Tag: books

Review – The Talisman Ring

Posted December 21, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of The Talisman Ring by Georgette HeyerThe Talisman Ring, Georgette Heyer

I was feeling a bit stressed, so it felt like the perfect time to revisit The Talisman Ring (and maybe also The Grand Sophy, if I get the chance). Heyer’s books are the perfect light reading to my mind: relatable characters, witty dialogue, entertaining set-ups… In this one, two cousins are supposed to get married, despite being completely unsuited; hijinks (and a few more cousins joining in) ensue.

The joy is really in the exuberance of the two ‘heroic’ characters, as I think of them, Eustacie and Ludovic, coming up against the two ‘sensible’ (ish) characters, Tristram and Sarah. They all end up in absurdly dramatic situations, of course, and it quickly becomes obvious that Eustacie is much more suited to Ludovic than to Tristram. And in the background, unnoticed by Eustacie, Tristram and Sarah begin to have a greater regard for each other — while sniping at each other, of course. (Though less so than in, say, Faro’s Daughter, where the relationship was so adversarial and the male lead so supercilious, it was hard to enjoy.)

I make no claims for this book’s depth; I just enjoy the characterisations, the dialogue, the wit. It’s vastly fun. Though, Heyer being the person she was, the historical details and such are probably very much in the right places.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – The Sealed Letter

Posted December 20, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of The Sealed Letter by Emma DonoghueThe Sealed Letter, Emma Donoghue

I have a couple of friends who worship at the altar of Emma Donoghue, and I think I bought this in a sale back when someone was being particularly vocal about Donoghue. As a piece of imaginative reconstruction, as historical fiction, it’s well enough done — I think there are a couple of anachronisms, potentially on purpose for convenience, but for the most part, it evokes the era it’s set in. The main character, Emily Faithfull, is based on a real person who is pretty fascinating: she was a women’s rights activist and publisher, who got entangled in a famous divorce case. This book tries to untangle that and see what part she had to play.

Which is where it falls down for me, because Fido (as she’s called) is clearly head over heels for Helen, and it’s just as clearly pathetic. It’s not going to happen. Take this scene, for example:

Fido winces at the image. She bends over Helen. “Lean on me, my own one. I’ll stand by you.”
“Through everything?”
“I can stay?”
“For as long as you need.” Forever, Fido’s thinking, though she doesn’t dare say it, not yet.
“Oh Fido, how did I ever manage without you, all those lonely years!”
Her mind is leaping into the future. Why not? Women do live together, sometimes, if they have the means and are free from other obligations. It’s eccentric, but not improper. She’s known several examples in the Reform movement: Miss Power Cobbe and her “partner” Miss Lloyd, for instance. It can be done. It would be a change of life for Helen – but hasn’t her life been utterly changed, without her consent, already? Can’t the caterpillar shrug off its cramped case and emerge with tremulous wings?

Gaaah, no, Helen is lying and manipulating you — as always. It’s Tegan and Sara’s ‘Boyfriend‘; it’s the straight girl relying on her lesbian friend’s feelings for her to get away with anything. It’s not a story I’m interested in, because it is one which is played out with boring regularity.

Frankly, I was bored. Nothing about this sparkled enough to get over the fact that I just was not interested in that central relationship. Been there, done that.

Rating: 2/5

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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted December 20, 2016 by Nicky in General / 2 Comments

The theme for this week is books or non-book bookish items that I’m hoping to find under the tree. I’m pretty sure of what I’m getting, in general, so I’m not going to guess, just feature some cool stuff I’m getting.

  1. The Infinite Library Kindle Case. My wife is getting me this and I’m so excited.
  2. The Funko Pop Captain Marvel t-shirt. So cute, so badass.
  3. A book on tyrannosaurs. I know my sister’s getting me this, or planned to, but I can’t remember any other details.
  4. I Contain Multitudes, by Ed Yong. Microbes! Yes please.
  5. The Burning Page, by Genevieve Valentine. Gimmmeee. Technically I have an ARC, but hush about technicalities.
  6. The Hanging Tree, by Ben Aaronovitch. Same.
  7. The Death of Caesar, by Barry Strauss. I’ve enjoyed his books before, so Christmas seemed like a good time to ask for more.
  8. She-Hulk Complete Collection vol 2, by Dan Slott. This was ridiculously hard to find for some reason.
  9. The Bloodbound, by Erin Lindsey. Mogsy @ The Bibliosanctum‘s fault entirely.
  10. The Edge of Dark, by Brenda Cooper. Ditto, I believe.

