Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted November 23, 2024 by Nicky in General / 23 Comments

Hurrah for the weekend!

I’m a little behind on comments/blog visits, but I’m finally starting to get back on track with my studies, so I’m calling this week a win. Looking forward to spending time today visiting other blogs, replying to comments, etc, etc.

Books acquired this week

There was no library trip this week owing to the wintery weather: first it was too cold for me to cycle without gloves, and then once the gloves arrived, sadly everything’s covered in ice. It’s supposed to warm up a bit this weekend, so we’ll see how that goes.

Nonetheless, I did get some new books! I discovered the Inklings series, from 404 Ink. They’re on a very random range of topics, in a way that delights me, so I’ve snagged quite a few — they’ll serve as quick reads to maybe start catching up with my reading goal for this year.

Cover of The End by Katie Goh Cover of Now Go by Karl Thomas Smith Cover of Blind Spot by Maud Rowell

Cover of They Came to Slay by Thom James Carter Cover of Machine Readable Me by Zara Rahman Cover of The Loki Variations by Karl Johnson

And I did also get a couple more books from my wife, namely these:

Cover of The New University by James Coe Cover of Stonehenge by Francis Pryor Cover of Breakfast Cereal by Kathryn Cornell Dolan

So as you see, it’s been a bookish week, and I’ve inhaled many of them already! (The Inklings books are quite short.)

Posts from this week

First up, the roundup of reviews posted this week:

And other posts:

What I’m reading

Well, as usual let’s start with a sneak peek at what I’ve finished reading this week…

Cover of All the Violet Tiaras, by Jean Menzies Cover of Breakfast Cereal by Kathryn Cornell Dolan Cover of Stonehenge by Francis Pryor Cover of Agatha Christie, by Lucy Worsley

Cover of The New University by James Coe Cover of The Loki Variations by Karl Johnson Cover of Now Go by Karl Thomas Smith Cover of The End by Katie Goh

As for what I’m reading over the weekend, I’m just finishing up with another of the Inklings books, Blind Spot, and then I want to finish Carolyn Wells’ Murder in the Bookshop and Sarah Beth Durst’s The Spellshop. I also want to get back to Amal El-Mohtar’s The River Has Roots.

I need to read 80 more books by the end of the year to reach my stretch reading goal, and it’s looking very far away and unlikely… but we’ll see how it goes.

How’s everyone else doing? Reading anything good?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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23 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

  1. mae

    I believe I have read other food histories in the “Edible” series — I wonder what their definition of breakfast cereal is. Asian rice porridge? Irish oatmeal? Or are we sticking to the modern mostly American and limited definition of cold, mainly sweetened flakes or puffs? I await your review.

    best… mae at

  2. Those books seem all very interesting. I still get a dopamine hit whenever I buy physical books (although I enjoy reading on my Kindle, it’s not quite the same). Now, in a bit of a contradiction, I would start by reading The End. Cheers!

    • Yeah, I stopped going to physical libraries because of COVID too. Now I go, but wear a mask. I’m the only one I’ve seen there who still does, so I limit my time in there too.

  3. They Came To Slay and Stonehenge are two I’d like to read. I’m not familiar with that sries but will check those out.

    Hope you’ve been well!

  4. The Inkling series are interesting (and perfect for people trying to finish off my Nonfiction Reader Challenge before the end of the year). Having been ill I’m also very far behind on my Goodreads challenge by 71 books! Never mind, there’s always next year.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  5. I’m just starting to think about what I might like to read for next week. That’s always fun.
    I like the idea of the Inklings series. You introduced me to the Object Lessons series earlier this year, and I hope to read more of those one of these days.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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