Tag: SF/F

Review – Santa Olivia

Posted January 25, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Santa Olivia by Jacqueline CareySanta Olivia, Jacqueline Carey

Santa Olivia was a reread, but it’s been a while — six (what?!) years, apparently. I never read the sequel, Saints Astray, so between getting that and having bought my sister the books for Christmas, it seemed high time to reread this and get stuck into Saints Astray. It was even more readable than I remembered — I’d have read it in a day if pesky life didn’t keep getting in the way. It takes a whole bunch of ideas — a faintly post-apocalyptic No-Man’s-Land in the Outpost, genetically modified soldiers, werewolves (sort of), boxing, coming of age, vigilantism, vengeance… — and makes a fresh, fun pageturner out of it.

And in case, like my sister, this is a draw for you, the central relationship is between two girls, and they eventually have a shot at a happy ever after.

The background is fairly nondescript, because the action is all confined to the Outpost and the inhabitants know little of what happens beyond the barricades. The important aspect is the characters and the interplay between them: the “orphans”, growing up together and trying out their strength, keeping each other’s secrets and having each others’ backs, and at the same time growing apart because they’re all so different. There’s people being good and people being assholes and people being caught somewhere in between and learning, a little, slowly, how to be better. There’s people being brave and people with no fear at all, and interesting discussions of how that affects each of them. All kinds of human emotions and motivations and tangles: that’s the draw of this story, even if the boxing and vengeance leaves you cold.

My one criticism is that it takes a surprisingly long time for Loup to really become the hero of the story, and she does so for entirely predictable reasons. You can feel those beats in the story coming way in advance. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m growing to wish it wasn’t always tragedy that motivates heroes.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – City of Stairs

Posted January 23, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 6 Comments

Cover of City of Stairs by Robert Jackson BennettCity of Stairs, Robert Jackson Bennett

I’m sorry it took me so long to get round to City of Stairs, because it turns out that the buzz on Twitter and the recommendations from other bloggers were absolutely right. It’s maintaining a high rating on Goodreads (4.20, with 8,000 ish reviews, at the time of writing), and for good reason. It’s really awesome. Now, if I’m honest, it did take some time to settle down, and to figure out who was going to be the protagonist. There’s a lot to learn about the world: the dos and don’ts, the past, the present, who and what we’re rooting for… Some details only become apparent as the book goes through its twists and turns. Some obvious things are avoided: loyalties can be mixed, long-held understandings overturned.

It’s a mystery/spy novel set in a fantasy world, essentially, and it does a great job of both. I’ve seen reviews which complain that mysteries in a fantastical setting don’t work, because mysteries rely upon rules, and fantasy inherently breaks rules. To me, that seems to rely overly much on the Golden Age idea that a mystery story is a game, which the reader must be able to solve — like Knox’s Ten Commandments, of which the second is: “All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course.”

But even some Golden Age crime fiction satisfyingly flouted those laws — Agatha Christie bent the rules significantly with The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, for example — and there’s no reason we have to stick to it. Fantasy often lets us see familiar things anew: I don’t see why not mystery, espionage, politics, bureaucracy… all of which play a part in City of Stairs. And if the commentary on empire still stings and conjures up spectres and parallels, as it seems to, well, it should.

Which is not saying very much about the book. Once I was into it, it was a page turner: I wanted to know, needed to know. Once the focus became clear, so did the characters: Shara, Sigrud, Mulaghesh… with their flaws, their pasts, their hopes for the future. Shara, particularly, with her knowledge of the past, with her interest in it, paired with a duty to suppress any recognition of it. Granted, at times her knowledge is very encyclopaedically convenient, but I do suspect that if she were a male character, people wouldn’t be complaining of that. She doesn’t always make the right decisions: she just makes some pretty good ones, based on her experience and knowledge.

Imagine a story about a surgeon. A good surgeon: one of the best. High in his profession. He completes a surgery without a mistake, even though something unexpected crops up, because he has the skill and experience. Or a librarian, with experience of his work, immediately nodding and turning to lay his hand on the right book when the plot requires. Is he a “Gary Stu”? An impossibility? Nope, we just believe that his background supports his actions in the story. We would probably call him “confident” and “capable”. I wonder how we’d react to a female surgeon… except I don’t really need to: we have the equivalent in Shara. She’s confident and capable, but people read it as arrogance, as being spoilt and having everything handed to her due to favouritism. (There’s a moment in the book that hangs a lampshade on that, really.)

The story tells you she’s good, and then she shows us it, and… people don’t want to believe it because she’s a woman? Ugh.

