WWW Wednesday

Posted April 3, 2024 by Nicky in General / 4 Comments

It’s WWW Wednesday time! That’s:

  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What will you read next?

Cover of Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne JonesWhat have you recently finished reading?

I just finished up listening to the audiobook of Diana Wynne Jones’ Howl’s Moving Castle, narrated by Kristin Atherton. I loved her narration, because she did all the voices, and did a good job of making Howl sound Welsh (which, minor spoiler, he is). I know the book well and have read it several times before, but I wanted something familiar to listen to while my hands and eyes were busy with something else. I’m not always great with audiobooks, tending to get fidgety, but this one was great.

Cover of Exposed: The Greek and Roman Body by Caroline VoutWhat are you currently reading?

A few books at once, as usual. Most actively, I’m halfway through one of the Edible series, this one Heather Arndt Anderson’s Chillies. Is it making me crave more tex-mex food than I normally already crave? Youuu betcha.

The other thing I’m partway through is Exposed: The Greek and Roman Body, by Caroline Vout, which is non-fiction and a bit heavier than I have braincells for just now.

What will you read next?

If Found, Return to Hell by Em X. Liu is top of my list right now. It’s a short one, and very tantalising. But as usual I plan to follow whatever passing whim shows up.

How about you?

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4 responses to “WWW Wednesday

    • I think I read imyril’s review of it? I think I’m thinking of the right one. Haven’t heard much else, but it sounds fun.

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