Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted August 31, 2024 by Nicky in General / 17 Comments

It’s been a pretty normal week, as things go, which is nice after feeling pretty busy and frazzled of late! It’s been a quieter week reading-wise, but that’s fine.

Books acquired this week

Without further ado, let’s finish off looking at my birthday haul (part one was last week, if folks are curious). As usual, it’s a mixture. Here’s the rest of the fiction…

Cover of Hot Earl Summer by Erica Ridley Cover of The Paper Boys by D.P. Clarence Cover of The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

Cover of Villainy at Vespers by Joan Cockin Cover of Deadly Earnest by Joan Cockin

A bit of romance, a bit of murder — as you do (at least around here).

And here’s the rest of the non-fic:

Cover of The British Museum by James Hamilton Cover of Around the Ocean in 80 Fish & Other Sea Life by Helen Scales Cover of Space Rover by Stewart Lawrence Sinclair Cover of Valkyrie: The Women of the Viking World by Jóhanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir

As ever, quite the mix. 🙂

Posts from this week

Aaand here’s the roundup of reviews posted:

Other posts:

What I’m reading

As I mentioned, it’s been a quieter week reading-wise, but it’s been nice. I’m deep into Heaven Official’s Blessing, of course, and not taking long between volumes as it’s really designed as one continuous story (it was a webnovel). I also started using an app called Serial Reader again, which means I’ve been reading some Agatha Christie, small segments at a time. I’ve read a lot less Christie than you’d imagine, given my love for Golden Age crime. I’m now onto The Murder on the Links.

In any case, here are the books I’ve read this week which I’ll be reviewing on the blog sooner or later…

Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 2 by MXTX Cover of Universal Basic Income by Karl Widerquist Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 3 by MXTX Cover of The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie

And th-th-that’s all folks! I hope everyone’s had a good week.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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17 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

  1. Okay when I posted my initial comment it said there was a critical error so let’s try this again!

    I liked the Valkyrie book, though the focus on the Sagas wasn’t my favorite. After you read this I would also recommend The Real Valkyrie by Nancy Marie Brown. Both are good books on the subject!

    • Looks like it actually came through anyway! Weird. I’ll have to keep an eye out for that.

      I’ve read The Real Valkyrie, weird that I never posted my review here… I’ll have to get on that. I found it a bit too fictionalised. I’ll probably enjoy the focus on the sagas in this one — I studied them at university for a semester, even did some translation, so they’re very familiar.

  2. mae

    Another book about Viking women is The Far Traveler: Voyages of a Viking Woman by Nancy Marie Brown — I wonder how it compares to the same topic in the book you read.
    best, mae at

    • I haven’t read that one yet — or this one, actually, I only just got a copy. 🙂 But I liked one of Nancy Marie Brown’s other books well enough, so I might pick up The Far Traveller eventually!

  3. I hope that you had a lovely birthday. I enjoyed The Last Murder at the End of the World.

    I’ve read a couple of Agatha Christies this summer. I have a shelf of them. I bought all the Miss Marple ones at one point years ago to ensure that they had the same cover (still over a period of time but not long enough that the cover would change!)

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    • I’m looking forward to reading that one! And thanks, I had a good birthday.

      I definitely want to read more of Christie’s work. I should get back to going to the library, really — they should have plenty, haha.

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