Category: General

Top Ten Tuesday

Posted November 24, 2015 by Nicky in General / 14 Comments

This week’s prompt is to do with Thanksgiving, which is always a little weird since, as a British person, I definitely don’t traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving. But it’s a nice opportunity to thank some bookish people.

  1. Mum. For many, many doors into portable universes, both through teaching me to read, sharing books, buying me books, recommending books…
  2. Lisa. For sharing many portable universes with me, over the last ten years!
  3. Robert. For running the SF/F bookclub and becoming a friend over the last year.
  4. Jo Walton. For writing books, providing sage advice, and being a friend.
  5. Lynn O’ Connacht. For many many good conversations about books, including plenty of recommendations and shared books!
  6. Ryan from SpecFic Junkie. For much encourage, chatter about books, and the general takeover of Habitica with things about books.
  7. Cait from Paper Fury. For a disproportionate number of giggles to how long I’ve been following her blog/twitter.
  8. To all the friends who know books are the best way to distract me. And there’s certainly been some tough times where I’ve needed this.
  9. To all of you who comment and like my posts. Otherwise it’d be a bit lonely around here.
  10. To Helen Hippo. For being my constant companion through universes fictional and real, even if I have worn most of her fur off.

’nuff said, I think.

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“Guess my privilege must be on the fritz”

Posted November 23, 2015 by Nicky in General / 3 Comments

Are you familiar with the idea of privilege? If not, there are tons of 101 resources out there to explain it fully, and I’m not going to reiterate what other people have said at any length, especially since no doubt other people have said it better. The gist is: privilege is an advantage you’re born with, which you haven’t earned, due to the weight of history, culture, etc. It can derive from nationality or gender or sexuality or your educational opportunities as a kid. It can be different depending on where you live in the world, who you’re interacting with, etc.

What it is not: a guarantee that your life is going to be easier. That barriers will be removed and doors will be open. It is, as John Scalzi put it, a difficulty setting, which in games never guarantees you won’t have trouble with a particular boss or area or whatever.

So when something bad happens to you, that is not your privilege going “on the fritz”. Nothing about privilege promises that you’re going to be okay. It just says that you’re going to have an easier time if you’re born to a rich family than a poor one, if you have good nutrition growing up rather than starving, if you live in a war-free country rather than one in which a civil war is raging. You know, the obvious.

And just because you’re — for the sake of argument — straight, white and male, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other modifiers that can make things easier or harder. If you have a mental illness, then you might have trouble getting support and your illness can hold you back. If you’re from a poor background, being straight, white and male isn’t going to magically overcome all those hurdles.

You’ll just most likely have an easier time than a straight white trans* person with mental health issues, or a straight brown male from a poor background, because you’re not discriminated against for those additional reasons. And there might be other factors that cause problems for you: privilege is a subtle thing and the categories we’re using are broad. You might also have other advantages. Nobody is disputing that on an individual level, everyone will have some bad luck, denied opportunities, unfortunate interactions, etc.

If you’re honestly using your own misfortunes as some kind of symbol that privilege isn’t real, you’re just putting up a straw man argument against the concept of privilege. Nobody said you personally would have everything handed to you on a silver platter because of an accident of birth. It’s all about likelihood, intersectionality, location location location.

Your privilege isn’t “on the fritz”. When we’re talking about privilege, we’re talking about on average and in general. It’s a background advantage, as shown in studies that display a bias against groups. Having a “black name”, for example, means your CV is discarded more often than that of a white person (in the US). And the thing is, you can say that you’ve “never noticed” any bias toward you, and I’ll believe you — but that’s because you (and the society you grew up in) treat it as normal. It is normal, to you. That doesn’t make it right if, on average, other people are losing out because you retain that privilege.

And even if you don’t know what to do to change this, you can listen. You can be aware. And when someday you find yourself in the position of, say, choosing who to employ, you can be aware of your kneejerk biases.

Note: I wrote about this here because my first experiences of being told I had privilege came from members of the book blogging community, eight years ago now. It’s something being addressed by #WeNeedDiverseBooks and such movements in the bookish community — and I don’t think I’m the only one who first came into this discussion thinking, “But I just love books. Why do we gotta have all these labels? Why should I pay attention to the ethnicity of the authors I read?” And there are people coming into this discussion for the first time all the time.

