Top Ten Tuesday: Posts That Reveal Me

Posted August 27, 2024 by Nicky in General / 8 Comments

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is for posts that give you the best glimpse of me. Let’s give it a shot…

  1. Guilty Pleasures. To quote this post, “fuck that noise”. I don’t believe in ’em. I went all the way back to 2015 looking at my discussion posts, found this one, and agree with every word of it still. No such thing as a guilty pleasure.
  2. Spoilers! Also an old post, and still true: I like spoilers. I have read all sorts of stuff about the later sections of Heaven Official’s Blessing, and it really adds to the experience for me.
  3. Why reread? This is a topic that’s come up over and over again: I like to reread books I enjoy, and re-experience them. There’s another more recent post, and it’s not even the only one…
  4. On giving up, but positively and Discussion: Putting the Joy Back Into It. Both of these are about reading/blogging habits I wanted to stop in order to stop feeling a sense of obligation around blogging. I can’t say I’ve always stuck to these resolutions, but it is something that’s important to me in reading and blogging: I’m not doing it as a job, I’m doing it for fun.
  5. Discussion: Real Life. How much should you talk about your real life on your blog? I guess that depends on you, but I’m fairly open about mine (while keeping it mostly about the books).
  6. Why haven’t you read ___ yet? And here you will learn that I’m contrary, and if everyone wants me to read something, I… probably won’t.
  7. Review: Return of the Black Death: The World’s Greatest Serial Killer, by Susan Scott & Christopher J. Duncan. The book is arrant nonsense. My reaction to it is probably pretty telling about the kind of person I am.
  8. Top Ten Tuesday: Reading Memories. This is a recent one — but what better way to know me than through my most salient memories of reading?
  9. Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’ve Read The Most By. You can know me by the books I love…
  10. Top Ten Tuesday: Things I’d Have At My Bookish Party. My idea of a “party” is pretty telling, I think.

That was harder than I thought, because these days I mostly post reviews, Top Ten Tuesday, WWW Wednesday and Stacking the Shelves/Sunday Post. But I think you can still get a solid idea of who I am and who I’ve been!

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8 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Posts That Reveal Me

  1. I totally agree with you on the Guilty Pleasures thing. If you get enjoyment out of a book, that’s a good thing.

    I rarely read romance, but I sure do enjoy ghost stories. No guilt needed. 🙂

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    • It’s often just people being snobbish, too, and shows that they’re looking down on something other people like… Why would you want to do that, right?!

  2. I love these! I agree so much about giving up, but positively! I feel like there’s a bit of a toxic culture around not giving up and making people feel like a failure when they do. I don’t see a reason to keep going on certain things when they don’t serve their purpose anymore, and I think the toxic culture isn’t helping because it just wastes everyone’s time and makes everyone miserable when you feel like you “should” keep going. You write such thoughtful posts!

    • Yes, definitely! It’s so poisonous to fun to feel obligated to keep on doing things the same way even when it’s not working for you.

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