Tag: Sarah Andersen

Review – Oddball

Posted April 29, 2024 by Nicky in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review – Oddball


by Sarah Andersen

Genres: Graphic Novels
Pages: 112
Rating: three-stars

In addition to their honest and insightful humor, Sarah's Scribbles comics also contain a social conscience, touching on different issues of personal and societal importance. When it comes to humorous illustrations of the awkwardness and hilarity of millennial life, Sarah's Scribbles is without peer.

I’ve always been quite fond of Sarah Andersen’s style and work, and seen a fair bit that’s relatable in it, so having realised that I never picked up Oddball, I was eager to dig in. To say I was disappointed wouldn’t quite be right: as ever, I liked her style and enjoyed her sense of humour.

That said, it’s a collection of loosely connected one-page comics, connected largely by Sarah Andersen’s personality — and knowing her work pretty well, even the ones I’d seen before felt pretty familiar.

I think ultimately, at least for me, it’s a bit one-note, and of a muchness with her other collections.

Rating: 3/5

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