
- Guy Gavriel Kay. Again with the multiple formats.
- Ursula Le Guin. I don’t own everything she’s done, and I don’t usually have multiple copies, but I think she might still outnumber eveeeryone else. She’s just so good, I’m willing to try anything she’s done.
- Steven Brust. This is Jo Walton’s fault. I haven’t even read most of them yet.
- Tanya Huff. This is a guess, but I’m pretty sure I’m right. I’ve bought most of her books, though I haven’t read them all yet.
- J.R.R. Tolkien. Everything bar the twelve volume history of Middle-earth, I think. Multiple editions.
- The Gawain-poet. Whoever he (or she?) was. I own so many translations — probably at least nine?
- The Beowulf-poet. I’m not quite as big a fan as I am of the Gawain-poet, but still. I’ve got a facing translation one, Heaney’s, Tolkien’s… the list goes on.
So, what about everyone else? Strangely, Dorothy L. Sayers does not make the cut, because I borrowed my copies to read.