Ultimately, you have to figure out the answers for yourself; it doesn’t work to just be told, you have to understand, and that can take longer. But here’s my answer: because I love books, I want everyone to be able to find themselves in books, to feel like they are welcome and have a place and that their dreams line the walls of libraries the same as anyone else’s. The labels are there because a lot of people think that way, because it’s a convenient way to get an overview of the industry, because people with shared experiences stick together and that identity becomes a way to more easily communicate. The problem arises because some labels get marked as “special interest only”, while others are considered to be of universal interest because, historically, that group is used to being the default.

It’s a sucky problem. We can get access to a lot more awesome books by making sure we go beyond the default, and showing the market that demand is there. So instead of asking why we should do that — why not?

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Stacking the Shelves

Posted November 21, 2015 by Nicky in General / 14 Comments

Hello, everyone! This week, I have a relatively small haul — I think it might be the first time in a while I’ve really shown any restraint! I’m now trying not to buy any books until Christmas, so it’ll hopefully just be library books from here on out… I have just one new-to-me owned book this week, and that came via Illumicrate (which I need to review).

Cover of Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin

I’ve heard a lot about this one, so I’m excited for it!


Cover of The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie Cover of Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie Cover of Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie

Cover of Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey Cover of Arrow's Flight by Mercedes Lackey Cover of Arrow's Fall by Mercedes Lackey

Cover of Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater Cover of Wolfhound Century by Peter Higgins

The Abercrombie books are rereads; I’ve never read Mercedes Lackey and spotted the omnibus of those at the library and thought, eh, why not?; Cait @ Paper Fury demanded I read some Maggie Stiefvater; and finally, I had access to Wolfhound Century on Netgalley… many moons ago. It’s time I actually reviewed it.

How’s everyone been? Interesting hauls? Tell!

Incidentally, I recently passed my 1,000th post and my 1,000th follower, and this is my 100th STS post. Definitely time to celebrate! But, does anyone know of a giveaway widget that works with WordPress-hosted blogs? Rafflecopter does not, as I recall.

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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted November 17, 2015 by Nicky in General / 20 Comments

I’m not a big collector of quotes, so I took this week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt as a challenge to go through Goodreads looking at what quotes other people have liked from books I read recently, and pick my favourites. Let’s see…

  1. “I missed you every hour. And you know what the worst part was? It caught me completely by surprise. I’d catch myself just walking around to find you, not for any reason, just out of habit, because I’d seen something that I wanted to tell you about or because I wanted to hear your voice. And then I’d realize that you weren’t there anymore, and every time, every single time, it was like having the wind knocked out of me. I’ve risked my life for you. I’ve walked half the length of Ravka for you, and I’d do it again and again and again just to be with you, just to starve with you and freeze with you and hear you complain about hard cheese every day. So don’t tell me why we don’t belong together.”
    -Mal to Alina in Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. Because eeeh.
  2. “Nobody’s lives just fit together. Fitting together is something you work at. It’s something you make happen – because you love each other.”
    -From Rainbow Rowell’s Landline. Because it’s true.
  3. “Maybe I’ll post a consumer review. ‘Brought product to surface of Mars. It stopped working. 0/10.’”
    -Mark Watney in Andy Weir’s The Martian. Because I know some people who would.
  4. “I can’t give you the white picket fence, and if I did, you’d set it on fire.”
    -Curran to Kate in Magic Bleeds, by Ilona Andrews. Because I have a weakness for reading about relationships like that.
  5. “You can’t trust everything that ass Plato wrote,” Sokrates said.
    -From The Just City, by Jo Walton. Hear hear!
  6. “Books… are like lobster shells, we surround ourselves with ’em, then we grow out of ’em and leave ’em behind, as evidence of our earlier stages of development.”
    -From The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, by Dorothy L. Sayers. Quite true!
  7. “ ‘In our inmost and secret heart, which you ask us to bare to you, we wish to banish them as we were banished, to a cold and lonely house, in the charge of a man who hated us. And we wish them trapped there as we were trapped.’
    ‘You consider that unjust, Serenity?’
    ‘We consider it cruel,’ Maia said. ‘And we do not think that cruelty is ever just.’ ”
    -From The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison. Pretty much sums up exactly why I loved the book.
  8. “In everyone’s life there are people who stay and people who go and people who are taken against their will.”
    -From Karen Joy Fowler’s We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves. Truth.
  9. “The most important thing is to be true to yourself, however you feel, and not try to feel or behave differently because you think you should, or someone has told you how you must feel. But do think about it. Unexamined feelings lead to all kinds of trouble.”
    -From Clariel, by Garth Nix. Because it’s a good point.
  10. “A book is a door, you know. Always and forever. A book is a door into another place and another heart and another world.”
    -From The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There, by Catherynne M. Valente. Just one wise snippet from a book with quite a few wise things to say!

