I’m freeeeeeee! Yes, my exams are over, and the academic year too. I’ll start up again fairly soon, trying to get ahead on studying for the next year, especially since I’ll be sitting one of the hardest modules. But for now I’m taking some well-deserved time off!
Reading-wise I’m not entirely back in the swing of it yet, and I need to do some catchup with comments and saying hi to folks, but I’m back.
Books acquired this week
I haven’t got much new, but I did get this month’s British Crime Classic book from my subscription, the theme of which (academic stories) seems… a little on the nose for me right now.
I’m looking forward to digging into it, though I admit I haven’t read last week’s book yet.
Posts from this week
I didn’t do great at posting this week, missing two days, but here’s the roundup of the reviews that did go live!
- Classic short mysteries: Final Acts: Theatrical Mysteries, ed. Martin Edwards (3/5 stars)
- Fantasy romance: Den of Wolves, by Juliet Marillier (4/5 stars)
- Science history: The Vinyl Frontier: The Story of the Voyager Golden Record, by Jonathan Scott (4/5 stars)
- History/memoir: Hyphen, by Pardis Mahdavi (3/5 stars)
What I’m reading
I haven’t been reading a ton this week, since I’ve been busy, and at least one of the books I did read I won’t be reviewing on the blog again (since it was a reread). But here’s a glimpse at the books I’ve read that I do plan to review on the blog sometime soon:
I’m not sure what I’ll be reading this weekend, to be honest. I think I’ll probably read more of Worn: A People’s History of Clothing (Sofi Thanhauser), reread Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers), and… otherwise completely follow my whims.
How’s everyone else doing?
Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!