Weekly Roundup

Posted October 3, 2020 by Nicky in General / 8 Comments

Greetings, folks! Well, my time off is over and I’ve been back to work for a couple of days… but I think I did manage to unwind a bit and figure out some better ways of having a work/life balance. I didn’t finish a lot of books, but I managed to go “as my Whimsy takes me” more than usual. So maybe I’ve de-stressed a bit!

On the other hand, my course has now started and I’ve added an hour or two of studying per day to my schedule. Yipes.

Books acquired:

Cover of The Sugared Game by K.J. Charles Cover of The Stone Knife by Anna Stephens Cover of Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Yaaay! Thanks so much to the person who bought me Cemetery Boys<3

Books read this week:

Cover of The Story of Wales by Jon Gower Cover of X+Y by Eugenia Cheng Cover of The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley Cover of The Widow of Rose House by Diana Biller

Reviews posted this week:

Other posts:

That’s it for this week! How’s everyone doing?

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8 responses to “Weekly Roundup

    • I hear great things about Anna Stephens’ work, and the setting sounds interesting, so here’s hoping it lives up. 😀

      So far I’m greatly enjoying studying again, but I haven’t really hit the difficult stuff I’ve never done before yet…

  1. I am glad you were able to de-stress a bit during your time off. It never seems quite long enough, does it? I hope your class goes well. Your new books sound good! I hope you enjoy them. I love the cover of The Stone Knife. I am not familiar with the other two, but I couldn’t resist looking them. Cemetery Boys sounds awesome. I can see why you are excited to read that one. I also really like the sound of The Sugared Game–historical mystery/romance–a winning combination.

    I am so glad you enjoyed Clarke’s Piranesi. I have been wanting to read that one. It’s disappointing, however, that Kearsley’s book wasn’t better for you. I haven’t read that one yet myself. I look forward to reading your thoughts on The Widow of Rose House. That one is on my wish list.

    I hope you have a great week, Nicky!
    Literary Feline recently posted…My Bookish Mewsings: Wolf Gone Wild & Don’t Hex and Drive by Juliette CrossMy Profile

    • Thanks for dropping by! 😀 I’m really looking forward to The Sugared Game — K.J. Charles writes some wonderful characters.

      And oh, hope you get chance to read Piranesi soon! I loved it.

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