I’ll be interested to see what other people have come up with — and how they came up with them! I just used Goodreads and browsed through quotes which obviously have already been thought significant by previous readers…

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Shelfie Hop!

Posted November 16, 2015 by Nicky in General / 14 Comments

Hello everyone! Today I’m participating in the Shelfie Hop organised by Bookiemoji and My Friends Are Fiction. Turns out there’s quite a lot of us and you can visit everyone using this list!


At the moment, my shelves are woefully unorganised/separated, so I can’t really proudly share a photo of all of them. But I do have a photo of my current library “shelf” and, well, it… might amuse.

Photo of my library shelf/stack/avalanche

That’s not even all of them. /covers self in shame



Stacking the Shelves

Posted November 14, 2015 by Nicky in General / 18 Comments

I’ve been pretty stressed out this week keeping up with work stuff, but fortunately I had a library trip last weekend! This was a library I’ve only just joined, where I found they let me have 20 books at once! So naturally, that’s what I did — though many of the books I borrowed are ones I technically own but can’t access right now. These are the new ones!


Cover of Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs Cover of Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs Cover of Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs

Cover of River Marked by Patricia Briggs Cover of Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs Cover of I Am J by Cris Beam

Cover of Blood and Feathers by Lou Morgan Cover of Wolves by Simon Ings Cover of Wolfsbane Winter by Jane Fletcher

Yep, so glad they have the Patricia Briggs books so I can catch up a bit! The others are mostly stuff I’ve been interested in for a while.


Cover of Grave Secrets of Dinosaurs Cover of The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean

I liked Sam Kean’s book about neurology, so I’m planning to read The Disappearing Spoon and The Violinist’s Thumb, the latter whenever my reservation comes in. And the other book? Well, dinosaurs!

Hope everyone’s well, getting good books, and that any followers in France are safe and secure after the attacks of Friday night.

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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted November 10, 2015 by Nicky in General / 2 Comments

This week’s theme is about book to movie adaptations, and I’m not that interested in cinema. So instead I’m going to talk about what I’d like to see adapted into audiobook format, with a full cast!

  1. The later Dark is Rising sequence books, Susan Cooper. Preferably with the original cast from the BBC adaptation of the first two, but the kids will all have grown up and some of the actors might even be retired or dead, so I’m aware this is totally mad.
  2. Sunshine, Robin McKinley. Come on, it’d be amazing. And they could have the sound effects of the kitchen work and make everyone hungry.
  3. Chalice, Robin McKinley. I love this even more than Sunshine. You could do this really well as something short and atmospheric, I think…
  4. Ben Aaronovitch’s books. I have no idea if a full casGt audio adaptation exists, but it would be awesome if it did.
  5. Seaward, Susan Cooper. It’d be beautiful, I think. You wouldn’t need a big cast — keep it minimal. Five or six actors.
  6. Anything by Patricia McKillip. It might make them more accessible to an audience who don’t so much like her prose style!
  7. Gifts, Ursula Le Guin. With the oral storytelling stuff in this trilogy, surely this’d make a good one.

And existing ones which I need to listen to include the BBC’s versions of Neverwhere and Good Omens, and Ellen Kushner’s Swordspoint. If they’re not perfect, they can go down as numbers 8-10!

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Stacking the Shelves

Posted November 7, 2015 by Nicky in General / 25 Comments

Well! This week has certainly been a busy week for me. I spent the first part of the week in London with my partner, laying waste to Forbidden Planet, Waterstones Piccadilly and Foyles… not to mention the British Museum’s bookshop. (There were some museums, too, yes!) Then I spent the latter half of the week (re)acquainting myself with the libraries local to my parents, since I’m going to be staying here almost all the time I’m not with my partner in Belgium.

Fiction purchased

Cover of Spin State by Chris Moriarty Cover of The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee Cover of Blindsight by Peter Watts

Cover of Conservation of Shadows by Yoon Ha Lee Cover of On Basilisk Station by David Weber Cover of The Honor of the Queen by David Weber

Cover of Radiance by Catherynne M. Valente Cover of Our Lady of the Ice by Cassandra Rose Clarke Cover of Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs

Cover of Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs Cover of Newt's Emerald by Garth Nix Cover of A Legend of the Future by Agustin de Rojas

I’m looking forward to quite a few of these. And thanks to Forbidden Planet, my copy of Newt’s Emerald is signed.

