Today we have a guest post from my favourite person…
Hulk, the bunny
Over to her! Her spelling mistakes and typos have been corrected in the interests of readability.
Hi! I am a bunny. I like to nibble books, and here are the books I want to nibble.
- The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. In French. Because Mummy forgot to read me the end and I want to know how it ends.
- The dictionary. Lots of quality nibbles in there.
- The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis. It was used to keep me from rattling my cage before I lived in a pen. Vengeance will be mine.
- Among Others, by Jo Walton. Mummy and Mommy both like it.
- The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison. Because Mummy and Mommy read it a lot and I am jealous of it.
- The Buried Giant, by Kazuo Ishiguro. I have nibbled this a tiny bit in the past and I got a taste for it.
- There’s A Hippopotamus on my Roof Eating Cake, by Hazel Edwards. Because I want cake!
- Mary Berry’s Baking Bible. The things Mommy makes from it SMELL nice, but I’m never allowed any.
- The Lies of Locke Lamora, by Scott Lynch. Because Mommy says Locke is her “tiny thieving boyfriend” and she is not allowed anyone except Mummy so BYEBYE TINY THIEF.
- Anything else I can reach! Wait, Mummy says that’s cheating. It’s not. It’s not! I am not a cheating bunny.
Now comment and tell Mummy to give me ALL THE KERRIT [ed. she means carrot].
Oh BRAVO! Hulk, you have excellent taste
Hulk thanks you.
Go on then, pass Hulk the kerrits! (so cute!)
chucklesthescot recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday
She has received one bit of carrot per comment on this post!
Mummy! Give Hulk ALL THE KERRIT! Hulk might be too full to nibble the books, then…
Bunny says, are all these for me?
No KERRIT insight!
Hahaha, this is the most adorable list ever.
Jess @ Curiouser and Curiouser recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday | DiverseAThon Recommendations
I might be a bit nuts about my bunny.
I just want to knuddle her!!
Diane recently posted…Poetry Planet No. 16 Animals & Creatures – Show Notes
She would possibly allow this, if you asked nicely!
Awwww this so cute! Mummy give Hulk ALL THE KERRIT and AL THE KUDDLES.
I hear and obey!
Oh that is too cute!
Bunnies are the best. Hulk totally didn’t sponsor this comment.
Darling clever Hulk, you deserve all the kerrit for EACH one of those points! TEN TIMES ALL THE KERRIT!
She has received a substantial amount of kerrit, but cannot count beyond “two” (one, two, many), so she is not sure if she has received her due.