So yeah, plenty of books, I hope. And cool book-related stuff. And whatever other surprises my dad has in store.

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Review – This Is Your Brain on Music

Posted December 19, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of This Is Your Brain on Music by Daniel LevitinThis Is Your Brain on Music, Daniel Levitin

Despite loving singing, and having been good enough to perform and not have people run away, I know very little about music. Not that Levitin would be a snob about that, from the sound of this book, but it still forms a bit of a barrier to understanding when someone starts talking about semitones. I can sing C on demand, and I know when something is out of tune — what more do you want? (Although unlike most people, I have a bad sense of timing, apparently: I routinely sing slower than the original version of anything I’m performing. Most people apparently preserve the timing of the version they know best. Trivia!)

So anyway, the music side of this passed me by, mostly, despite the primer in the opening chapters. But the neuroscience behind music is fascinating, and Levitin explains it well. There are a few sections which drag as he spends too long explaining things, but on the other hand he references a wide selection of music, applying what he’s talking about to songs people often know. (Which again led me to wishing I knew more music, but this time popular music — I think I got one out of every five references? And my acquaintance with Bowie is pretty darn recent.)

I feel like the best people to appreciate this have a bit more music theory and a bit less neuroscience in their background, but nonetheless, I found it an intriguing read.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Terra

Posted December 18, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Terra by Mitch BennTerra, Mitch Benn

This was the perfect read for me at the point when I got hold of it. It’s funny, sometimes silly, but it also has a lot of heart. It’s sceptical about humanity and the way we behave, but hopeful too. There’s all kinds of fun glimpses at the alien culture Terra becomes part of, with its different norms and expectations. And goodness knows, if my dad weren’t pretty awesome and probably a space alien anyway, I’d want Lbbp to be my father-figure.

It’s relatively simplistic and light, written more for a young adult audience, but it was exactly what I needed at the moment I read it. It’s well written, well paced, and has a refreshingly nice take on human (and alien) nature.

I don’t know what to say about it, except that I found it a delight, and my wife had better read it soon.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Cleopatra: Last Queen of Egypt

Posted December 17, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Cleopatra by Joyce TyldesleyCleopatra: Last Queen of Egypt, Joyce Tyldesley

This book is a solid biography of Cleopatra, appreciating her cleverness and ability as a politician, and examining how the world at the time reacted to her. It’s perhaps a little drier than people would hope — how could you make Cleopatra so academic, when she’s such a colourful figure? Well, I don’t mind that at all, and I enjoyed the way it contextualised her achievements and dissected the myths surrounding her. It delves into the background of her rule and her city, as well, giving a picture of Egypt under the Ptolemies.

I’ve enjoyed other books by Tyldesley before, and though it’s not one of my areas of expertise, I have found her books well-written, referenced and clear. That’s more than I can say for some other Egyptologists who write for the pop-history crowd. Other than that, I don’t have much basis to make a judgement, but I found this one enjoyable.

Rating: 4/5

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Stacking the Shelves

Posted December 17, 2016 by Nicky in General / 12 Comments

Happy Saturday! It was going to be an Unstacking, and then people on Netgalley decided to be generous… Also, I have read a lot this week, and it makes me happy. I might actually end up hitting my yearly goals by accident.

Received to review:

Cover of Miniatures by John Scalzi Cover of The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi Cover of The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley

New Scalzi! Kameron Hurley! Excited!

Finished this week:

Cover of The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker Cover of The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman Cover of The Book by Keith Houston Cover of The Toll-Gate by Georgette Heyer Cover of A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Cover of Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis Cover of Armada by Ernest Cline Cover of The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers Cover of Throne of Glass, by Sarah J. Maas Cover of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis

Cover of The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis Cover of The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis Cover of Invisible Planets ed. Ken Liu Cover of Miniatures by John Scalzi Cover of Weird Dinosaurs

Quite a few of these (Narnia, Throne of Glass) were rereads, but all the same, what a week! Whew.

