Stacking the Shelves

Posted April 25, 2015 by in General / 32 Comments

I’ve behaved myself shockingly well this week — no new books, no comics, and just a couple of library trips. Which is really odd, considering the readathon starts later today and normally I like stocking up… Hoping to pick up Crown of Midnight (Sarah J. Maas) from the library today, but it’s not open yet.

Cover of The Witch's Daughter by Paula Brackston Cover of Thunder on the Right by Mary Stewart Cover of Thornyhold by Mary Stewart

Cover of The Secret Museum by Molly Oldfield Cover of The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas Cover of A Dance in Blood Velvet by Freda Warrington

The Mary Stewart books are rereads, which I might revisit during the readathon… although I think Touch Not the Cat is the Stewart book I’ve read least recently, and I’m pretty sure I have a copy around here somewhere. The Secret Museum is one I’ve nearly finished; a fascinating exploration of all kinds of things too precious or difficult to display in traditional museums.

Oh, and I do have a review copy to be joyful over. Frances Hardinge’s latest!

Cover of The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge

Pretty excited about that one, even though I really need to stop requesting ARCs if I ever want to reach my goal of 80% ratio on Netgalley by the end of the year…

How’s everyone else been this week? Acquired anything shiny and interesting?

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32 responses to “Stacking the Shelves

  1. Bekka

    LOVE The Assassin’s Blade! I think it gives great perspective into who Celaena is. I also love the cover of The Witch’s Daughter. So gorgeous and still communicates the feel of the book. Great haul!

    Pretty Deadly Reviews

  2. Sadly to say I have only heard of The Assassin’s Blade. I don’t yet have this book yet but it sure does look good. Nice Haul and happy reading!

    My WOW
    -TopianGirl @TopianBooks

  3. I really want to read the Assassin’s Blade! Of course, I have to finish Throne of Glass before I do so…oops. The Netgalley 80% struggle….so hard. Every time I get close to the mark I screw it up. Great haul this week!

  4. “A Dance in Blood Velvet” <–the cover is drop dead gorgeous 0_______0 what is it about?

    ooh "The Assassin's Blade" 🙂 I have read a bit of that. I love "The Throne of Glass" series.

    Great haul 🙂

    Maura @

  5. Very nice! I’m not usually one to do short stories/anthologies from existing series, but Assassin’s Blade is one I’m willing to make an exception for because I like the books and I’ve heard this collection is pretty good!

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