I love the background to the world, too: the history, the rules of the way the gods work and the intertwined nature of their relationship with their adherents. I’m excited to read City of Blades, though I don’t know anything yet about where it’s set, or even what the blurb says. I’m happy just to plunge straight into it on the strength of City of Stairs.

Rating: 5/5

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Review – Memory, Sorrow and Thorn

Posted January 22, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Cover of The Dragonbone Chair by Tad WilliamsMemory, Sorrow and Thorn, Tad Williams
Originally reviewed February 2008

Things That Were Not So Good (first, to get them out of the way)

It was almost entirely predictable. I was several steps ahead of the characters at all times, I think. This might be because I’ve read a lot of fantasy, to some extent. Few fantasy books manage to surprise me. The other thing that annoyed me quite a lot was that it had God, Mary and Jesus and the Christian church, by other names but not disguised at all. It wasn’t necessary. Just a little invention could produce a religion that was similar, but not a carbon copy, and would serve the same purpose. The presence of a religion was pretty necessary, but it didn’t need Christianity.

One of the main characters annoyed me, too. It’s a cliché to hate the headstrong princess character, and I’m not sure what annoys me so much about her — possibly her outlook on life, and the way she reacts to things. Certainly I could tell that she was well intentioned and genuinely strong, but she still tended to get on my nerves.

Also, I never got particularly attached to the main character, Simon (Seoman). He was okay, and didn’t annoy me like Miriamele, but he just didn’t captivate me much. It reminded me very much of this article about scullery boys becoming kings — which is what he does, and not in a very creative variation on the plot.

Things That Were Good

I seem to have had a lot of gripes about it, but really, I loved it. It kept me enchanted for about a week, and I couldn’t put it down. I loved a lot of the characters, even the flawed ones. I fangirled madly about Josua Lackhand and I love the way things ended for him. I’d wanted him to become king, but the ending he got was even better because it was what he wanted. I did get some surprises, which weren’t the kind that come completely out of nowhere: reading back, the hints were there, which is always good.

I liked the Sithi. They filled the place that elves generally do in fantasy stuff, I think, but they were very much otherworldly — it wasn’t just their ears that were different, or just that they were immortal. They were incomprehensible to the human characters — chilling, even when they were their allies.

I loved that the ending was a logical place to end the story, but it didn’t wrap everything up so nothing more could be said. Their world needs rebuilding, and there’s a prophecy about two children, and everything’s set to go on… but Tad Williams isn’t planning on writing anymore for that world. I know some people dislike that in a set of books, but I like wondering.

I definitely recommend the series if you like fantasy and don’t mind that you’ll probably figure things out well in advance of the characters.

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Frog Princess

Posted January 20, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of The Frog Princess by E.D. BakerThe Frog Princess, E.D. Baker

The Frog Princess is one of my sister’s favourite comfort-reads, so it was the first thing she thought to recommend when I had a reading challenge prompt to read something recommended by a family member. It takes a generic medieval-ish setting (castles, royalty, witches), and the usual Frog Prince story, and gives it a little twist to complicate it. If you’ve seen Disney’s The Princess and the Frog, you know the basic twist — apparently, the film was somewhat based on this book, though my sister disagrees about the whole idea. (Setting is different, characters different, etc, etc.)

It’s fun enough, though because it’s aimed at — well, I’m not good at judging: middle grade, perhaps? Whatever that means in British terms… — anyway, say middle grade, it’s pretty slight. It has a fairly clever and strong-minded heroine, who is not the perfect sort of princess — a princess who laughs in entirely the wrong way, and is clumsy about everything she does. That’s an okay role model for kids, even if the whole story basically rushes her towards adulthood and romance, whether she likes it or not.

The main male character is mostly insufferable. Randomly demanding kisses, acting as entitled as they come, boastful… The romance itself, though it has some cute moments, fails to enchant me.

In terms of other characters, there’s some interesting and funny stuff going on in the background, like the character of the snake and the bat. All in all, cute enough, though it’s not something I’ll come back to the way my sister does — wrong point in my life entirely for it to become charmingly nostalgic.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – This Savage Song

Posted January 19, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 8 Comments

Cover of This Savage Song by Victoria SchwabThis Savage Song, Victoria Schwab

Received to review via Edelweiss

I’ve been quite interested in this one ever since I saw Victoria Schwab talking about it on Twitter. I didn’t even have to know much about it: I was sold from the quotation that apparently sparked (though I haven’t, in fact, read Vicious yet, which was the source).

“Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human.”

That’s really the core of this book: monstrous humans and human monsters, and the interplay between them, and sometimes how difficult it can be to recognise. It took me a while to get into the world and really understand what was going on — for the first 10% I was a little confused — but I think the worldbuilding works well. All the questions I had initially were answered as I read on; you just have to do a little work as a reader, which is something I actually enjoy, so was very much fine with me.

I really like the concepts underlying this: the way Corsai, Malchai and Sunai are created, their attributes, the way the city is split into two halves. There was a lot of background stuff that I think can be developed a lot more, and I’m excited to read it in future books. There’s a lot of depth to the monsters as-is, too: their limitations, the differences between them, the way they interact. The bonds between the three Sunai are quite different, despite the claims of Leo that they’re monsters, just monsters, just implements of judgement.

The description “Romeo and Juliet + Sin City” was a misleading one, to my mind. There’s little, if any, romance, which is what people automatically think of when they think about Romeo and Juliet. I expected something more like a retelling, which this isn’t so much; it just shares themes — connection between two opposing sides, the splitting of the city, the expectations of family.

Overall, I found this fascinating — and I actually liked it more than A Darker Shade of Magic, which I enjoyed and which I know many people thought couldn’t get much better!

Rating: 4/5

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Review – Impulse

Posted January 18, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of Impulse by Dave BaraImpulse, Dave Bara

I picked up Impulse because I have a weakness for space opera — probably because I was raised on a steady diet of Star Trek and Star Wars, Blake’s 7 and Babylon 5. Impulse is fun enough, with chases and traitors and first contact with (sort of) aliens, and dealing with romance on board ship, and conflicts between differing kinds of orders.

It’s fun, but kind of bland; others have done it better, and there wasn’t much contact with aliens. Both romances were straight out of Kirk’s playbook, really, and the main character is a mixture of mature and immature; inexperienced and cocksure; getting rank through privilege but also coincidentally being good enough for it, somehow… His fuck-ups don’t have major consequences for him (only for other people), and generally life goes along pretty easily for him — other people get hurt and die, but he makes it through and will be fine.

I found the ending extremely annoying — the nominal goal of the book isn’t reached, and it’s just… very unsatisfying. There’s more in the background that interested me that wasn’t brought out.

Still, fun enough to occupy a train journey. Not sure if I’ll read the rest of the series, though I think the second book is now out.

Rating: 2/5

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Review – Unnatural Creatures

Posted January 16, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 6 Comments

Cover of Unnatural Creatures ed. Neil GaimanUnnatural Creatures, Neil Gaiman

Unnatural Creatures is a fun collection with a rather diverse set of authors, including Gaiman himself, Peter S. Beagle, Nnedi Okorafor, Nalo Hopkinson, Diana Wynne Jones… it includes some stories published before which fit with the theme, and a couple which seem to be published for the first time here. Most of them weren’t stories I knew already, and I thought overall it was a good selection; there were none which really didn’t work for me, though I wasn’t so interested in ‘The Compleat Werewolf’, particularly given how long it was.

Some of the creatures are more traditional than others: werewolves and ancient animal gods and the spirits of trees juxtaposed against a predatory bicycle, the story by Gahan Wilson, etc. Which is always good, to my mind, because werewolves and unicorns and such have been done, and a bit of new blood is always interesting.

My favourites of the collection? Hmm. ‘The Griffin and the Minor Canon’, by Frank R. Stockton; ‘The Sage of Theare’, by Diana Wynne Jones; ‘The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees’, by E. Lily Yu; ‘Prismatica’, by Samuel R. Delaney… Stockton’s story, for example, is fairly traditional in the sort of structure and moral, but then there’s that odd sad note of pity for the Griffin, despite — well, you should probably read it for yourself. ‘The Cartographer Wasps’ is a fable, too, with a different sort of feel. And then ‘The Sage of Theare’ has a figure familiar from Jones’ other books — Chrestomanci!

Yes, it’s definitely an interesting combination, and a collection worth spending some time with, I think.

Rating: 4/5


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Review – Lagoon

Posted January 13, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Lagoon by Nnedi OkoraforLagoon, Nnedi Okorafor

Received to review via Bookbridgr

I’ve been meaning to pick Lagoon up ‘next’ for far too long, so hurrah, finally I have done so! I picked it up partway through New Year’s Eve, in fact, and finished it in one go: it’s a very lively, dynamic book, with various different points of view — including a swordfish who turns herself into a monster, the better to sabotage oil pipes on the sea bed. (It makes sense in context, I promise.) There’s a whole bunch of different people, people speaking Pidgin, LGBT people, a woman who is a marine biologist, people of all kinds of beliefs and none… and aliens, making first contact, for the first time, in Nigeria.

