Tag: Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted March 22, 2025 by Nicky in General / 20 Comments

Good afternoon, folks! It’s still a weird and busy time around here, but that’s almost the “new normal” for me. It isn’t going to get less busy anytime soon, so I’m just trying my best to do stuff that I enjoy whenever I can.

So, let’s talk about books!

Books acquired this week

First, I got a couple of gifts from my wife, just ’cause:

Cover of Strange Pictures by Uketsu Cover of Jane Austen in 41 Objects by Kathryn Sutherland Cover of Mood Machine: The Rise of Spotify and the Costs of the Perfect Playlist by Liz Pelly

I’m not a mega-fan of Jane Austen (though I have enjoyed some of her books, sorry Mum), but I’m a sucker for “x in y objects” type books. As for Strange Pictures, I read about it and I’m kinda mesmerised by the idea — and Mood Machine sounds like the perfect way to really understand some of the issues around Spotify. (I’ve been aware of general problems forever, and I always buy the music I like… but it’s hard to resist the convenience of Spotify, so one likes to be at least open-eyed about it.)

And I got a pre-order of a much-awaited book (see below for my review):

Cover of Everything is Tuberculosis by John Green

Other than that, I also had a quick library trip, partly to pick up my hold of Greenteeth, and partly for a quick browse, in which I picked up a mystery novel I’ve seen around quite a bit, and a non-fiction book that hadn’t been checked out of the library for a few years, on impulse. Here they are:

Cover of Greenteeth by Molly O'Neill Cover of How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kirsten Perrin Cover of The Byzantine Lady by Donald M. Nichol

A random mix, as usual, which is always nice for me.

Posts from this week

First up, a round-up of the reviews I posted:

And other posts:

What I’m reading

As ever, first let’s have a peek at the books I’ve finished this week that I plan to review!

Cover of The Ten Teacups by Carter Dickson Cover of Seams Like Murder by Tilly Wallace Cover of Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales, by Heather Fawcett Cover of Everything is Tuberculosis by John Green

Cover of Fence vol 2 by C.S. Pacat et al Cover of The Graves: Srebenica and Vukovar by Giles Peress and Eric Stover Cover of Fence vol 3 by C.S. Pacat et al

As for this weekend, I’m not sure yet what I’ll be reading. Maybe The Apothecary Diaries (light novel), vol 3. We’ll see!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted March 15, 2025 by Nicky in General / 22 Comments

Hi all! Continues to be a bit of a tough time for me (re: my grandmother’s death as discussed last week), but I do have an extension on my assignments now, which helps a bit. And I got out to the library this week, which is always nice.

Acquired this week

As I said, I got down to the library, so I got a bunch of books out as usual (including my hold).

  Cover of Queer City by Peter Ackroyd Cover of Between Two Rivers by Moudhy Al-Rashid Cover of Every Living Thing by Jason Roberts

Cover of Fighting For Life by Isabel Hardman Cover of The Private of the Pharaohs by Joyce Tyldesley Cover of Upon a Starlit Tide by Kell Woods

A bit of a weird mix perhaps, but you’re used to that from me.

I did also pop into my local indie bookshop, because indies need our love. I found a couple of options, but picked the first volume of the Solo Levelling manhwa in the end, as someone I know is a big fan.

Cover of Solo Levelling (manhwa) vol 1, by Chugong, Debu

Posts from this week

Let’s have a bit of a roundup, as usual!

What I’m reading

I did quite a bit of reading earlier this week, and then stalled out again. Ah well; that’s what my brain does when stressed. Let’s have a look at what I finished:

Cover of The Rainfall Market by Yoo Yeong-Gwang Cover of A Brief History of Countryside in 100 Objects by Sally Coulthard Cover of Wired Love by Ella Cheever Thayer

Cover of The Roads to Rome by Catherine Fletcher Cover of Fighting Fit by Laura Dawes Cover of The Virtues of Underwear by Nina Edwards

As for this weekend, I’m trying to settle down with Carter Dickson’s The Ten Teacups, and other than that I’m not sure. Might be some time for some manga/manhwa, if my attention span’s that bad.

