Author: Nicky

Review – Sorcerer to the Crown

Posted August 4, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen ChoSorcerer to the Crown, Zen Cho
Received to review via the publisher

I was really excited to get my hands on this one, and confess I begged rather through whatever medium I could think of. So much glee when I did get it! It wasn’t strictly on my reading list for this month, but I figured I had to behave myself and read it right away, especially since my reviews can be somewhat delayed in posting. This was not at all a hardship, except in that I kept getting distracted from my paid freelance work to a) read it or b) flail about it.

If you’re seeing the comparison to Susanna Clarke and thinking “oh no”, you may not be much reassured to know that I liked this, considering that I consider Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell to be an amazing piece of work. However, I’m not insensible of the criticisms people have had of that book, and the Georgette Heyer comparison is perhaps more apt in terms of tone and style. The plot might be rather Clarke-ish — the issues with English magic, the requests of the government for help in war, issues of imperialism and slavery, and of course commerce between the lands of Fairy and our own — but the tone is more like Heyer, and the writing rather lighter than Clarke’s in JS & MN. My only issue with the writing is that sometimes it seemed a bit too stilted: “do not you [x]” was not as common a construction in actual Regency times as used here, I think. Something struck me as wrong, in any case, though I confess that I haven’t particularly examined Austen and Heyer too closely on their syntax, and this is just my kneejerk reaction as someone who reads a lot from all periods.

The story itself is fun. I quickly began to suspect aspects of it, but didn’t put everything together until the end, and there were one or two things that caught me out. The love story is sweet: the realisation that there’s something there is fairly swift, but actual action and resolution of it isn’t, so it avoids feeling too easy. There’s some beautiful writing here — lovely images, lovely meditations on relationships between characters. And of course, it can’t help but meditate on colonialism given Zacharias’ birth and adoption, Prunella’s mixed heritage, and Mak Genggang’s part in the story. It’s done sensitively, with an understanding that there may be great affection even where there’s also problematic elements (meaning mostly the relationship between Zacharias and Sir Stephen).

Most of all, you’ve just got to love Prunella’s sheer audacity. She’d give Heyer’s Sophy a run for her money, I think, and like her she’s also kind and concerned with others.

All in all, I enjoyed this a lot; the only real stumbling block for me was in it being compared to such giants as Heyer and Clarke, and in some of the language — mostly the dialogue, in fact — which didn’t sound right to me. I do recommend it, even if you couldn’t get on with JS & MN; it’s not the same sort of slow, measured narrative at all, and there are absolutely no footnotes (at least in the uncorrected proof I’ve received!). It’s also a stand-alone fantasy (or if it doesn’t, it is perfectly satisfactory as one), which I know some people (myself included) very much crave.

Rating: 4/5

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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted August 4, 2015 by Nicky in General / 12 Comments

Fairytale retellings! That’s this week’s theme from The Broke and the Bookish, and one of my favourite genres.

  1. Heart’s Blood, Juliet Marillier. A retelling of Beauty and the Beast, with a lot of extra stuff. I love this a lot.
  2. Iron and Gold, Hilda Vaughan. Not a commonly known retelling, nor even a common fairytale. Well worth reading, though — and it’s set in Wales.
  3. Cuckoo Song, Frances Hardinge. A good changeling-child story.
  4. Redemption in Indigo, Karen Lord. It’s not a Western story, but it’s still a great retelling.
  5. Rose Daughter, Robin McKinley. McKinley’s great at fairytale retellings in general. Beauty might be my favourite, though.
  6. A Court of Thorns and Roses, Sarah J. Maas. Beauty and the Beast seems to be a thing, huh?
  7. Deathless, Catherynne M. Valente. A retelling of Russian stories. Beautifully written and strange.
  8. The Owl Service, Alan Garner. I’m not sure anyone would consider the story of Blodeuwedd a fairytale, but this is a chilling retelling anyway.
  9. The Wrath and the Dawn, Renee Ahdieh. The others so far were ones I’ve read; this is one I want to read. I’ve heard so much about it.
  10. Bitter Greens, Kate Forsyth. Want to read this one, too. I love that it’s a retelling of Rapunzel woven with history.

Share your favourites, please!

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Review –

Posted August 3, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

For some odd reason, I have no book review scheduled for today. I imagine I moved them around at some point and missed one. To avoid doing that again, today’s post is a review of a website instead. Ever felt like you really need some gear that displays your one true fandom — books? HUMAN have gotcha covered. Here’s just one of the shirts I got from them…

Photo of me, wearing a grey sweatshirt with the text "If I can't take my book, I'm not going"

There’s a lot of other awesome designs available. Like books and puns? How about “I’ve been inside all day and I can only blame my shelf“?