Reviews posted this week:
She-Hulk: The Complete Collection vol 1, by Dan Slott et al. Fun, though I think it lost momentum somewhat. 3/5 stars
Gut, by Giulia Enders. Irreverent and definitely aimed at the layman, and therefore quite a lot of fun. 3/5 stars
Emma, by Jane Austen. I hate Emma, as a character. ’nuff said. 2/5 stars
The Boys from Brazil, by Ira Levin. Not a fan, let’s say. 2/5 stars
The Man Everybody Was Afraid Of, by Joseph Hansen. There’s a lot of red herrings and such here, but it’s still a solid story. 3/5 stars
Moon Tiger, by Penelope Lively. This is also a book I wasn’t a fan of. Very consciously literary, and unlikeable characters to boot. 1/5 stars
Flashback Friday: Cold Night Lullaby, by Colin MacKay. Do you want to make yourself cry in the most undignified way you can imagine? This might help. 5/5 stars

Other posts:
Top Ten Tuesday: Books in First Half of 2017. Whoa, there’s a lot to look forward to.
What are you reading Wednesday. The weekly update.

Got something to look forward to in the next week? Share!

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Review – Cold Night Lullaby

Posted December 16, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of Cold Night Lullaby by Colin MacKayCold Night Lullaby, Colin MacKay

Flashback Friday from 25th December, 2009

I asked for Colin Mackay’s Cold Night Lullaby for Christmas 2009 because of Karine Polwart’s song, ‘Waterlily’. It’s a beautiful song, and one that has been known to make me cry — based on Colin Mackay’s writing about his experiences in Bosnia, about the woman he loved, Svetlana. I couldn’t tell you about the really technical merits of the poetry right now, but the images are so vivid, searing. I doubt I can ever, ever listen to ‘Waterlily’ again without crying. Especially when I know what Colin Mackay went on to do — how he killed himself, so very, very methodically.

Reading around a little, I can see that there are some questions about geography/chronology in these poems. I wouldn’t be surprised by some fictionality, or inaccuracy due to how confusing and bewildering living through something like that can be, how destroying, but I think that Colin Mackay probably believed every word he wrote — and that’s what matters.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – Moon Tiger

Posted December 15, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Moon Tiger by Penelope LivelyMoon Tiger, Penelope Lively

I don’t know why I originally picked this up: it’s the sort of consciously literary creation that doesn’t normally work for me, and so proved to be the case this time too. The meandering, disconnected narration might’ve been clever, I suppose, but to me, it just got in the way of the story. And the story… well, nothing special as far as my tastes go; full of characters I didn’t really like or root for. Pretty much my nightmare as far as a book goes.

The writing itself is pretty, at times, evocative, though sometimes too consciously so.

Chalk it up to ‘not for me’ and move on…

Rating: 1/5

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What are you reading Wednesday

Posted December 14, 2016 by Nicky in General / 0 Comments

What have you recently finished reading?

A bunch of things, actually; it’s been a pretty good week for reading. The most recently finished was my reread of Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas; I still think it’s fun, but I don’t see why anyone ever thought it was the most amazing thing ever. Solidly enjoyable, yes, but… And if you have an OTP in these books, I don’t see how: Celaena goes from being still in love with Sam in the first part to falling for Dorian to toying with Chaol all in the same book. More power to her, but it doesn’t display great constancy.

What are you currently reading?

I’ve started rereading the second of Sarah Zettel’s Paths to Camelot books, Camelot’s Honour. It’s the most Welsh of the bunch, it sometimes seems, particularly since it draws most from the Mabinogion. But also for language stuff, like references to the tylwyth teg. I haven’t got very far with it yet.

I’m also about to start rereading The Silver Chair, which is possibly my least favourite of the Narnia books. Honestly, sometimes I feel like skipping it and The Last Battle entirely.

What are you planning to read next?

I don’t really have a plan, honestly. I might start by rereading The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay… then again, I might wait until I’ve finished at least one of the series I have on the go.

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