As with last week, I might be a little slow to reply/visit back, but I’ll do my best!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted March 8, 2025 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

Well, it’s been a pretty awful week: I went down to Wales in a hurry on Monday to see my grandmother before she died, and stayed at her side until she passed on Tuesday morning. I haven’t been in the mood for reading, really, though I know it does me good so I’ve found time for a chapter or two here and there.

Books acquired this week

None, except that I acquired my own copies of beloved manga I previously borrowed.

Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 1 by Misaki and Momochi Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 2 by Misaki and Momochi Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 3 by Misaki and Momochi Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 4 by Misaki and Momochi

Posts from this week

I did manage to get some posts out, in a bid for a bit of normality, so here’s a roundup of the reviews!

What I’m reading

I’ve only finished one book this week that I plan to review, so here it is:

Cover of Villainy at Vespers by Joan Cockin

This weekend, I’m reading a variety of things to try and spark something, so I’m nibbling away at bits of The Rainfall Market, Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales, A Brief History of the Countryside in 100 Objects, and The Virtues of Underwear. (Perhaps an odd mix… but that’s how I am.)

My apologies in advance if I’m slow to respond — I will try to reply and return visits.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted March 1, 2025 by Nicky in General / 8 Comments

It’s continued to be a busy week, but my wife’s in an orthopaedic boot now, which helps a lot — now we can share some household tasks again!

I got a couple of new books this week, though my reading has still been disrupted by an abundance of personal stuff going on. But let’s talk books while we can…

Books acquired this week

I got a gift book and spent a voucher this week, which is nice. Here they are!

Cover of The Apothecary Diaries (light novel) volume 4 Cover of The Rainfall Market by Yoo Yeong-Gwang

A quiet week, but I’ve had plenty of books to go on with in the last months!

Posts from this week:

It’s been a quiet week for reviews too, but nonetheless, here are the handful I posted:

And I did post for What Are You Reading Wednesday, too.

What I’m reading:

This weekend I’m trying to finish off February’s bingo card for BookSpinBingo on Litsy, meaning I’m reading Mortal Follies (Alexis Hall), Villainy at Vespers (Joan Cockin) and Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales (Heather Fawcett). That’s keeping me plenty busy!

And here are the books I’ve finished this week that I plan to review:

Cover of The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine Addison Cover of A Pirate's Life for Tea by Rebecca Thorne Cover of Black Ops & Beaver Bombing by Fiona Mathews and Tim Kendall Cover of Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind by Richard Fortey Cover of Starling House by Alix E. Harrow

And now it’s time to finish reading Villainy at Vespers! Hope everyone’s having a good weekend.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted February 22, 2025 by Nicky in General / 28 Comments

Last weekend, before heading in for my eye test (and for my wife to get a corneal abrasion checked, so things were already going downhill), I thought to myself, “I feel like I need new books. It feels like that sort of week.”

Reader, I don’t know if I should worry that I cursed us, or just be glad that I stocked up on some extra joy beforehand, because my wife broke an ankle on Sunday and our elderly rabbit has been refusing to eat properly. Since Lisa isn’t supposed to put any weight on that ankle, and we live in a first-floor (that’s second-floor in American) flat which had until yesterday a hole in the floor stretching almost the length of the hallway, it’s been fun and games. There’s also a bunch of associated drama where basically no one in the NHS wants to handle treating the broken ankle, so we’re not going to be seeing the fracture clinic until mid-March at the earliest. (Luckily, A&E did put on a cast.) It’s all a bit much.

So… let’s talk about books, instead!

Acquired this week

I got a couple of finished copies of books I had to review (hello, Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales), which I won’t showcase again, but also a bunch of totally new-to-me books. As ever, it’s a bit of a random mix… First up, the non-fiction!

Cover of The Cleopatras: The Forgotten Queens of Egypt, by Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones Cover of A History of the World in Twelve by David Gibbins Cover of A Brief History of Countryside in 100 Objects by Sally Coulthard Cover of The Book Forger by Joseph Hone

A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks and A Brief History of the Countryside in 100 Objects were both on buy-one-get-one-free, and I must confess to loving that kind of history, usually. So I grabbed those somewhat on a whim. I’d wanted The Book Forger for a while, and as for The Cleopatras, I can never really resist Egyptian history. Also, the author is from Cardiff University, and has a very Welsh name, which amused me.