Non-fiction purchased

Cover of Britain BC by Francis Pryor Cover of Britain AD by Francis Pryor Cover of Britain After Rome

Cover of A History of Ancient Egypt by John Romer Cover of The Undivided Past by David Cannadine

A fairly random selection, all from the British Museum’s bookshop. I love getting my hands on new non-fiction.


Cover of Railhead by Philip Reeve Cover of The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle Cover of the Book of the Damned by Tanith Lee

Cover of the Book of the Beast by Tanith Lee Cover of The Book of the Dead by Tanith Lee Cover of Book of the Mad by Tanith Lee

Cover of Catastrophes and Other Lesser Calamities by Tony Hallam Cover of Freaks of Nature by Mark Blumberg Cover of The New Wild by Fred Pearce

Another interesting mix, of course! I have no idea when I think I’m going to get round to all this, but it’s fun anyway.

How’s everyone else doing?

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November TBR

Posted November 5, 2015 by Nicky in General / 2 Comments

What do you mean it’s already November? Gaaah!

So I’m not going to be too proscriptive about what I read in November, because it’s still a pretty high stress time for me. So here’s a bunch of books I want to get read, in moderately disorganised categories!


  • Of Sorrow and Such, Angela Slatter.
  • Armada, Ernest Cline.
  • The Palace Job, Patrick Weekes.
  • The Seventh Bride, T. Kingfisher.
  • Of Bone and Thunder, Chris Evans.

Phryne Fisher

  • Blood and Circuses, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Ruddy Gore, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Urn Burial, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Raisins and Almonds, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Death Before Wicket, Kerry Greenwood.
  • Away With the Fairies, Kerry Greenwood.

Other in-progress series

  • Siege and Storm, Leigh Bardugo.
  • Ruin and Rising, Leigh Bardugo.
  • Ancillary Mercy, Ann Leckie.
  • The Dark Arts of Blood, Freda Warrington.
  • The Boy Who Lost Fairyland, Catherynne M. Valente.
  • Dragon Coast, Greg van Eekhout.


  • A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula Le Guin.
  • The Tombs of Atuan, Ursula Le Guin.
  • The Furthest Shore, Ursula Le Guin.
  • Tehanu, Ursula Le Guin.
  • The Other Wind, Ursula Le Guin.
  • Tales from Earthsea, Ursula Le Guin.


  • The Better Angels of Our Nature, Steven Pinker.
  • Newt’s Emerald, Garth Nix.
  • London Falling, Paul Cornell.
  • Badgerlands, Patrick Barkham.
  • Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities, Tony Hallam.
  • The Mirror World of Melody Black, Gavin Extence.
  • At the Edge of Uncertainty, Michael Brooks.
  • The Accident Season, Moira Fowley-Doyle.

There may well be other stuff, which I will probably add under ‘random’ once I’ve consumed it!


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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted November 3, 2015 by Nicky in General / 8 Comments

Of the options for this week, the theme is “Top Ten Debut Authors Who Have Me Looking Forward To Their Sophomore Novel” or “Top Ten Sophomore Novels That I Loved Just As Much If Not More As The Author’s Debut”. Because I’m fickle, I’m going to do this one somewhat randomly based on both prompts.

  1. Pacific Fire, Greg van Eekhout. I wasn’t sure about California Bones, but Pacific Fire won me over and I just had to get Dragon Coast.
  2. The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien. I mean, The Hobbit was okay, but I think it’s The Lord of the Rings that really cemented Tolkien’s reputation.
  3. Moon Over Soho, Ben Aaronovitch. Every subsequent book has made me more of a fan of the series.
  4. Crown of Midnight, Sarah J. Maas. I wasn’t sure if I was into the series until I read Crown of Midnight.
  5. Red Seas Under Red Skies, Scott Lynch. I loved The Lies of Locke Lamora, and I wasn’t sure if Lynch could keep it up. He could.
  6. The Wrong Goodbye, Chris F. Holm. I was worried the second book would be too much like the first, that the fun wouldn’t hold out. It did!
  7. Huntress, Malinda Lo. I liked this waaaay more than Ash.
  8. The Blasted Lands, James A. Moore. This is a second book that I’m looking forward to. I know it’s out and has been a while. Shush. I’m behind.
  9. Jacqueline Koyanagi. There’s gonna be more after Ascension, right? Right??
  10. Seth Dickinson. Gimme more Baru!

I’m really bad at keeping track of debut authors and so on, so I’m gonna be interested to see what other people have come up with this week. Maybe I’d better keep some paper at the ready for taking notes…

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