Stacking the Shelves

Posted May 2, 2015 by in General / 26 Comments

Is it Saturday again already? Whoa. I’ve been catching up on blog stuff all this week, thanks to the readathon — which is not a complaint.

Review copies

Cover of The Eye of Strife by Dave Duncan Cover of Cities and Thrones by Carrie Patel

I have finally got round to writing a review of The Buried Life, which will be up soon; Cities and Thrones is the sequel. You can still check out Carrie’s post here from her blog tour for The Buried Life, too! I got The Eye of Strife via LibraryThing; I’ve been meaning to read Dave Duncan for ages, so this should be interesting.


Cover of Sword by Amy Bai Cover of Dreams of the Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn

I’ve been interested in Sword for a while, so I picked it as my win in one of the readathon giveaways. <3 Dreams of the Golden Age was my pick for another win; that hasn’t arrived yet, which is probably good, because I need to reread After the Golden Age, and I think my partner has my copy.


Cover of The Drowning City by Amanda Downum Cover of Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas Cover of The Splendour Falls by Susanna Kearsley

Cover of The Deadly Sisterhood by Leonie Frieda Cover of Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Drowning City are both rereads, to get me back up to speed for the next book in the series/trilogy. Crown of Midnight is obvious, since I just read Throne of Glass (but I’m sorry, I just don’t love it as much as some of you guys seem to). I have The Deadly Sisterhood somewhere, but goodness knows where. And I just like Susanna Kearsley.


Cover of Of Noble Family by Mary Robinette Kowal Cover of Silk, Marvel comic

Quite a contrast there between the covers, heh. I reaaally need to actually read the issues of Silk I have… I’ve been tearing through Kowal’s series lately, just in time for this last book. I’m excited!


Cover of Among Others audiobook Cover of Rivers of London audiobook

Cover of Epigenetics audiobook by Richard Francis

I usually prefer to listen to audiobooks I’ve already read for myself, hence Among Others and Rivers of London (the latter of which I’d like to refresh my memory on anyway); Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes is a new one for me, which I couldn’t really resist because epigenetics! Non-fiction! Science!

How’s everyone else been doing? Behaving yourselves?

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26 responses to “Stacking the Shelves

  1. majoline

    Okay, those all look great, but you got the newest Kowal, I’m so envious, argh.

    …I picked up a bunch of random free comics on comixology, does that count? The Harry Dresden story War Cry‘s issue one is almost good enough to make me want to pay for the rest. ;(

    • I was so flappy and eager about it! I’m still on Without a Summer, but not for long…

      Ooh, isn’t it the free comic book day event now or soon? I should check on Comixology about that.

      Pssst, check email!

      • majoline

        Oooooooh, thank you <3

        Yes, it is almost free comic day! But I tend to scour comixology for free issues anyway. Theoretically this saves me money, but in essence, I bet it just means I get hooked on more series than I really ought, oops.

  2. Congrats on your wins. Sword has a beautiful cover and I have it in my tbr pile (so badly high right now). Your library has some great borrows. I usually have to request what books I want to read at my library. (living way out in the woods – 45 mins just to get to the closes WalMart and over an hour to get to my Book Shop… Yea lol) Well I hope you enjoy your new reads.

    My STS

    • Mine’s ridiculous, too. Soooo many books. And haha, yeah, but a well stocked library isn’t always helpful. I’ve got a shelf of library books too…!

      Thanks for dropping by.

  3. I’ve somehow never gotten around to reading Dave Duncan either, so I’ll be looking for your review. Amanda Downum’s series is one I picked up over the winter, so we’ll see if I can make time for it this summer.

  4. Wow, fabulous haul! i MUST start Crown of Midnight soon! And Daughter of Smoke and Bone too, I keep putting it off, but I want to read it for sure. And I LOVE the cover for Sword! I don’t think I have seen it before but I kind of need it in my life. Congrats on winning it! Hope you enjoy the books, and have a fabulous week 🙂

  5. Let me know how the Peter Grant audiobooks go, I’ve read the series too I’ve been curious about the narrator for these books for a while. If I ever want to do a reread, I’ll probably hit up them up.

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