I did also get a couple of new fiction books, one of which (Sorcery and Small Magics) I’d been eyeing for quite a while. Breath of the Dragon I’d come across more recently, and it also looks really good.

Cover of Sorcery and Small Magics, by Maiga Doocy Cover of Breath of the Dragon by Shannon Lee and Fonda Lee

So that’s my haul!

Posts from this week

There have been fewer posts than usual because I just haven’t had the mental capacity, but I did get a few reviews up, so let’s do a roundup as usual!

What I’m reading

It’s been a week rather low on reading, given the fact that I’m now doing double the chores, etc, etc. So there’s just one book I read that I plan to review, when I get chance.

Cover of Sir Hereward and Mister Fritz, by Garth Nix

I’m hoping to get some more reading time this weekend, and find a way to wind down a bit. I’m just getting started on Katherine Addison’s The Tomb of Dragons, and I’d love to spend more time with that. Wish me luck!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted February 15, 2025 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

Good afternoon! As ever, it’s been a busy week for me, but I’m on track with my studying etc etc, so that means a nice chill weekend (as long as I’m on track, I like to make sure my weekends are work- and study-free zones). Reading time!

…And an eye test and such, but you know, there’s still plenty of time for reading around that.

Acquired this week

This week featured a trip to the library, a new book from my wife, and a book via my British Library Crime Classics subscription. So without further ado, here are the books I picked for myself at the library:

Cover of Fighting Fit by Laura Dawes Cover of Midnight at Malabar House by Vaseem Khan Cover of Lost Wonders by Tom Lathan

And here’s the books I got from the “blind date with a book” display left over from Christmas — I felt so bad that they’d gone to a lot of effort to wrap them beautifully and hand-decorate them, etc, and there were still a bunch left, so I grabbed all the SF/F ones. I’ll try all three!

Cover of King of Ashes by Raymond E. Feist Cover of The Blue, Beautiful World by Karen Lord Cover of Spirits Abroad by Zen Cho

I thought I might’ve read Spirits Abroad before, but apparently not, and I’ve read Feist and Lord’s work before and enjoyed it, so all in all, not a bad match for me for something chosen just because it was SF/F!

And then there’s the books I got in the mail, with thanks to my wife for the third Hilary Tamar book by Sarah Caudwell!

Cover of The Ten Teacups by Carter Dickson Cover of The Sirens Sang of Murder by Sarah Caudwell

I already finished The Sirens Sang of Murder — I’m really loving this series, and irritated the fourth book doesn’t seem to be readily available — and I’m eager to read The Ten Teacups, since I’ve started enjoying John Dickson Carr/Carter Dickson’s work. It’s an “impossible mystery” again (which he was famous for), so I’m very curious how he makes it work this time.

Posts from this week

Aaand here’s the roundup of reviews:

And a What Are You Reading Wednesday post, as well, of course!

What I’m reading

As usual, let’s start with a sneak peek at the books I’ve finished this week which I plan to review on the blog…

Cover of The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger Cover of Brighter than Scale, Swifter than Flame by Neon Yang Cover of Volatile Memory by Seth Haddon Cover of The Bloodless Princess by Charlotte Bond Cover of The Apothecary Diaries (light novel) volume 2

Cover of Unlikeable Female Characters: The Women Pop Culture Wants You To Hate, by Anna Bogutskaya Cover of The Sirens Sang of Murder by Sarah Caudwell Cover of The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young Cover of Drake Hall by Christina Baehr

Over the weekend, I plan to amuse myself by continuing to avoid a bingo on my BookSpinBingo card on Litsy (latest update to it posted here), so I’ll probably read The Tomb of Dragons (Katherine Addison), A Pirate’s Life for Tea (Rebecca Thorne) and Sir Hereward & Mister Fitz (Garth Nix).

