Author: Nicky

Review – The Falling Woman

Posted August 3, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of The Falling Woman by Pat MurphyThe Falling Woman, Pat Murphy

The Falling Woman is a slowish, atmospheric read which got hooks into me and wouldn’t let go. I love the setting — the archaeological dig, the tensions of the excavation team, even the awkwardness between the long estranged mother and daughter… It feels like the kind of site it is: laden with history, meaning, and maybe even ghosts. It’s hard to describe, and to do so would be a disservice if you want to read the book, I think; the whole point is the slow unwinding, the building of tension and uncanniness, even threat.

What’s also awesome is that this is a book populated with women — not all female characters, but still, a good proportion. And they talk to each other (about things other than men!), and work and get dirty and bitten by bugs and tired till they ache. They like or dislike each other, find it difficult to relate, enjoy one another’s company or avoid it, and it feels real. No tokenism here (though perhaps a bit of racial stereotyping around the boyfriends the younger women pick up during their time off), and no false utopia either. Things are complicated, sometimes things aren’t even solved, and Murphy handles it well.

Definitely don’t read introductions or summaries, for this one. Give it time to reveal itself to you — I think you’ll be glad if you do.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – Little, Big

Posted August 2, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Little, Big by John CrowleyLittle, Big, John Crowley

I’ve had Little, Big on my reading list for sooo long, and it definitely sounded like something I could love — a house bordering on the otherworld, rich writing, a whole tangle of family and connections to the otherworld that isn’t understood by all characters, and indeed is revealed slowly to the reader as well… For a while, I was captivated, definitely. Crowley’s writing is lovely, made me almost smell the rooms of the house, the dew-damp ground outside, etc, etc.

In the end, it reminded me a little of my experience with Tam Lin, in that I was waiting for things to happen, waiting for the story to move. Unlike Tam Lin, by the time it did, though, I’d stopped hanging on. I wasn’t interested in the characters anymore — who was sleeping with whom and who was the father of whose child, or even what each character was interested in and what they believed about their part in the story. Smokey Barnable reminded me of Neil Gaiman’s Shadow in American Gods; a nebulous figure to whom the story happens (except Smoky isn’t nearly as central as Shadow).

In the end, I got too lost in the words to enjoy the plot; honestly, I’d find it hard to tell you what the plot of most of the book was (though more plot appeared later on). A lot of it seemed to be just about coexisting with the otherworld, without much reaching across the boundaries, without much conflict or drive. It felt like short episodes of life from a family saga which just happened to include an otherworldly link. It just didn’t keep my interest, despite the high recommendations from friends (and the fact that it’s one of the Fantasy Masterworks series).

Rating: 2/5

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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted August 2, 2016 by Nicky in General / 6 Comments

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a theme after my own heart: what ten books would you buy if someone handed you a fully loaded gift card right now?


Cover of Ultimates: Omniversal Cover of Captain Marvel: Alpha Flight Cover of Tower of Thorns by Juliet Marillier Cover of A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan Cover of Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews

  1. Ultimates: Omniversal, by Al Ewing. I’ve never much liked the sound of the Ultimates as such, though I enjoy Ultimate Spider-man, but this line-up just sounds straight-up amazing. America Chavez and Captain Marvel? Sign me right up.
  2. Captain Marvel: Rise of Alpha Flight, by Tara Butters. Okay, I love DeConnick’s run on Captain Marvel, but I love the character too, and I’m excited to see what a new writer has done for her.
  3. Tower of Thorns, by Juliet Marillier. Because I don’t have a physical copy, and I haven’t got round to reading it yet either.
  4. A Natural History of Dragons, by Marie Brennan. I’ve read this twice now, but I still don’t own a physical copy. What’s wrong with me?
  5. Gunmetal Magic, by Ilona Andrews. I’m jolted by the gap in Andrea’s story that Kate’s books just bridged in a matter of sentences. Gimme more Andrea!
  6. The New Avengers: Everything Is New, by Al Ewing. The number of Avengers teams is going to get confusing but excuse me is that Hulkling on the cover? And Wiccan?
  7. The Dragons of Heaven, by Alyc Helms. I got intrigued by Robert’s review.
  8. Wake of Vultures, by Lila Bowen. I borrowed it from the library, but didn’t get round to it before I had to return it. And now I’ve seen it in a bookstore here…
  9. Blackout, by Mira Grant. I apparently don’t have this third book of the trilogy? And nor does the library? Arghh.
  10. Ghost Talkers, by Mary Robinette Kowal. It’s not out until the 13th, but I’d totally put in my preorder now.

