Tag: books

Review – Sand and Ruin and Gold

Posted March 19, 2015 by in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Sand and Ruin and Gold by Alexis HallSand and Ruin and Gold, Alexis Hall
Received to review via Netgalley

This is… not a romance. It’s something strange and sad; a fairytale with an ending that isn’t precisely happy or sad. The writing is lovely, and the descriptions of the mermaids as something wholly other really works. The relationship — is it a relationship? — between the narrator and the merman is strange, and the more realistic for being ambiguous, for being… what it is, a strange union between two species where one has more power over the other, where one is a captive and the other is, nominally, in control.

It’s not a very long story, at all, but it’s just the right length; someone else commented that it feels like the background to a novel rather than a story in itself, but I definitely didn’t feel that way. I would’ve liked more, more explanations, more depth to the world, but I didn’t feel as if it was necessary.

Rating: 3/5

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No Book Buying Challenge: My Secret Sauce

Posted March 18, 2015 by in General / 6 Comments

Yes, my puns are terrible, I know. This month’s prompt from the #ShelfLove challenge is about free books: where do you get them from?

I have a feeling that I had a brilliant idea for this list and then forgot it. Ah well: I can always add it later. And now to the general update!

  • 8/51+ already owned books read
  • Spent: £21 out of ~£30 budget (budget is 10% of my income) for January
  • Spent: £20 out of ~£25 budget for February
  • Spent: £12 out of ~£25 budget for March

As for my other resolutions:

  • No books impulse-bought (two marginal; they weren’t on my list, but I was aware of and interested in them before, and I used a voucher)
  • Read every day
  • Bed before midnight… mostly
  • Up before ten every day (now basically up before eight every day and not entirely happy about it)
  • Only bought one book from a series at a time
  • Posted to the blog every day
  • Commented on at least one other blog every day
  • Tithed 10% in January, February and March.
  • Done 27 hours volunteering total
  • Reading/reviewing books from NG/etc… making some slow progress

I now have a couple of challenges and stuff set up on HabitRPG to keep me accountable, too. If I don’t get to 80% feedback on Netgalley by December 31st 2015, I pay an eight gem forfeit to a random person who joined the challenge. (You can find it in the Short-Term Accountability Guild if you’re a HabitRPG fan like me!)

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Review – The Importance of Being Earnest

Posted March 18, 2015 by in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar WIldeThe Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde

I don’t think there’s much I have to say about this that hasn’t been said. Like, gee, did you know Wilde was really witty and satirical? I know, it shocked me too… But in all seriousness, even reading this rather than seeing it performed, it has a wonderful flow and wit, and it’s really funny. I don’t normally have much patience with plays, because they’re so much flatter on the page, and you don’t get the fun of watching actors/directors interpreting them, but I really enjoyed this anyway.

And yes, yes, I know; it’s disgraceful I have two English Lit degrees and this is the first time I’ve ever read The Importance of Being Earnest. I can only say that Wilde was a bit too recent for me…

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Tale of the Duelling Neurosurgeons

Posted March 17, 2015 by in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of The Tale of the Duelling Neurosurgeons by Sam KeanThe Tale of the Duelling Neurosurgeons, Sam Kean

I’d been eyeing this for a while, but Robert really convinced me to read it. I was worried with that title it would be a bit too silly, but I shouldn’t have worried. The tone can be light, and there are a few jokes cracked and some wry asides, but it’s more scientific than the title suggests, while still being accessible to the general reader. A lot of the cases it discusses were ones I was already aware of, but it added depth and colour. I really need to get round to reading Permanent Present Tense, a book about “H.M.”, or Henry Molaison, which I’ve already got, and I’m curious about Clive Wearing’s wife’s book about his condition (though this youtube video gives you some idea).

It also added information about scientists who’ve studied the brain, though I kept muddling up my timelines and getting confused about who discovered what and when, and how it impacted everyone else. It’s arranged more thematically than chronologically, although there is a certain chronological element too (throughout the book, it moves toward more recent incidents and discoveries), so the timeline doesn’t matter incredibly.