But, as ever, I’ll also just go wherever my whim takes me.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted February 8, 2025 by Nicky in General / 23 Comments

This post comes to you after a deeply lazy morning on my part, which segued neatly into a deeply lazy early afternoon — I didn’t get out of bed until nearly 2pm, because I was busy reading! And now it’s time to talk books for a bit.

Books acquired this week

I had a lucky week for ARCs — I have auto-approval from Tor on Netgalley, but I was more surprised to get approved for A Drop of Corruption from Random House! Thanks to both for these eARCs.

Cover of Hemlock & Silver by T. Kingfisher Cover of A Drop of Corruption by Robert Jackson Bennett

I also claimed my February book from my wife — every year, for Valentine’s Day, we renew a promise that I get (at least) one book a month of my choice. In practice it’s often more, but still, the choosing of the monthly book is a thing. And this time it was the second book in a mystery series I’m quite enjoying!

Cover of The Shortest Way to Hades by Sarah Caudwell

Sadly it doesn’t look like the fourth book is available in this edition, but here’s hoping I’ll manage to get my hands on some copy or other. The third book is now on its way to me… given that I devoured The Shortest Way to Hades this morning already.

Posts from this week

Time for a bit of a roundup of the reviews I’ve been posting!

What I’m reading

First off, as usual, here’s a roundup of what I’ve read since the last post, at least assuming I plan to review it — a bit of a sneak peek, if you will.

Cover of The Orb of Cairado by Katherine Addison Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 10 by Misaki and Momochi Cover of Around the World in 80 Birds by Mike Unwin Cover of The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

Cover of The Leavenworth Case by Anna K. Green Cover of The City in Glass by Nghi Vo Cover of The Shortest Way to Hades by Sarah Caudwell

Not sure what I’ll be reading today, all in all — probably more of The Light Eaters, a fascinating book about plant intelligence, but I’m not sure what else. As my whimsy takes me, I’m sure!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted February 1, 2025 by Nicky in General / 30 Comments

Good morning! I’m back in my usual abode, and settled back in — after a bit of a struggle because our internet connection had cut out. (Even worse, turns out it’s because a rodent bit through the cable.) It was good to have a change, and now it’s good to be home!

Without further ado, let’s dig into the doings of this week.

Books acquired this week

Just one, and of course I positively leapt upon it: The Orb of Cairado is out!

Cover of The Orb of Cairado by Katherine Addison

I’m hoping to read that this weekend, since I’m currently rereading The Grief of Stones and preparing to read the third of that trilogy.

Posts from this week

Time for the round-up of posts from this week. Let’s see…

And of course, my What Are You Reading Wednesday post!

What I’m reading

As always, let’s start with what I’ve finished up this week (at least, assuming I plan to review it). Here’s a quick peek!

Cover of The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong Cover of Murder as a Fine Art by Carol Carnac Cover of Sheeplands: How Sheep Shaped Wales and the World by Alan Marshall

Cover of A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland Cover of Who Owns This Sentence: A History of Copyrights and Wrongs by David Bellos and Alexandre Montagu Cover of Thus Was Adonis Murdered by Sarah Caudwell

I did also finish up a reread of The Witness for the Dead, and start on rereading The Grief of Stones, which I intend to finish today. Other than that, my reading plans involve the new novella in that world mentioned above, The Orb of Cairado, and then probably I’ll try to get back into reading Sarah Beth Durst’s The Spellshop.

And of course I’ll leave room to read whatever strikes my fancy…

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted January 25, 2025 by Nicky in General / 31 Comments

Good morning folks! I’ve been enjoying a few days of being a bit less constantly online and doing some extra reading, as planned, and I have a few more days of that before I’m home. I love being in FFXIV at all hours — but this is fun too, and means I’ve been able to settle down for quality reading time. That hasn’t translated into finishing loads of books, but more reading some longer ones.

Books acquired this week:

…None! Would you believe it? My family never would, but it’s true. I popped into the library to return some books, but I didn’t browse since it was only the small branch library and I don’t know my way around that super well, and we were pressed for time.

