Geek Feminist Revolution, Kameron Hurley
I wouldn’t read this just for the geek feminist point of view, or just for Hurley’s thoughts on writing; I read this because I know that Hurley can write stunning essays, like the Hugo Award-winning ‘We Have Always Fought’, that she has interesting thoughts on media, because I know that she’s not afraid to take down an idiot. She’s also unashamedly about the self-care: despite being outspoken in many ways, she also has a very carefully filtered Twitter feed, and blocks people as necessary. The general feeling I get from Hurley is that she hasn’t got time for bullshit: she’s earning her living, dealing with chronic illness, and sometimes pausing to hold a mirror up to society’s bullshit because it’s getting in her way.
She writes engagingly and honestly makes me consider watching things like True Detective, because her essay just makes it seem all the more interesting through her analysis. And if there’s anyone who has taught me to be a better copywriter by viewing my writing as work, it’s Kameron Hurley.
My only quibble would be that I’ve read quite a lot of these before, in the collection I think I got for free which contained ‘We Have Always Fought’. I still enjoyed them, but as a collection, I could wish for more of Hurley’s hard-hitting awesomeness.