Top Ten Tuesday

Posted April 7, 2015 by in General / 21 Comments

This week’s theme from The Broke and the Bookish is top ten characters you want to check in on after the story is done. This is an awesome one — there are so many characters I wonder about!

  1. Anyone fromĀ The Goblin EmperorĀ (Katherine Addison). Don’t make me choose (obviously I’d choose Maia and his wife if I had to).Ā I know she’s not going to write a sequel (as such), so I feel free to wonder about aaaaall of the characters. And I love them all, and even those who aren’tĀ nice… I want to know how things end up.
  2. Faramir fromĀ The Lord of the RingsĀ (J.R.R. Tolkien).Ā Total literary crush, ’nuff said. Plus, he’s with Eowyn, so you get a twofer there.
  3. Treebeard fromĀ The Lord of the Rings.Ā Tolkien’s Middle-earth becomes our Europe, after all. What happens to the Ents? Where are they hiding?
  4. Caspian fromĀ Prince Caspian/Voyage of the Dawn Treader (C.S. Lewis).Ā All of the books could’ve been about Caspian and Lucy having adventures and I’d have been happy.
  5. The Marquis de Carabas fromĀ NeverwhereĀ (Neil Gaiman).Ā He’s so awesome, and we know so little about him. Need to knooooowwww.
  6. Vetch from A Wizard of EarthseaĀ (Ursula Le Guin).Ā He was so faithful to Ged, and yet we don’t really know what happened to him.
  7. Esca fromĀ The Eagle of the NinthĀ (Rosemary Sutcliff).Ā We get a little bit of an idea what’s going to happen, but I want to know eveeerything.
  8. Mori fromĀ Among Others (Jo Walton).Ā I know a certain amount of this is autobiographical, and I know Jo a little. But I want to know aboutĀ Mori, where she goes, what she does. It could be anything.
  9. Peter Carmichael fromĀ theĀ Small Change trilogyĀ (Jo Walton).Ā We don’t end the trilogy with him in a good place. At all. I want to see him heal. Or not. I want to see what happens to him and to society.
  10. Con fromĀ Sunshine (Robin McKinley).Ā I love the vampire lore in this book, love the awkward alliance/bond that forms between Con and Sunshine. Give me moooore.

I wonder how weird my choices are compared to everyone else’s… Drop by and let me know!

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21 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Jade

    Faramir is an excellent choice. I wonder if he ever found someone to love and have a family with or if he remained a soldier.

  2. What a fantastic list! I’d love to take a peek into Faramir and Treebeard’s lives – I want to see Faramir and Eowyn raising a whole brood of badass kiddy winks.

    You may already be aware of this, but there’s an anthology called Rogues edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner R. Dozois which includes a story by Neil Gaiman called ‘How the Marquis Got His Coat Back’. šŸ™‚

  3. I agree, this was a really fun prompt! I, um, haven’t read any of these. I know, it is not great of me. BUT, I am quite interested in a few of them, so hopefully I will know about the characters at some point! Great list šŸ™‚

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