Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 22, 2024 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

This week I’ve been substantially back to normal, which is great! I had a couple of cranky days, I’ll admit, but definitely life is a bit more fun right now. I haven’t been doing that much reading, admittedly, and it’s mostly been rereading… but perhaps more about that below.

Books acquired this week

Just one book this week, via Unbound on Netgalley:

Cover of The Secret Life of Lego Bricks by Daniel Konstanski

I know, perhaps not my usual fare, but really my usual fare is “whatever grabs my interest”, and this one piqued it today, perhaps because I semi-recently read Adrift: The Curious Tale of the Lego Lost at Sea.

Posts from this week

As usual, it’s time for a bit of a roundup. Here’s what I’ve been posting about this week:

Other posts:

What I’m reading

It’s been a week for rereading, more than reading new stuff to review. I’ve been rereading Juneau Black’s Shady Hollow series; I didn’t read them that long ago, and really what I want to be reading is the new book. Since that’s not out yet, this will do for a start! Over the weekend, I’m hoping to also finish rereading A Coalition of Lions (Elizabeth E. Wein), which I will review since it’s been so long since I read it.

Here are the covers of the books I’ve read in the last week that I’m planning to review sometime soon:

Cover of The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein Cover of Worn, by Sofi Thanhauser

Luckily I have a bit of a backlog of reviews — the blog won’t run short for a while yet, fear not!

How’s everyone else doing this weekend?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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26 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

  1. I’m curious about The Winter Prince. I have not read Wein before but she seems good at historical fiction which I like. So I guess I should check out her books. Let me know which to start with. thx Cheers.

    • I’ve only read this one series, and it’s kind of dark/disturbing in many ways (not in a bad way, but not to everyone’s taste). I hear Code Name Verity is much loved, but I don’t thiiink I ever got round to trying it.

  2. mae

    I consistently forget mystery novels after reading them, but luckily most of the series I read don’t really expect the reader to remember anything very detailed. I’m way behind on Donna Leon, but luckily I don’t think I have to reread around 30 books to do the next. Good luck with your reading.
    best, mae at

    • That’s true, yeah. I forgot a character’s name/species, from Shady Hollow, but I didn’t forget the character dynamics, which is often really the only important thing in a mystery, even with recurring characters.

  3. I am finding that the new books coming out – rom coms, romances, light mysteries are boring and lose my interest half wau through. I don’t feel compelled to finish them. I am also flipping through books more and more, especially ones I’ve been getting on NetGalley, requested on a whim. Have a good week.

  4. If I want to read a series, I have to wait until the last book comes out and then read the whole series at one time. Otherwise, I feel completely lost. As you might suppose, I’m not much of a series reader because of this. I know I miss out by not reading a lot of series.

    I have been in a bit of a slump this summer, and it’s my own fault. I’ve been trying to make myself read something light, but everything I’ve tried has felt too light. If that makes any sense!

    • I usually end up rereading, I must admit. But I know that not purchasing books in a series really hurts authors and their chances of even being able to publish the final books in their series, so I do try to keep up now with stuff I’m interested in!

    • I figure I’m reading books for me, and guilt has no place there. 🙂 I’m not reading as a job, after all. I don’t know anyone anything.

  5. I like some historical fiction so I will check out the Winter Prince. I don’t reread many but I might reread Brooklyn before getting to Long Island.
    Hope you week is a good one!

  6. I spotted the Lego book on Netgalley yesterday as I was trawling for nonfiction titles coming out in the second half of the year. I’ll be interested to learn what you think.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    • I should dig into it today while I have some unbusy time! I think I’ll need to read it on my PC though, since I don’t have a tablet (at least, not one with colour — I do have a reMarkable) and it has a lot of images. So it might take me a while to read!

    • I found it was less about clothes than I’d hoped, and more about fabric — which is still fascinating, but I’d hoped for a bit more about fashion, really. (And I don’t mean being fashionable! Just, how clothes have changed over time.)

  7. I can definitely relate to a backlog of reviews! I used to be so good about reviewing as soon as I finished a book but that habit is long gone. Now I just move on to the next book and the backlog of reviews continues to grow!

    • I actually have mine all written at least! But I try not to flood the blog with them, and sometimes I read a lot more than I post… and then we get into this situation, heh.

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