Altogether, I found it a good primer on the science and history of neurology, for a casual reader, and the notes and such at the back offer plenty more places to dig for interesting information. (Where the library has any of these rather specialised books might be another matter, alas.) Best of all, it never feels like a lecture: the tone is warm, and the author finds the best in people and theories rather than mocking previous insights that turned out to be wrong. Which is wise, since we don’t understand the brain yet, and all of this may yet be overturned again…

Rating: 5/5

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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted March 17, 2015 by in General / 6 Comments

The Top Ten Tuesday prompt for this week is all about your spring TBR. Since I don’t really plan ahead much (I get too obsessed) and I’m writing this post two weeks before it goes live (I like to be organised), this is a somewhat random selection, and I might have got round to them by the time this goes live…

  1. Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses. I should get round to this soon, since the publishers were kind enough to grant me access on Netgalley, and I actually have yet to read anything by Maas. Everyone’s so enthusiastic… I’ll get there soon!
  2. Karen Maitland, The Raven’s Head. Also an ARC, though I’ve read just about everything Maitland’s written so far. I’m hoping this one breaks the mould a bit, though.
  3. Emma Healey, Elizabeth is Missing. The idea of this really intrigues me. It should be waiting for me at the library as I write, so I should be reading it soon. I might find it a bit upsetting, though; apparently the portrayal of dementia and mental illness is very good.
  4. Joe Abercrombie, Half a KingIt’s about time, that’s all I can say.
  5. Guy Gavriel Kay, The Lions of Al-Rassan. The next in my project of rereading all Kay’s books in publication order. (The idea is to watch his writing improve/change with experience, though oddly enough his earliest novels are probably my favourites.)
  6. Sam Kean, The Tale of the Duelling Neurosurgeons. I’ve been recommended this, neurology is fascinating, I might want to become a neurologist, and the library has it. What more could I wish for?
  7. Melissa Grey, The Girl at Midnight. Just got approved for this on Netgalley after a long wait, and it was in a previous Top Ten Tuesday as a book I was particularly looking forward to. Ergo, I have no excuse.
  8. Carrie Vaughn, After the Golden Age. This is a reread I’ve been meaning to get round to for a long time. I think there’s another book now, too!
  9. Gail Carriger, Changeless. I don’t want to end up waiting ages and ages to read this and forgetting everything about the first. Too bad I’m so easily di
  10. Susanna Kearsley, Named of the Dragon. Arthurian connection, you say? Set in Wales, you say? I’m there.

And probably all of these are going to appear again on my summer TBR, knowing me…

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Review – Clouds of Witness

Posted March 16, 2015 by in Reviews / 1 Comment

Cover of Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L. SayersClouds of Witness, Dorothy L. Sayers
Featuring Ian Carmichael as Lord Peter Wimsey, Peter Jones as Bunter, and Gabriel Woolf as Inspector Parker

This is the second of the Lord Peter radioplays, at least going chronologically by the order of the books. It’s longer than Whose Body? and a bit more personal: Lord Peter has to defend his own brother, the Duke of Denver, against a charge of murder. As usual with the Wimsey radioplays, the cast is excellent, and the parts chosen directly from the novels for dramatisation are great. I think only Ian Carmichael could get exactly the right tone for me in the part where Wimsey climbs on Parker’s back, looks over the wall, and then announces that it’s a marvellous ditch which he is going to proceed to fall into.

And of course, the ending with everyone drunk is pretty funny…

The main thing that doesn’t really work for me is, unfortunately, the sound effects. The gun sounds are more like party poppers — hardly the dramatic scenes needed. And I could maybe wish that Ian Carmichael wouldn’t sing — it’s in character, but something about it grates.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – Impossible

Posted March 15, 2015 by in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Impossible by Nancy WerlinImpossible, Nancy Werlin

It’s difficult to say how I feel about this book. There are a lot of things I liked: the supportiveness of Lucy’s adoptive family, the relatively sex-positive attitudes and the emphasis on women’s autonomy and right to choose what’s right for them, the very fact that it’s built on a folk song (there are so many stories in those). The part that worried me somewhat was the fluctuating attitude to abortion: at times it’s suggested as a natural solution (which it is in the situation described here), and at others there’s very much a “no, every life is sacred” thing. There’s a risk of glorifying teen pregnancy, and glorifying martyrdom-by-having-your-rapist’s-baby which I’m very uncomfortable with.

And yet, as I said, free choice is emphasised so often; several positively portrayed characters express their support for abortion… I think it’s just a factor of the story’s set-up: if Lucy has an abortion, there’s no story, and there’s hints that the adversary in the story is manipulating things.

One thing it does glorify that I’m not sure about is very hasty marriage. The characters don’t seem mature enough for it, and it’s so immediate upon their realisation. She’s having a baby -> we must get married. And then, of course, there’s the fact that the whole plot of the story hinges upon centuries of rapes.