It’s an almost unique setting for a fairly common SF trope, in my experience: normally, like the big blockbuster movies, the aliens go to the President of the US, and don’t stop to wonder about the leader of Nigeria. And it brings in all kinds of elements that would be out of place in a USian setting: folklore and legends, witchy powers, superstitions about those (which aren’t gone in the “Western world”, but are different). All of this make it something fresh and different.

Unfortunately, it didn’t quite work for me — a bit too jumpy, a bit too chaotic, and perhaps I missed some key transitions or something, because I wasn’t always sure why one thing led to another — I described the narrative as ‘hopping’ when trying to talk about it to a friend. A slightly different storytelling style than I’m used to, perhaps. And I felt that some threads were just dropped: Ijele, for example, and the LGBT+ group who had a couple of chapters but then fizzled into nothing. (Which is especially bothersome to me when they’re used to ratchet up tension, and they’re actually in danger, and then the narration just… loses interest? Not cool.)

Lagoon is an interesting one, anyway, even though it’s not quite my thing.

Rating: 3/5

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Review – Ruin and Rising

Posted January 11, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 4 Comments

Cover of Ruin and Rising by Leigh BardugoRuin and Rising, Leigh Bardugo

As I’d hoped, Ruin and Rising is better paced than Siege and Storm, to my mind. Although some notable folks thought the opposite, so I suppose it really does depend on what you’re most interested in. I did enjoy the twist with the third amplifier, and the fact that finally they really got on track to deal with that plotline — so much of book two was spent wanting to deal with it and going back and forth on whether it was a good idea, etc, etc.

I did like the continued development of Alina’s character, and the way things worked out with that — the way she had to learn to deal with the things she had to do, and how ruthless she tried to be. How power had a hold on her as surely as it did on the Darkling, and on the pity she felt for the Darkling even despite his behaviour. I think you can judge a person (or character) by how they treat vanquished enemies, and Alina was generous about it: she remembered the Darkling’s name, made sure his wishes were honoured, etc. And I enjoyed Nikolai’s development, too, though I think a lot of the drama and interest with what happened to him was elided for the sake of Alina and Mal’s story. Which makes sense, since Alina is the narrator, but… I’d still like to have seen more of Nikolai. He is the sassiest, and also the most capable character.

All in all, I think it was a good conclusion to the trilogy, and I’m looking forward to seeing this world from a different angle in Six of Crows. Here’s hoping it’s as good as everyone says!

Rating: 4/5

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Review – The Grey King

Posted January 9, 2016 by Nicky in Reviews / 2 Comments

Cover of Susan Cooper's The Grey KingThe Grey King, Susan Cooper

I somewhat put off reviewing The Grey King after finishing reading it, because I’m not sure what there is to say about it anymore. I’ve rhapsodised about it at length: the use of mythology, the casual use of the Welsh language, the home-ness of the landscape and the people… The shades of grey and the adult touches when it comes to Owen Davies and John Rowlands, and Will Stanton’s interactions with them. There’s some beautiful passages, especially the section spent in Craig yr Aderyn, and some genuine moments of horror, loss, anger, fear…

And there’s Bran Davies. One of the first Welsh heroes I came across in fiction — at the age of sixteen or so. And he really is Welsh; Welsh-speaking, Welsh-thinking, a part of the Welsh landscape and mythology. But he’s also very human — vulnerable. Angry. Resentful, even. Strange and unhappy and alone. And then his friendship with Will is just lovely, the immediate rapport between them, the ways Will being an Old One damages it, the ways Bran adapts.

And there’s Cafall. All too briefly, but so key to the plot, to Bran.

There’s quite a lot of more adult themes here — quite far from the world of Over Sea, Under Stone, which is almost entirely concerned with Barney, Jane and Simon. There’s Owen’s grief for Gwen; Gwen’s grief at betraying her husband; the jealousy and rivalry between Owen Davies and Caradog Prichard; Arthur’s yearning for connection with his son… And of course, those shades of grey I mentioned. The conversation between John and Will about how the Light will ignore the good of a single person to pursue the greater good, and John’s reaction, really highlights to me that the humans are the real heroes of this series. And the villains, too, because Lords of the Dark choose to become what they are — they aren’t born, like Old Ones.

Rating: 5/5

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