Yay, it’s the weekend!
Long week here: my first exam was on Monday. I started it at 10am, and didn’t finish up and submit it until 8:30pm — though that time includes breaks for stretching, food and rest, it was a lot of work. Two more to come, on Monday and Tuesday, and then I’m freeee.
So I’m still not caught up with comments on my blog, and might just need to call amnesty on the ones I’ve received so far and do better going forward.
Books acquired this week
…Zero! This isn’t really intentional — actually, I’m still meaning to pick some more of E.C.R. Lorac’s books to get on Kindle — but I keep forgetting.
Posts from this week
Despite everything, I’ve been keeping up with getting my backlog of reviews posted, so here’s a roundup:
- Non-fiction: Mushroom, by Sara Rich (2/5 stars)
- Classic mystery: Murder in the Basement, by Anthony Berkeley (4/5 stars)
- Epistolary fantasy: A Letter to the Luminous Deep, by Sylvie Cathrall (5/5 stars)
- Popular science: Sleeping Beauties: The Mystery of Dormant Innovations in Nature and Culture, by Andreas Wagner (4/5 stars)
- History/science non-fiction: Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones, by Hettie Judah (4/5 stars)
- Romance manga: A Side Character’s Love Story, vol 17, by Akane Tamura (4/5 stars)
And that was it for posts this week!
What I’m reading
I started the week not reading very much, really, but in the past few days I’ve got busy finishing books from the huge stack of books I technically have part-read all at the same time, plus doing a reread of a favourite (Becky Chambers’ The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet). Here’s a glimpse at the books that I finished that I’ll be reviewing on the blog in the next weeks and months…
Now I’m just trying to have a nice chill weekend reading whatever catches my fancy — right now I’m finally getting back into In Deeper Waters, by F.T. Lukens.
How’s everyone doing?
(Probably) Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!