Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted February 15, 2025 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

Good afternoon! As ever, it’s been a busy week for me, but I’m on track with my studying etc etc, so that means a nice chill weekend (as long as I’m on track, I like to make sure my weekends are work- and study-free zones). Reading time!

…And an eye test and such, but you know, there’s still plenty of time for reading around that.

Acquired this week

This week featured a trip to the library, a new book from my wife, and a book via my British Library Crime Classics subscription. So without further ado, here are the books I picked for myself at the library:

Cover of Fighting Fit by Laura Dawes Cover of Midnight at Malabar House by Vaseem Khan Cover of Lost Wonders by Tom Lathan

And here’s the books I got from the “blind date with a book” display left over from Christmas — I felt so bad that they’d gone to a lot of effort to wrap them beautifully and hand-decorate them, etc, and there were still a bunch left, so I grabbed all the SF/F ones. I’ll try all three!

Cover of King of Ashes by Raymond E. Feist Cover of The Blue, Beautiful World by Karen Lord Cover of Spirits Abroad by Zen Cho

I thought I might’ve read Spirits Abroad before, but apparently not, and I’ve read Feist and Lord’s work before and enjoyed it, so all in all, not a bad match for me for something chosen just because it was SF/F!

And then there’s the books I got in the mail, with thanks to my wife for the third Hilary Tamar book by Sarah Caudwell!

Cover of The Ten Teacups by Carter Dickson Cover of The Sirens Sang of Murder by Sarah Caudwell

I already finished The Sirens Sang of Murder —Ā I’m really loving this series, and irritated the fourth book doesn’t seem to be readily available — and I’m eager to readĀ The Ten Teacups, since I’ve started enjoying John Dickson Carr/Carter Dickson’s work. It’s an “impossible mystery” again (which he was famous for), so I’m very curious how he makes it work this time.

Posts from this week

Aaand here’s the roundup of reviews:

And a What Are You Reading Wednesday post, as well, of course!

What I’m reading

As usual, let’s start with a sneak peek at the books I’ve finished this week which I plan to review on the blog…

Cover of The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger Cover of Brighter than Scale, Swifter than Flame by Neon Yang Cover of Volatile Memory by Seth Haddon Cover of The Bloodless Princess by Charlotte Bond Cover of The Apothecary Diaries (light novel) volume 2

Cover of Unlikeable Female Characters: The Women Pop Culture Wants You To Hate, by Anna BogutskayaĀ Cover of The Sirens Sang of Murder by Sarah Caudwell Cover of The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young Cover of Drake Hall by Christina Baehr

Over the weekend, I plan to amuse myself by continuing to avoid a bingo on my BookSpinBingo card on Litsy (latest update to it posted here), so I’ll probably read The Tomb of Dragons (Katherine Addison),Ā A Pirate’s Life for TeaĀ (Rebecca Thorne) and Sir Hereward & Mister Fitz (Garth Nix).

But, as ever, I’ll also just go wherever my whim takes me.

Linking up with Reading Realityā€™s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewerā€™s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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26 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

  1. mae

    I also like sarah caudwell ā€¦ does show four books available. I think Iā€™ve read only three of them, you make me think I should get the fourth.
    bestā€¦ mae at

    • I managed to find a copy of the fourth one in a different edition, so the cover design won’t match but oh well! I’m looking forward to giving it a shot, though apparently it was written significantly after the others.

  2. Lost Wonders definitely sounds like a book I’d love to read. But, sadly, none of my libraries have a copy. That seems unexpected. Maybe it’s still early days here.

    I also am very interested in reading The Light Eaters soon.

    • I think it’s quite new, so maybe it’s just a matter of time! It was definitely on the “new” books shelf in the library, and I spotted it in new releases in the bookshop yesterday, too.

      The Light Eaters was okay but I think got away from itself sometimes in enthusiasm about stuff that’s not yet proved.

    • I haven’t read anything by Raymond E. Feist in a looong time, but I did love his books as a kid. So I’m hoping I’ll enjoy this one! I’m at least going to give it a try, since the library folks went to such effort to set up the “blind dates”.

  3. Wonderful book haul. I havenā€™t tried a blind date with a book yet. Iā€™m always concerned Iā€™ll spend the money but it will be a book I wouldnā€™t read. I hope you have a great week!

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