WWW Wednesday

Posted January 8, 2025 by Nicky in General / 1 Comment

Wednesday again already! Well, at least I feel I have more to report this time…

Cover of What An Owl Knows by Jennifer AckermanWhat have you recently finished reading?

I just finished up What an Owl Knows, by Jennifer Ackerman. It’s an investigation of owls and how they do what they do, what exactly they do, and also how humans interact with and impact them. I learned some fascinating stuff, for instance that a particular species of screech owl catches blind snakes (they’re tiny) and carries them to its nest, and the snake then keeps the nest clear of e.g. maggots and so on. Baby owls that grow up with blind snakes in the nest grow 50% faster and healthier.

Cover of Tea on Sunday by Lettice CooperWhat are you currently reading?

I’ve plunged into Tea on Sunday, by Lettice Cooper, which I think was December’s book from my British Library Crime Classics subscription (which sends me the most recently published book in the series each month). It’s not actually that old, from the ’70s, but as the introduction says, it has a very classic feel all the same. I’m enjoying it well enough so far; it’s the slow and methodical type, and I feel like the first 100 pages have been mostly giving us character portraits of the suspects. Which is not a complaint!

Via Serial Reader, I’m now finally reading Anna K. Green’s The Leavenworth Case; it’s such a classic that I’ve meant to read it for a long time. I’m not very far into it yet, though.

Cover of The Spellshop by Sarah Beth DurstWhat will you be reading next?

I’m not sure, to be honest. I’ve been a bit slow and uninspired with my reading, so I want to make sure it’s something that grabs my attention. Perhaps I’ll return to The Spellshop — I only stalled out on that because I switched to some more seasonal reading, and I do want to finish it.

What about you?

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