The quality of the shirts is good. The raglan is a large, because it’s a junior fit; on me it’s long enough, but if you have a long torso, it might not be long enough. It’s worth taking some measurements to check. The raglan is really really cosy, and I’m more than a bit in love with it. The unisex athletic t-shirts are also pretty good: the fabric feels nice, and the print doesn’t seem prone to flaking off or degrading like some custom t-shirts I’ve had.

Not a big enough fan of books to wear it (heh) on your sleeve? How about a Pokemon exercise joke? There’s a lot of really cool designs.

Shipping-wise, I ordered my first shirt on the 17th July. It was shipped by the 20th, and with me by the 28th. Can’t say fairer than that considering it had to be printed and then come from the US!

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Review – A Dance in Blood Velvet

Posted August 2, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of A Dance in Blood Velvet by Freda WarringtonA Dance in Blood Velvet, Freda Warrington

My review of the first book is here.

I still feel kind of weirdly ambivalent about these books. Everything the copy says about the lush gothicness, it’s true; I find the prose really compelling, something sweet and syrupy and addictive. It engages all the senses, it draws you into its dark embrace… it is exactly the rich velvety experience promised by the titles: A Taste of Blood Wine, A Dance in Blood Velvet, The Dark Blood of Poppies…

I was a little ambivalent with the first book because of the fear that it was going to glorify the vampirism as some kind of true love, some kind of real romanticism. In a way, it does: Karl and Charlotte do truly love one another, and they’ll come through their trials to find each other again. But at the same time, it never shies away from the monstrousness, which is in part what makes it so compelling. Their power, hypnotic, sensual; their pain and separation from humanity. It’s done well, that constant push-and-pull, their dependence on humanity, the way they may kid themselves they feel above.

“Fierce, intolerant and possessive” is how Charlotte describes their love — there are no illusions here about it. I think I’m okay with that, as long as the books continue walking this line between monstrous and sympathetic. Andreas, for example, is one character who seems to fall on the other side of the line in his sheer self-absorption. Ilona, in her amoral gloating about what she is, the way she plays it to the hilt. Charlotte and Karl aren’t perfect either, but they try not to fall into that, and it works to make them interesting characters.

Now what I’m not sure about is the mythology; the angels, or whatever they are, and Violette/Lilith. After Kristian’s fall in the first book, it seemed like it was going a more rationalist route with Charlotte’s beliefs, and then there was a ton of occult stuff in this book. I’m gonna read The Dark Blood of Poppies, though, definitely; if Warrington can keep me uncertain but riveted through two books, I’m along for the ride with the next two.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Death House

Posted August 1, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of The Death House by Sarah PinboroughThe Death House, Sarah Pinborough

I mostly skimmed this book, because the whole creeping fear of the illness thing… it gets to me. It’s one of the things my anxiety does to me: just a constant sense that my body is a ticking timebomb, and sooner or later, something will go wrong. I don’t need the idea of a test to tell if you’re Defective, a whole society that condones locking people who have that gene away. So, yeah, I mostly skimmed this one.

It’s not a bad story, actually. I wasn’t sure, from the concept, but I did find myself getting absorbed and stopping to read some sections. The writing is pretty good — there are some really gorgeous bits, particularly at the end. That last line, “I’m not afraid” — ahh. Lovely.

The creepiness and suspense, well, what with trying to avoid the details of the illness and so on, I didn’t really get a full sense of that. Neil Gaiman blurbed it, though, so you can see what kind of audience this is aiming at, the tone that it goes for. In this case, bear in mind that the rating I give it is a compromise between how good I think the book is (probably four stars) and my discomfort with the subject matter (two stars), since I rate things according to my personal enjoyment.

Rating: 3/5

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August TBR

Posted August 1, 2015 by Nicky in General / 6 Comments

I mentioned the first month I made a TBR list that I like making lists, but I have trouble sticking to them. I’ve been through half a dozen iterations of this list, and each one I’ve sulked about more than the last, so I’m going to go with a free for all month. Instead of telling you what I’m planning to read, I’m gonna tell you what I’m packing for my holiday at my parents’ — which might come to the same thing.

  • Ben Aaronovitch, Foxglove Summer.
  • Elizabeth Bear, One-Eyed Jack.
  • Holly Black, The Darkest Part of the Forest.
  • Susan Cooper, Ghost Hawk.
  • Chris Evans, Of Bone and Thunder.
  • Kazuo Ishiguro, The Buried Giant.
  • Emily Lloyd Jones, Illusive.
  • Sarah J. Maas, Assassin’s Blade.
  • Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire.
  • Gail Z. Martin, Deadly Curiosities.
  • Maureen F. McHugh, Mission Child.
  • Rainbow Rowell, Landline.
  • Freda Warrington, The Dark Blood of Poppies.
  • Freda Warrington, The Dark Arts of Blood.
  • G. Willow Wilson, Alif the Unseen.

Naturally, I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit surprised if I take my bat home and refuse to read a single one of these during August, but, well, I tried.