Cover of All New Avengers Cover of The Dragons of Heaven by Alyc Helms Cover of Wake of Vultures by Lila Bowen Cover of Blackout by Mira Grant Cover of Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal

What’s anyone else dying to get their hands on?

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ShelfLove August Update

Posted August 1, 2016 by Nicky in General / 4 Comments

ShelfLove Challenge 2016

ShelfLove Update!


The goals where I’m ahead are in blue; bang on are in green; behind by up to five books are in orange; anything else is in red. I now have a running total to show where I should be for the month too (e.g. by June I should’ve read 182 books overall).

  • Targets: 
    • 250 or less books bought;
    • 366 books read overall;
    • 200 books read which I owned prior to 2016;
    • no more than 10% of income on books per month.
  • Books bought this year so far: 130/140.
  • May books bought: 29/20.
  • May budget: £40/£35.
  • Owned books read this month: 19/16.
  • Books read this month: 30/31.
  • Owned books read overall: 115/117 (2 books behind).
  • Books read overall: 205/213 (8 books behind).

I actually caught up properly at some point this month, but with wedding plans and an assignment due, I slipped back again.

This month’s theme from ShelfLove is about reading rituals and such, and honestly, I don’t really have any. I read wherever I can, whenever I can. I’ve had some reading nooks over time, when I didn’t really have my own space — I used to hide in the little spare shower room at my grandparents’ house, or sit on their stairs to read. But now I just sit in my chair or in bed or whatever and read wherever I am.

And as for a TBR for August, well, I have no idea what I’m going to have time for and I did really badly with actually sticking to my July TBR, but I would like to read the following in August.

  • Ilona Andrews, Magic Shifts.
  • Ilona Andrews, Magic Binds.
  • Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette, The Tempering of Men.
  • Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette, An Apprentice to Elves.
  • Marie Brennan, In Ashes Lie.
  • Marie Brennan, A Star Shall Fall.
  • Susan Dennard, Truthwitch.
  • Diane Duane, The Door into Sunset.
  • Chris Holm, Red Right Hand.
  • Tanya Huff, Blood Pact.
  • Tanya Huff, Blood Debt.
  • Emma Newman, Planetfall.
  • V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows.
  • Jen Williams, The Iron Ghost.
  • Jen Williams, The Silver Tide.

Which sounds very optimistic, and honestly, we’ll just have to see…

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Review – Hex

Posted August 1, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Hex by Thomas Olde HeuveltHex, Thomas Olde Heuvelt

I was a little hesitant to read this one, because I’m a wuss (let’s not even talk about Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, okay), and I was told it was pretty creepy. But actually, my problem with this book was not the creepiness — at least, not the supernatural stuff. I was really viscerally discomforted by the human nastiness. And the misogyny. And just… I don’t know, it really wasn’t to my taste, and I can’t even really find anything to say about it. I was more grossed out than weirded out — and it seems weird, because other bloggers I know didn’t remark on this stuff at all. (Though there are some Goodreads reviews that do, which I guess is reassuring.)

The witch herself is kind of creepy, but the modern trappings of the story didn’t fit for me. Reporting the appearance of a dead witch in your house via an app…? It’s clever, it works, but apparently I like my horror traditional.

I also didn’t get into the characters, at all; that’s probably what makes horror actually horrifying and absorbing for me, caring about what happens to a character. So the lack of that… eh. I can’t honestly say I enjoyed it at all. For a counterpoint, you might like Mogsy’s review.

