Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted July 13, 2024 by Nicky in General / 21 Comments

Life’s just about back to normal after my holiday, though I’m due to spend much of my weekend on the new Extreme fights in FFXIV, so I’m not sure how much reading I’ll fit in! And hopefully I’ll be able to do some blog visiting; it’s been quiet around here!

Books acquired this week

This week I got both my British Library Crime Classic book for this month and Juneau Black’s new release, Summer’s End. I’m pretty excited about the latter, though the crime should be fun too!

Cover of Tour de Force by Christianna Brand Cover of Summer's End by Juneau Black

I’ve already started on Summer’s End!

Posts from this week

As usual, here’s a roundup of what I’ve been posting.

And a throwback freebie Top Ten Tuesday post:

What I’m reading

As mentioned, I’ve been digging into Summer’s End, but otherwise this week it’s been mostly rereads (including a reread of the Narnia books, inspired by the Top Ten Tuesday post). I did finish one new-to-me book, though:

Cover of Threading the Labyrinth by Tiffany Angus

I’m sure I’ll post the review soon, but… I was unfortunately pretty underwhelmed by this one.

Hope everyone’s having a great weekend!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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21 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

  1. mae

    Your book list really has impressive variety of genres — history, mystery, whatever!
    best, mae at

    • Yeah. I don’t want to be mean (or spoil anyone else’s fun!) but I do have to be honest, and sometimes that’s difficult without feeling like I’m dumping on something people worked hard on. Still, I’ve picked up books based on bad reviews (and enjoyed them) — so I know me not liking it doesn’t mean nobody will, by a long chalk.

  2. I used to be a person who never reread, but now I find that rereads tend to be fabulous. I’m not sure why. I do think I need to take a close look at your rereads list.

    Summer’s End has a fantastic cover. Enjoy!

    • Yeah, rereading can be a whole experience of its own.

      I’m tearing through Summer’s End, it’s so fun! Much like the rest of the series.

  3. That second cover is very pretty 🙂 Off to check out the books you could re-read forever. I’ve signed up for too many books to review lately. LOL

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