Stacking the Shelves

Posted August 1, 2015 by Nicky in General / 18 Comments

Just two books bought so far this week — I couldn’t resist it, since it’s N.K. Jemisin and set in her The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms world. And there’s Terry Pratchett’s essay on death, which supports assisted dying, a subject I’m very interested in, even if it’s a little morbid sat here in my STS post!

Cover of Shades in Shadow by N.K. Jemisin Cover of Shaking Hands with Death by Terry Pratchett

I’m excited for The Fifth Season, too. I’ve got a preorder, so hopefully I’ll get that one as soon as it’s out.


Cover of The Dark Blood of Poppies by Freda Warrington Cover of Of Bone and Thunder by Chris Evans Cover of Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

Hurrah, so glad The Dark Blood of Poppies came in for me at the library before I had to leave for my holiday. Relief! Now I can get on with that.

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Review – Shades in Shadow

Posted July 31, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of Shades in Shadow by N.K. JemisinShades in Shadow, N.K. Jemisin

This ebook is a collection of three short stories set in the same universe as The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. It revisits some of the characters and the consequences of the original trilogy, giving us a little more of Nahadoth, Hado and Glee Shoth, in turn. I’m fairly sure I missed out on some of the details because I haven’t read the books recently enough; I’m very sure I’ll reread this when I have, to fully appreciate it. As it is, though, they’re well-crafted stories, with the beautiful imagery and clarity I expect of Jemisin’s writing.

There are moments of characterisation that you don’t need to have recently read the trilogy to appreciate: Itempas, confronting change, his body treating it like an infection. Nahadoth, grieving and betrayed, betraying himself with the odd moment of affection for Tempa, with moments of regret. Glee Shoth, claiming her birthright, with strength from both her parents.

I think I liked the Nahadoth story the most, because it deals with that early aftermath of betrayal, and also most directly with Nahadoth’s nature. The various ways of describing him, “that which cannot be controlled”, etc, all work to crystallise the character, to get across in as few words as possible what Nahadoth is, and what he stands for.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Summer Tree

Posted July 31, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel KayThe Summer Tree, Guy Gavriel Kay
Originally reviewed 22nd January, 2012

Fresh from reading most of Tolkien’s work, and writing a gigantic essay on it too, I have a different perspective on Kay’s work. Especially when reminded that Kay worked on The Silmarillion with Christopher Tolkien. He has a lot in common with Tolkien, really: the synthesis of a new mythology (though not done as history, and therefore lacking all the little authenticating details that Tolkien put in) using elements of an old one (though Kay used Celtic and Norse mythology, and goodness knows what else). The comparisons can’t help but be made, though Kay sees his world as a tapestry and Tolkien as a song being sung.

I don’t think he makes his world as well as Tolkien does. I feel info-dumped, at times, rather than as if I’m just touching on the tip of a giant submerged mass of lore and wonder that even the inhabitants of his world only half-know. His gods are much more touchable, and more concerned with the individual fates of mortal men, and so less distant and thus less awe-inspiring. I think, perhaps more like C.S. Lewis, he tries to handle more than he can really weave together.

But, that’s not to say it’s totally unsuccessful. A book that can have me laughing at one moment and weeping not three pages later can’t exactly be classed as unsuccessful. His style is distancing at first — perhaps too much of a high tone, which Tolkien avoided with his hobbits — but there are some lovely lines and turns of phrase, and undoubtedly he makes me care about the characters.

Another hint that he’s doing quite well is that this is at least my fourth reread of this trilogy, though I could well have read it more than that.

Not perfect, but beloved all the same.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Winter Sea

Posted July 30, 2015 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of The Winter Sea by Susanna KearsleyThe Winter Sea, Susanna Kearsley

It took me a while to read this one, and I think I was slightly less engaged than with the other books. The Scottish setting is great, and I’m always impressed by the sense of place that Kearsley conjures up. I wasn’t that big a fan of the love triangles and such, though; I-love-you-but-you-love-another isn’t one of my favourite tropes, and though it was light, it was played with her. I’d rather not have two romantic rivals.

It’s still a book by Kearsley, though, so it’s an enjoyable read: details of character and place to make you really feel like you know the landscape and the people, so you can picture the scenes. The supernatural element, well, I’m not a fan of memories-in-DNA as a plot point (Assassin’s Creed gets away with it only because I hold games to different standards, I think), so that link between the main characters wasn’t a big thing for me.

I feel like I liked both halves of the novel — the past and the present — well enough, but I’d have liked them more if either was the whole story. I’m not sure what could be made of the modern story, but it felt like the stakes were low, everything muted; it was just a frame story for the storyline set in the past.

There are some beautiful bits of description about the wintery sea, and I think whoever retitled this as Sophia’s Secret has no soul. The Winter Sea is a perfect title for it.

Rating: 3/5

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