Rating: 1/5

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Review – The Book of Atrix Wolfe

Posted July 31, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of The Book of Atrix Wolfe by Patricia McKillipThe Book of Atrix Wolfe, Patricia A. McKillip

I don’t know why this book didn’t work that well for me; it’s very much what you’d expect from McKillip, magical and otherworldly and dreamy, written in her usual meandering, allusive, dense style. I just… didn’t really get into it that much, or follow the chains of events. I often have that problem with McKillip’s work, to be fair, so this is probably a very individual criticism; people who enjoy her style effortlessly will probably enjoy this just as much as any of her other books.

For me, though… the story is compelling, and the style is pretty amazing — the way she depicts Saro’s thoughts, despite the fact that Saro doesn’t know how to speak, how to articulate in language, sticking close to what Saro is actually thinking/experiencing, for example. But other than that, I didn’t really get invested with the story, the characters; I felt oddly fatalistic about it. My attitude was pretty much ‘what will happen will happen’, rather than worrying about what might happen or trying to guess it, or even having any strong feeling about what would be a good or bad turn for the story.

The problem is probably exacerbated by the fact that I’m writing this review quite a while after reading. But it definitely wasn’t one of my favourite McKillip books; it was just too surreal, dreamy, disconnected, despite the quality of the writing.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – The Copper Promise

Posted July 30, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of The Copper Promise by Jen WilliamsThe Copper Promise, Jen Williams

The Copper Promise is a fun, relatively traditional fantasy — you step into the world and it’s like a well-worn shirt: you know more or less the shape of the continents, the kind of creatures that live on and beneath the earth, the kind of relationships people have to their rulers. It’s somewhat medieval, feudal; there are knights (who will kick out gay members of their number, of course), ancient gods, magic just coming back into the world… And it’s fun because of that feeling. You can just relax into it and enjoy the characters: the somewhat grim knight, the scarred and vengeful mage, the quick and lithe thief. (And also enjoy the fact that the latter is a woman, Wydrin, and she’s very good at what she does.)

There are a couple of hiccups in the structure; it was originally written in a serialised format, in four sections, and sometimes the joins show a little too much. Mostly, though, I just found it well paced and fun. I mean, it starts with raiding an ancient temple structure. Awesome.

At the same time, it’s not hidebound. One of the main characters is gay, and not in some obvious flouncy way, but just because that happens to be part of who he is. Wydrin is a woman, and yet never trivialised in battle or in planning or indeed anything else I can think of; she’s as much of a character as the others, and often brings refreshing snark.

It could be a little predictable at times, but again, that felt like part of the point — it felt like pretty pure escapism in a traditional fantasy world, and I’m all for that.

Rating: 4/5

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Stacking the Shelves

Posted July 30, 2016 by Nicky in General / 20 Comments

Hello, everyone! This week has been frantic for me again, with an assignment due and a wedding to organise. It’s creeping up on us — this time next week, I’ll be married!

In the meantime, though, I’ve been taking advantage of my wife-to-be’s library card.

Library books

Cover of Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik Cover of Black Powder War by Naomi Novik Cover of Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik Cover of Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik

Cover of Time and Again by Jack Finney Cover of Heresy by S.J. Parris Cover of The Incorruptibles by John Hornor Jacobs Cover of The Child Eater by Rachel Pollack

Some of these I already own, but they’re elsewhere. And I’ve read most of Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series before, but it’s been ages and I feel like it, so woo.

Received to review

Cover of A Little Knowledge by Emma Newman Cover of Way Down Dark Cover of Hotline by Quinn Anderson

Quite a different bunch, but all fun in their way. Mind you, I need to catch up with Emma Newman’s series!