Posts from this week:

I’ve been posting as normal, so I do have stuff to share here!

And of course I posted What Are You Reading Wednesday, as usual, but skipped the TTT prompt for the week since these posts have my recent hauls covered.

What I’m reading:

As usual, let’s start with a sneak peek at the books I’ve finished reading this week which I’ll be reviewing soon!

Cover of Mr Pottermack's Oversight by R. Austin Freeman Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 9 by Misaki and Momochi Cover of Sing Like Fish: How Sound Rules Life Under Water, by Amorina Kingdon Cover of The Immune Mind by Dr Monty Lyman Cover of Lessons in Crime: Academic Mysteries, edited by Martin Edwards

Not as many as I’d kind of hoped, but they were actually pretty substantial reads (aside from A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation).

As for what I’m reading this weekend, I’m partway through Sheeplands: How Sheep Shaped Wales and the World (Alan Marshall), which is a bit disappointing in that I have questions about the research — Homer didn’t scribe anything into anything, and if you can’t manage to realise that “Homer” is probably a bit of a fiction and that the works attributed to him were likely originally oral works, I don’t know what to do for you.

I’m less sceptical of my fiction read: The Teller of Small Fortunes (Julie Leong) is proving an excellent match for my mood.

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend! Even though I’m a bit more unplugged this weekend, I’m looking forward to visiting blogs as usual, later today — or maybe tomorrow.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted January 18, 2025 by Nicky in General / 22 Comments

Good afternoon! It’s been a busy week as ever, and not as much reading time as I’d like, but here’s hoping I’ll find all the time I want today. And without further ado, let’s jump into my new books, etc.

Books acquired this week

This is actually a bit of a catchup; over the last three weeks I’ve been featuring the books I got for Christmas, but some other books have found their way to me now via vouchers I got for Christmas, other miscellaneous gifts, preorders and ARCs. Let’s take a look first at the light novels I’ve got…

Cover of The Apothecary Diaries (light novel) volume 2 Cover of The Apothecary Diaries (light novel) volume 3

Cover of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation vol 3 by MXTX Cover of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation vol 4 by MXTX Cover of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation vol 5 by MXTX

Technically volume 4 of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation hasn’t arrived yet, and I really don’t know what Waterstones/Royal Mail are playing at there, but I figured I’d feature them all together anyway.

And then there’s the other handful of books I got: a new pop-science book, the new volume of A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation, and this month’s British Library Crime Classic via my subscription.

Cover of The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 10 by Misaki and Momochi Cover of Murder as a Fine Art by Carol Carnac

I’m excited for Murder as a Fine Art, since I love Carol Carnac/E.C.R. Lorac’s work almost every time.

And finally, here are a couple of review copies I received!

Cover of Volatile Memory by Seth Haddon Cover of Advocate by Daniel M. Ford

I need to read Necrobane before I can start on Advocate, but I wanted to do that soon anyway.

So as you see, there’s even more to keep me busy! Especially nice since I’m going to be having something of an unplugged week from Wednesday to the following Wednesday, with a bit less gaming time (though I will have my Steam Deck) and a bit more reading time.

Posts from this week:

As ever, let’s have a bit of a roundup.

Other posts:

What I’m reading:

For the weekend, I’m focusing on Mr Pottermack’s Oversight, by R. Austin Freeman — a classic mystery — and Sing Like Fish: How Sound Rules Life Under Water by Amorina Kingdon. I’m having fun so far, though I’m going slower than I’d like with my reading, a sure sign of a somewhat overly busy week.

Still, I got a few books finished (more than I’d thought), so here’s a sneak peek of what I read and plan to review, this week.

Cover of The Apothecary Diaries (light novel) by Natsu Hyuuga Cover of Endangered Languages by Evangelina Adamou Cover of The Paper Boys by D.P. Clarence Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 7 by Misaki and Momochi

Cover of A History of Britain in Ten Enemies by Terry Deary Cover of Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma by Claire Bederer Cover of A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation vol 8 by Misaki and Momochi

And that’s it for me, for this week! Any exciting reading plans, folks?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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