Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted June 30, 2024 by Nicky in General / 0 Comments

Good afternoon! Or possibly evening by the time I actually finish this. In the last couple of days I’ve been more busy playing Final Fantasy XIV’s new expansion, Dawntrail. Here’s my character embarking on the new journey!

Slightly tweaked screenshot of my character from Final Fantasy XIV, a human with short blue hair, pale blue eyes, and a black curling facial tattoo on the left side of their face. They wear an earing of a cute litte critter, and their hair is held back by a black bandanna. You can see the collar of their athletic shirt, which is red.

Books acquired this week

N/a! I’ve been too busy, and also not too concerned with collecting more books right now. Soon there are some books I really want coming out, so I’m saving my pennies for those.

Posts from this week

I’ve mostly kept up with posting, so I do have some posts to highlight!

And also one non-review post:

What I’m reading

Not a lot, thanks to the preoccupation with FFXIV. I did finish up with my reread of Juneau Black’s Shady Hollow books, so now I’m very ready for the new book. Not long now!

After that, I’ve dug into The Garden Jungle, by Dave Goulson — appropriate given that this year we’re letting our wildflower meadow expand a little more.

Other than that, nothing to report. Hope everyone’s weekend is going well!

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