Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted October 12, 2024 by Nicky in General / 26 Comments

Hurrah for the weekend! I’m hoping to spend it mostly chilling out, but I do need to catch up on comments once more. One day I’ll be less terminally behind!

For now, here’s the weekly roundup.

Books acquired this week

This week it’s just library books, nothing new in the mail or on my ereader. I’d hoped a couple of holds would come in, but they hadn’t by the time I got down to the library, but I found myself some interesting alternatives anyway!

Cover of Feeding the Monster by Anna Bogutskaya Cover of The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer Cover of The Curator by Owen King

Cover of The Umbrella Academy vol 1 Cover of Arch-Conspirator by Veronica Roth

I’ve already read three of those, so apparently it was a very inspiring library trip!

Posts from this week

Here’s the reviews I’ve posted this week:

And other posts:

What I’m reading

It’s been quite a busy week for reading, with quite a few books finished that I plan to review on the blog. Here’s a sneak peek!

Cover of Nothing But The Truth by The Secret Barrister Cover of Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker Cover of But Not Too Bold by Hache Pueyo Cover of The Umbrella Academy vol 1

Cover of Arch-Conspirator by Veronica Roth Cover of .self Cover of Feeding the Monster by Anna Bogutskaya Cover of The Book at War by Andrew Pettegree

There are a couple of others I don’t plan to review, so it really has been a good week for it. I’m not sure what my weekend reading will be, to be honest. I want to whittle down the number of books I’m reading at once, so most likely one priority will be finishing my reread of Record of a Spaceborn Few (Becky Chambers). Other than that… I’ll let my whim guide me.

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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26 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

  1. I haven’t read any of your books but the cover of The Lost Story caught my eye, as does every cover with vrabrant blues.
    Hope it’s a good one.

  2. mae

    Libraries are wonderful, and our town has a good one. Plus if I want something obscure, the University has one of the top libraries in the country.You remind me to ask myself this: why did I get out of the habit of getting books from the library!?
    HAVE A GOOD WEEK… mae at

  3. I probably won’t get around to reading it, even though it sounds good, so could you please tell us, briefly, why DOES horror have such a hold on us? I mean, why in the WORLD do we enjoy being scared out of our wits? LOL

      • See my answer below! Though I’m not sure if the author would agree with my points — I think she has a more nuanced view of it, most likely, given that I’m not a horror fan myself!

    • Oof, it’s difficult to be brief! But after reading the book and putting together my own thoughts, I think 1) there’s a huge enjoyment for a lot of people in being scared (but knowing you’re actually safe), and 2) horror can be a way of externalising something you’re anxious about and looking at it, and robbing it of a bit of its power.

  4. Great job on getting so much reading done this week! It’s impressive that you finished four books and have several others in progress. I also look forward to your review of “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.” Agatha Christie is a classic author, and her mysteries are always thought-provoking.

    Thanks for sharing your weekly reading update!

    • I actually finished eight, and already reviewed The Murder of Roger Ackroyd — you can find the link right where you spotted the four books you thought I’d read this week. 🙂 Looks like you got the sections mixed up.

  5. Even when the books you are hoping for do not arrive, I always manage to find books at the library that I am eager to read. You certainly had a great reading week.

    Sometimes I worry that I’m juggling too many books at once, but I think it’s honestly the way I like to read best.

    • Yes, I’m enjoying browsing the “new books” section and just picking up whatever grabs my attention.

      I had around 20 books partly read when I started trying to whittle it down a bit, ahaha. Now I’m getting more in the realm of manageable; I just got to six being read simultaneously (not counting an audiobook and whatever I have going in Serial Reader). I’ll probably stick to something like this… otherwise, I always neglect something.

  6. Wow! That’s a lot of books to read. I have to keep my acquisitions much smaller than that or I won’t get done. You also get through a lot of reviews. That’s amazing!

  7. I’m always amazed by readers who keep a number of books going at the same time. I’m the more boring type who likes to go through one at a time, excepting only for how to (right now on fasting) and cookbooks. I read reviews and put the ones that sound good on my library reserve list. Which I just did with The Lost Story. Then when I begin, a number will go right back into my library book bag.

  8. Ooohh, that looks like a good haul and a good reading week for you! I just recently finished a reread for A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet and I want to continue with the next books too! I’ve read the second book, but Record of a Spaceborn Few will be a new read. I hope you enjoy your reread!

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