Wednesday, huh? Time flies.
What have you recently finished reading?
This morning I just finished up Sing Like Fish, by Amorina Kingdon, which is an exploration of how sound is experienced underwater by creatures actually adapted for it. It was fascinating: because we sometimes think as humans that the world underwater is very quiet (though I think people are more aware of whalesong etc now than when it was dubbed “the silent world”), we’re not aware of a whole panoply of sounds made by fish, marine mammals, etc.
What are you currently reading?
I’m partway through a couple of things, but I don’t really have a single “main read” now that I’ve finished Sing Like Fish; they’re all kind of on the backburner. I need to return to A Sweet Sting of Salt, by Rose Sutherland, I think — it’s quite… I guess “literary” in tone, and I wasn’t in the mood, but I don’t want to stall on it for too long because I do like it.
I also want to return to my definitely stalled read of The Spellshop. Luckily I brought both of those with me on my trip away from home, so maybe with a bit less going on in terms of video games, etc, I’ll make some real progress.
I’m also partway through reading The Leavenworth Case (Anna Katharine Green) via Serial Reader. It’s such a classic, I’m kinda surprised I never picked it up before. It’s more an interesting read than one I’m enjoying, in that it’s very of-it’s-time in gender roles etc etc, but it’s fun to actually experience a book this influential at first hand.
What will you be reading next?
I don’t know exactly! I brought 15 books with me for a week away, plus my ereader, so I have choices. Right now I’m feeling very called to a reread of The Witness for the Dead and The Grief of Stones (Katherine Addison), ready for the third (final?) book, which I have as an ARC.
Non-fiction-wise, I’m feeling pretty tempted by The Immune Mind (Monty Lyman), since I’m currently studying immunology. I feel a little leery of books where the author’s title of Dr is on the cover, to be honest — I find it sometimes means the author’s throwing around a qualification that has nothing to do with the subject in order to boost their credibility — but this was reviewed positively by a science magazine I read, so… we’ll see.
How’s everyone else doing? Reading anything good?
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