I’m not entirely sure what that comes to, overall. The writing is fairly simple and functional, though once or twice it does capture some moments perfectly — particularly Zach and Lucy’s relationship, and Lucy and Sarah’s friendship. I did feel a push to finish the book; I had to know how the mystery/riddle/curse worked out. I’m not sure I’d recommend it, but I found it interesting.

Rating: 3/5

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Book Necklaces

Posted March 14, 2015 by in General / 10 Comments

Your regular Saturday review is cancelled (well, postponed for another day) in favour of my latest squee-worthy event. A few weeks ago, Cait from Paper Fury talked about the new items in her Etsy shop. I couldn’t resist and immediately made a custom order, which arrived this morning…

Four book necklaces: Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Dark is Rising and The Goblin Emperor

I ordered The Dark is Rising, The Fellowship of the Ring and The Goblin Emperor myself… The Hobbit snuck in there on a very kind whim of Cait’s.

I love them. And if you’re jealous, you can order your own from Cait’s Etsy shop, here.

Me wearing my Hobbit necklace

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Stacking the Shelves

Posted March 14, 2015 by in General / 18 Comments

Hey everyone! I’ve had a busy week, but I promise it’s mostly library books. I was very tempted in Hatchard’s in St Pancras, but I elected to note down the titles and try to get them from the library instead. And lo and behold, they came through for me. I did buy two books, but only spent £5 on them; I had a £10-off for Waterstone’s!


Cover of Finn Fancy Necromancy by Randy Henderson Cover of Cannonbridge by Jonathan Barnes

I belatedly realised that several people I know (including the guy running the Cardiff SF/F book club) really hated Cannonbridge. Still, at the very least it’ll give me something to tear into, right? I was very unsure about getting Finn Fancy Necromancy, since the title makes it sound very silly, but flicking through convinced me to give it a try…


Cover of A Place of Execution by Val McDermid Cover of Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey Cover of Blackout by Connie Willis

Cover of Half the World by Joe Abercrombie Cover of To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis Cover of Traitor's Blade by Sebastien de Castell

The Compatibility Gene by Daniel Davis Cover of The Riddle of the Labyrinth by Margalit Fox Cover of The Tale of the Duelling Neurosurgeons by Sam Kean

Cover of Homo Britannicus by Chris Stringer Cover of The Universe Within by Neil Shubin

Can you guess where I spent most of my time hanging out in Hatchard’s…? Although to be fair, I’ve wanted to read The Tale of Duelling Neurosurgeons for a couple of weeks now. Neurology! The Connie Willis books are for a reading challenge/book group. I haven’t been a major fan of Willis in the past, but I’m willing to try again.


Captain Marvel Thor

Spider-gwen Ms Marvel

So, I think that’s it. How’s everyone else doing? I should put up my update on this year’s progress with my resolutions soon, but how are you doing?

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Review – Pompeii

Posted March 13, 2015 by in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Pompeii by Mary BeardPompeii: The Life of a Roman Town, Mary Beard
Review from August 7th, 2012

I’ve been meaning to get hold of and read this since my visit to Pompeii last September. I was worried it might be quite dry and spoil the fun, since it’s billed as being very sceptical and as cutting things down to the facts, but I needn’t have worried. It’s an easy enough read despite all the detail, and Mary Beard’s speculations are as interesting as anything she refutes.

I actually recommend you read it before visiting Pompeii, because you’ll have a much clearer understanding of what you’re seeing. (And you won’t need a tour guide, which considering the urban myths they propagate, is all to the good.) It might even be useful to carry around Pompeii with you to help identify and understand some of what you’re seeing — it’s not a guide book, it is a narrative, but if you’ve read it already, you could flip through to refresh your memory on details.

But reading it after a visit to Pompeii works, too, or even if you don’t plan to go to Pompeii at all. Remembering or imagining the hot and dusty streets is easy: Mary Beard is always careful to keep in touch with what Pompeii looks like now (even if that is sometimes disenchanting, for example when she points out that some of the paintings have been totally restored, not always perfectly accurately, by modern work), as well as trying to imagine a time when it was a living town.

Actually, that’s the part I find hardest: imagining Pompeii as a living town. Maybe it’s partially because my memories of Pompeii are often without context: a random house with tumbled-down walls, grass growing in the remains of an oven, the partial remains of mosaics and paintings. I’m not a visual person anyway, so the images of Pompeii that stay in my head are the ones I saw myself. Pompeii is a hushed town, in my mind, with wind and hot sun and pumice sand in your shoes.

Mary Beard does very well at speculating what it might really have been like, nonetheless, and I definitely recommend this if you have any interest in the site.

Rating: 5/5

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