Finished this week:

Cover of Gillespie & I by Jane Harris Cover of Home by Francis Pryor Cover of Feed by Mira Grant Cover of The Incorruptibles by John Hornor Jacobs

15751543 Cover of Fair Game by Josh Lanyon Cover of Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

Reviews posted this week:
The Door into Shadows, by Diane Duane. Segnbora’s book, basically. There were aspects I didn’t like, but also Segnbora is so kickass that it carries it. 3/5 stars
Death Among the Marshes, by Kathryn Ramage. A fun, Golden Age-esque mystery novella, with some great characters. 4/5 stars
Saints Astray, by Jacqueline Carey. Want to follow Pilar and Loup from Santa Olivia, and see them get a happy ending? Yep, this is for you. 4/5 stars
Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande. Sensitive, carefully written and thoughtful, Being Mortal talks about some issues we really need to spend more time on, at least in Western society. 5/5 stars
The Terracotta Bride, by Zen Cho. A short story set in an afterlife which pretty much typifies the idea that ‘hell is other people’. 4/5 stars
Toad Words and Other Stories, by T. Kingfisher. A great collection of fairytale retellings, each one unique. I love T. Kingfisher’s work, so no surprise I enjoyed these. 4/5 stars
Flashback Friday: Doomsday Book, by Connie Willis. There are a lot of things which irritated me about this book, but there’s a really solid story there too — and one which I do remember being quite emotional for me, to my own surprise. 3/5 stars

Other posts:
Top Ten Tuesday: Books Made Me (Want To) Do It. Except I didn’t take it seriously at all…

How’s everyone? Anything good coming up in the week ahead?

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Review – Doomsday Book

Posted July 29, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Doomsday Book by Connie WillisDoomsday Book, Connie Willis

Originally reviewed 11th February, 2011

It took me quite a while to read Doomsday Book. I was intrigued to find it was about Kivrin, who was mentioned in ‘Fire Watch’, but it took so, so long to get off the ground. I figured most things out ages before any of the characters did. Following sick protagonists really is no fun at all, and it’s frustrating for the same conversations to be repeated over and over again — “Where is Basingame?” (who never appears), “Did you get the fix?”, “I must speak to Gawyn”… The parts in which Kivrin’s recordings were recounted were also annoying, given that they simply repeated the action, without giving much more information.

The last thirty percent of the book, though, is pretty good. I’m not sure I’m glad I persevered, because I was seriously being bored to death, but once Kivrin’s story really got into its swing — and I don’t think that happened until nearly the end — the sense of tension and horror was catching me by the heart, and the exchanges between Father Roche and Kivrin at the end of the book made me want to cry. Some of Kivrin’s part had real power — her outburst on the corder, for example, when she swears that she won’t let the others die.

One thing that amused/bothered me in equal measure was the inclusion of a character called Gawyn, with a horse called Gringolet, who bragged and was in love, “courtly love”, with his lord’s wife. Pity that I can’t think of a story where Gawain actually commits adultery, and that Lancelot or Tristan would have been a far more appropriate reference.

I’m going to try reading more of Connie Willis’ books — To Say Nothing of the Dog looks to be next — but I’m not going to stick with them all the way through if they have the same pitfalls as this book.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Toad Words and Other Stories

Posted July 28, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Toad Words & Other Stories by T. KingfisherToad Words and Other Stories, T. Kingfisher

If you’ve been following my reactions to T. Kingfisher’s longer retellings, it’s probably no surprise that I enjoyed this collection of short stories. Despite the stated belief that she can’t write short stories, this should make it very obvious that she can: with wry humour, with tenderness, with care, with cleverness. Each of these stories has its own spin on the original fairytales; each has its own voice and shape, and sometimes it goes quite far from the original — but always in a way that I really enjoy. For example, the talking boars in ‘Boar & Apples’, which is a skewed retelling of Snow White.

If you’re not reading T. Kingfisher yet, this would make a good introduction; there’s plenty of bang for your buck here, because the stories give you a taster of all the author’s talents (rather than being a single story like Bryony and Roses or The Raven and the Reindeer). Mind you, it’s not like the other books are very expensive either; I totally recommend going for it and having a binge, if you enjoy fairytale retellings.

Of course, not all the stories were 100% to my taste, but that always happens, especially with short stories — I’m picky. It’s a strong enough collection that I think what appeals to me less could well be someone else’s favourite.

(My favourite story was ‘Loathly’; though it doesn’t explicitly reference Arthuriana, I enjoyed this take on the Loathly Lady a lot.)

Rating: 4/5

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