Unstacking the Shelves

Posted April 16, 2016 by Nicky in General / 6 Comments

This is a very quickly put together post, as I am on a tiny laptop in the middle of moving house! It hasn’t been a terrible week for reading, even though I had an assignment due as well, and I (gasp) haven’t bought any books!

Books read this week:

Cover of Century Rain by Alastair Reynolds Cover of SPQR by Mary Beard Cover of Death at the Bar, by Ngaio Marsh Cover of The Skeleton Cupboard by Tanya Byron

Reviews this week:
Wolves, by Simon Ings. Not a fan of this one, at all. Sometimes I couldn’t even tell what the individual sentences were supposed to mean. 1/5 stars
Wolfsbane Winter, by Jane Fletcher. This is fairly typical fantasy, except that it features a lesbian romance… and it’s maybe not exactly fantasy. 3/5 stars
A Civil Contract, by Georgette Heyer. This isn’t the most typical of Heyer’s romances, but I really liked it — it’s more about the process of negotiation and habituation that comes when two people live together and have to make their lives together. 4/5 stars
Tropic of Serpents, by Marie Brennan. A favourite series reread, so no surprises that I liked this a lot. 5/5 stars
Dreadful Skin, by Cherie Priest. Intriguing ideas — a nun hunting a werewolf — but sometimes shaky execution. 3/5 stars
The Stress of Her Regard, by Tim Powers. I’ve tried to read this a few times now, and finally I did finish it. But I’m still not a great fan. It might help if I were more of a fan of the Romantic poets… 2/5 stars
Flashback Friday: The Hundred and Ninety-nine Steps, by Michel Faber. The most powerful thing about this book — something I remember years after reading it — is the feeling of anxiety. Ughh. 2/5 stars

Other posts:
Top Ten TuesdayThis week I recommended stories with romance for those who might be reluctant to read romance as a genre.

How’s everyone doing? Anything exciting going on? Any books you just can’t wait to read?

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6 responses to “Unstacking the Shelves

  1. I dread to think what it would be like to move house with my book and dvd collection! It would take a whole fleet of moving vans! Hope you get sorted quickly and get some fun reading done.

    • I’m a bit used to it from my student years, and luckily, only half my collection was really here in the first place, since I lived half-here and half with my parents. Still, the van is mostly full of books!

  2. I am so far behind in my reading/reviewing. I knew it would be a lot of work to take on a beta read, and the author has been great about the feedback I’ve provided, but it’s certainly a huge time commitment. Looking forward to wrapping that up this weekend.

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